green wing

  1. M

    green wing macaw baby wanted in Nor-Cal

    Hello - Can anyone point me in the direction of a green wing macaw breeder in Nor-Cal? Looking for a hand fed fully weaned baby. Thanks!!!
  2. T

    Planning to get my 1st Green Winged Macaw

    Hi all macaw keepers, :red1: This is my first posts here. I live in Thailand where there's always sun and rain most of the year. I do have a garden space to build an aviary and a separate room in my house prepared for them. So as I'm planning to get my 1st Green winged Macaw :red1: (From...
  3. T

    Green Wing Age

    I'm doing research on green wing macaws, and I've been getting a lot of mixed results on their age. Some say that they live to be 80 on average, and then other sources will say less than 50. I just want to see if any green wing macaw owners had any actual data so I could get a good average...
  4. R

    Researching owning a Macaw

    Hello I am Francisco and use to have a Lilac Amazon which was my closest pet I have ever owned, but one day while she was on my shoulder the screen door shut and she got startled and flew away. This was over ten years ago. I am now thinking of owning a Macaw and now researching on what would...
  5. S

    Prevue Hendryx 62900 Mimic Me

    im looking at buying one of the Prevue Hendryx 62900 Mimic Me parrot speech trainers but wondered if anybody on here has had any experience with one of these and green-wing macaws? any luck? if not whats your opinion and do you think it would be worthwhile or not? she already says a couple of...
  6. J

    Shipping advice for macaw

    I need to ship my 8 year old green wing macaw from Tampa, FL to Los Angeles, CA. I'd like recommendations for reputable transportation services. I will be shipping her between Jan-March 2015. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  7. feedthebirds

    Welcome to me!

    Hi, I am choosing to remain anonymous user. I love birds of all kinds(really, I went to Venice Italy and had more fun feeding the pigeons than anything else). I do not own a bird but really want a gw. I am 13 years old and my hobbies include swimming and Facebook. I am really glad to be hear...
  8. S

    macaw possible feather plucking?

    so as i mentioned ive now brought lola in to work, thought it would be nice for her rather than stuck in the cage all day at home alone. ive noticed today though at the bottom of her tree there are about 6 feathers. i know its not unusual for the odd one to fall out when preening a bit too...
  9. S

    Lola the green wing new pictures

    hi just thought id give you all a little photo update as the last time i uploaded any id only just got her :) this is hit or miss... ...hoping they've worked, if not... i give up lol thanks for looking
  10. S

    which macaw?

    The time is getting ever so closer to me finally getting my macaw, i love the breed in general and before research had my heart set on a scarlet macaw. the price puts a hyacinth well out of question so id settled on either B&G or GW. what i wanted to know is my original love of the scarlet's...
  11. Mama4life

    Buying a Green wing... Thoughts? Suggestions?

    I caved and decided to buy a baby green wing macaw. Anyone know any good breeders for a decent price? If not, I am going to go with Daniel Walthers from Georgia. He does an amazing job with his babies and every customer has been MORE than happy with their babies! They come harness trained...
  12. Andorinha

    Scarlet X Green Wing pointers

    Hello, I'm sorry if it's not the proper forum to upload it, but I made this Scientific Illustration showing the differences between these species and since I've never got to interact with neither up close I wanted some pointers What is missing, or what is wrong? I've been told the rectrices of...
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