
  1. C

    Quiet Green Cheeked Conure

    Hi everyone, Just curious.... I have a 6yr old Green Cheeked Conure called Chocky and he's very quiet. He's always been quiet except for when telling the vacuum or the mower to be quiet. He likes silence. I work during the days so he spends a lot of time alone, he comes out wearing his Flight...
  2. C

    How much time should I give to my green cheeked conure?

    I'm thinking about getting a conure, but with forums I've read, some say it needs tons of attention. Others say they can work 40 hours a week and their little conure is happy as ever. I just dont want my bird to feel lonely or bored! I have school for 7 hours a day and I'm wondering if that's...
  3. M

    International Travel with conure

    Hi! So I recently adopted a 4-month old Green cheek conure named Mango. He belonged to my friend but she couldn't take care of him so I took him in. The problem is, I need to travel to Jordan for 4 months and I want to take him with me. I booked for the 16th of August which is a little over 2...
  4. K

    Young Conure always puffed

    Hi! I adopted Kiwi my GCC three days ago. He is about 4 months old. I'm worried that he may be sick. Since I am a new parrot owner, I am unfamiliar with the signs. Kiwi plays, eats and poos normally. He loves to check out what I'm eating and is very curious. But, when I seem to put him down in...
  5. K

    New parrot owner, is my conure okay?

    Hi! So I adopted a green cheek conure two days ago. He is about 4 months old and his name is Kiwi. He goes to bed at 11 pm and wake so up at 11 am so he is getting enough hours. However, I share my aprtment with my roommate and he isn't constantly going in and out of his room. He makes no loud...
  6. Kodi


    5 year old Eclectus
  7. Baby Alexandrine 4.5weeks Old

    Baby Alexandrine 4.5weeks Old

    ready for feeding
  8. Baby Alexandrine

    Baby Alexandrine

    Baby Alex 4 weeks
  9. V

    White Feathers

    Hello, I'm new to the site but I signed up because I knew this was a great place to get into from other bird owners, and recently I've been a bit worried about my bird Finn. He's a green budgie who I got a couple of months ago. He's been a real handful since I got him. His wings were...
  10. ZephyrFly

    Help? Getting a Green Cheek Conure

    Hi Guys and Gals, I'm from the UK and hopefully getting a green cheek conure sometime in the future. I've got a few unanswered questions though. Starting off, I've found a breeder, they're lovely and their birds seem bright and healthy. They've been quite busy as of lately though and have been...
  11. J

    Unusual markings on my wildtype green personata

    Is this normal? Im curious about these markings on his face.
  12. R

    Urine Color!? help!

    Hey all! Roxy (6 month old) is doing fine playing,preening, eating and drinking. There is no unhealthy sings! But when I noticed her droppings today just now I got worried! I'm going to travel in few days and I really hope I can squeeze a vet appointment tomorrow! She is eating colored fruit...
  13. 1

    Parrot Droppings Question

    Hi, I have had my Blue Fronted Amazon for a little under a year now. He has been suspected to have been sick 3 times so far so he has gone to the vet three times. His previous owners were extreme smokers so when we got him he completely smelled of smoke. He finished his medication for the third...
  14. S

    need help training

    had lola bird about 3 weeks now and we're getting on great :) would like to start some training to help stimulate her mind rather than just chilling lol. my problem is i bought her from the breeder as weaned and long story short... she isn't. so im feeding her formula and there lies my problem...
  15. S

    Made my decision!

    I thought since you've all been so friendly and helpful I'd let you know that I made my decision. I was in the breeders home and he shown me both and I knew instantly which was the bird for me. Lola the green-wing macaw should be home on Wednesday :D As a new macaw owner and always eager to...
  16. G

    How to increase chances of conure bonding with me?

    [[[[[[SKIP UNTIL THE NEXT BRACKETED ALL CAPS TEXT TO GET TO THE ACTUAL QUESTION. OR READ MY SOB STORY BELOW :09:]]]]]]] Hi, it's Toots here and my brother is going to get a green cheeked conure soon--he's 6 and I know 99.9 percent he's not going to provide the out of cage time that GCC's need...
  17. Kingsley_greencheek

    I'm new here and have a question about my greencheek baby

    Hi, I just got a 9 week old greencheek conure who is having some trouble getting used to being held. He will climb or fly to the other side of the cage when he sees me coming. If he does "step up" onto my hand, he will immediately fly back to the perch. I would like him to be cuddly and...
  18. Kingsley_greencheek

    My new baby Greencheek is too shy?

    I just got a 9 week old greencheek conure from a breeder who hand fed the babies and taught them the step up command. My new bird Kingsley is very good and doesn't bite, but he doesn't seem to enjoy being held at all, and when i put a hand in the cage to pick him up, no matter how slowly I move...
  19. V

    GCC scared to go near me now

    Hello fellow bird buddies. My apologies if this has already been covered many times but I have utilised the search function to no avail. My little GCC has been with me for a few months now and when I first brought him home, he was hesitant to let my hand go near him but sometimes, I could get...
  20. CharlieSheen

    Best Conure: Sun, Greencheek, or Other?

    Alright, so I've been thinking about my favorite types of birds (That I could afford) and my favorites were Conures and Cockatiels. My sister has a bit of asthma (She hasn't had an attack for 10 years, but just in case) so I've decided Conures woukld be great. And so, I ask, what's the best...
  21. A

    My New Conure =D

    Hi everyone, So after much consideration and a ton of searching, I ended up adopting a rescue green cheek conure. This is Petey. He is 3 years old, and was very abused and neglected. He was hit by his previous owner and has never had anyone to trust. As soon as I saw him shaking and hiding in...
  22. happycat

    Price of GCC?

    Im wondering about what a baby gcc would cost. Can anyone tell me about how much a baby gcc with cage,toys etc. would cost? I know nobody knows the exact cost but around. Thanks :blue1:
  23. happycat

    Is a Green Cheek Conure good for me?

    Does a GCC fit in with how I live you think? I am at home most of the day so I could give it as much attention as it needs. I live in a house with 2 cats and a dog (small pomeranian)and a hamster. I can tolerate noise as long as its not constant and it cant be ear shattering loud. Im used to...
  24. happycat

    Hi im new here

    Hi! im new here (cant remember if i made an account already before) I have no birds so I dont really know if im supposed to be on a "bird owners forum" am I allowed? XD Im Happycat (real name is kate) One day I want to get a Green cheek conure or a Cockatiel so im researching them. I have 2 cats...
  25. Outdoorsy...


  26. Outdoorsy...


  27. Outdoorsy...


  28. Kiwi


    A sweet Green cheeked conure named kiwi she's 2 years old but I've only had her for a few weeks. She's seems to love the camera. ;)
  29. T

    Eclectus V.S. Caique V.S. Green Cheek Conure?

    Hello! I am a college student who is looking to buy a parrot companion around May/June of this year. My mother has had budgies and a parrotlet, but re-homed them to a friend against my will because of the mess along with the stress of our noisy household. From then until now (6 years) I have...
  30. sigaru

    hoping to bring home a green cheek tomorrow

    hoping to bring home a green cheek tomorrow [HE'S HERE!!] hiya :] i just joined the site because i've been doing some research and this definitely seems to be a good place to be a member of if i'm going to get a parrot. there is a "fancy" green cheek conure at my local pet store [i believe it...
  31. B

    New green cheek conure help

    Ok hi I just bought a green cheek conure from the pet store yesterdaythey told me that the hatch date was in 2006 so that would make him around 4 years old anyways I know I bought him Kinda old but he was so sweet in the pet store compare to the other younger ones but yea here's my PROBLEM now...
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