green cheek aggression

  1. M

    My crazy GCCs won't settle down

    I've recently adopted two green cheek conures (supposedly male and female). One is 10 years old, and the other is about 7. They've been absolutely screaming their heads off from day one, and we've had them for a month now. They have toys (Which they never really use), and spend most of the time...
  2. Genieb03

    Cage Aggression Advice?

    I have two conures, a black capped named George (5M) and a green cheeked named Nova (2F). Genders are presumed. The Problem: -Nova is very aggressive. They live in a 7’ tall x 4’ wide x 2’ deep homemade cage. All materials are bird safe and have had zero issues with safety (aside from a light...
  3. TeekoGreenCheek

    Green Cheek Hates Big Cage Help?

    I recently adopted a green cheek from pet smart, we fell in love with him from the start, and he is very loving we named him Teeko. Pet smart didnt have his age on the paperwork but id say he is somewhere around 5 to 7 months old. We bought him a smaller cage to ride comfortably in the car on...
  4. C

    Sneezing, scratching and aggression

    My new gc conure (he's 4 going on 5 months old) has begun sneezing about 6 days ago but it started being more frequent 3 days ago. He was really sweet, no biting the first few days we've had him, except the first 2 when he was new to things. After some time and coincidentally or not, when my...
  5. unburiedpup

    I got a Green Cheek Conure from my friend and I need help.

    Hi, so I should’ve made this account when I first got him, but last Monday, I was given a Green Cheek Conure by my friend because she wasn’t able to care for him anymore. I named him Aristotle because her family would only call him “bird”. I am trying to ween him off of a seed only diet to a...
  6. S

    I need some advice on how to handle my male parrot’s new behavior

    I have two green cheek conures— Louie and Mango. I’m pretty sure Louie is male and Mango is female. Louie has always been a biter, drawing blood on multiple occasions, and his favorite places to bite are my lips, nose, ears, and fingers; however, he is not always like this. He enjoys cuddling...
  7. M

    Concerned about youngest bird

    Hey! I only plan to use this account for this one question, I'm seriously having a hard time right now :/ So in 2021, I got a new bird! His name is Ocarina. I've wanted another bird for a bit because my current bird, Majora, was alone throughout the day. Might not be necessary info, but my...
  8. X

    Conure suddenly biting? Help?

    My gcc has never been particularly bitey, but she has always been very excited by tissues. This wasn't much of an issue before, we would just give her a little bit of tissue or let her bite it before using it, but for some reason all of a sudden when you try to give her the tissue she'll go...
  9. S

    Green cheek conures not getting along

    Hello everyone. So allow me to get right to the chase. I am currently the owner of two GCCs, Hawk and Swoop. I have had Hawk for about a year and a half and have had him since he was weened (assumed male, non DNA tested) and he has been the sweetest and most playful thing imaginable. He was...
  10. B

    Need Help with my GCC!

    I own an 8-month-old GCC who used to be the sweetest thing in the whole world, but as of three or four days ago she has wanted nothing to do with me, she bites at me when I take her out of her cage, and she puffs right up whenever I try to handle her. I usually put her right back in her cage...
  11. B

    Need help with a GCC

    Three or four weeks ago my mother purchased a 3 month old pineapple green cheek for my 16th and she/he has warmed up really quick and is super comfortable. My mother has had plenty of parrots in her childhood, but most of them hated her guts (not her fault). My parrot was the first parrot to...
  12. SavannahB

    Green Cheek Aggression issues

    Hello! I have a Green Cheek Conure, Ivan with a terrible aggression problem. He's 7 years old, and I have had him since he was 3 months old. He's always been gregarious and territorial, but the trouble really started when I got married. Ivan as it turns out, HATES my husband. I'm talking...
  13. T

    Sudden Death of Green Cheek Conure

    Help, I came home this afternoon to find my 7-year-old green cheek on the ground of his cage, claws tightly curled around the bars, eyes open and beak biting into the bar. As if he'd had a seizure. I'm so sad. Angel was very violent, aggressive and strong. He couldn't sit with me without tearing...
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