So I took a day trip and came back to my one year old gcc regurgitating on everything in his cage all the time- by all the time I mean all the time. It will be 1 am, lights off, and he's puking on something. My alarm went off and the first thing he does? Puke on something. It's disturbing to me...
hi my year old gcc has behavioral issues and when hes let out of his cage he bites and screams and wont let u touch him, in his cage hes nice and loves getting pet but out is the opposite i would like some tips on how to deal with his behavioral issues:)-
I own an 8-month-old GCC who used to be the sweetest thing in the whole world, but as of three or four days ago she has wanted nothing to do with me, she bites at me when I take her out of her cage, and she puffs right up whenever I try to handle her. I usually put her right back in her cage...
I have been spending a lot of time with my green cheek conure lately but for the past two days he/she is head bobbing and regurgitating food while sitting with me... does this mean he’s a male or is it something both genders do? He just turned 20 a few weeks ago and I haven’t really seen this...
The infamous "eee eee eee" "care alarm" rapid fire chip sound. What the heck does it mean, and how do I make it STOP????
I bought my BF two 9 month old green cheeks for Christmas. 1 has been sexed and is male. Loki (common coloration) is very calm and well-behaved. He's great with us and steps...
Hi everyone!
I've two funny and lovely green cheeks.. The male (J.) has 5 years old, and the female (A.) almost 3.
This is the problem: during the night the male goes to the bottom of the cage.. spending his time walking and walking and making confetti with the newspaper (I use newspaper...
Hey fellow Fid lovers! I have two green cheeks. Mochi my 2 yr old, male yellow sided, and Opal my NINE MONTH old pineapple turquoise. I was told she was a he but knew without DNA I'd be taking a chance still when I got her. They bonded immediately when I got Opal at 8 weeks old, they fell "in...
Hey everybody!! I'm new here, and I have a question.
So I've owned my conure, Maxxie, for about 3 months I want to say, and being a senior in highschool, I'm wondering if there are any ways y'all out figured out a way to have your bird out will you while you are working, or doing homework lol...
Hello all! I've noticed my GCC, Audrey, has started spending time at the bottom of her cage. She's about 8 months old and also seems to be starting her first molt. I was wondering if this was some sort of nesting behavior? She isn't lethargic when she does it, she's pretty energetic, scratching...
Hello all, this is my first post as I am a prospective "parront."
While I have plans to visit the two bird adoption agencies in my area, they have a notoriously bad reputation for taking deposits and leaving interested adopters in the dark for several weeks, and taking upwards of six months to...
Currently doing some research so I could compile a list of needs for a gcc I was particularly confused on diet for pellets I decided on Harrison's fine but I was also looking into other dietary needs some people say seed mixes are the worst others say they should be used as treats and there's...
I just bought a new GCC about 2 days ago and im having problems with him. He is about 1 year old and he would be so sweet and followed commands like step up at the pet store. Now when i brought him home he runs around the cage so i wont pick him up and when i have the chance to pick him up he...
I'm getting a green cheek soon, I wanted to know the size of cage I should get for him because, like my budgie, he'll have free reign of the house and his cage will be open all the time, so what size should I get for him? Also, any pointers for a Conure beginner like me would be nice.