goffin cockatoo

  1. PurpleParrott

    New Goffin Cockatoo Owner -- Seeking Some Advice

    ***This picture I have of her is not flattering at all. Her feathers are rough but this picture does make it look worse. She's afraid of being misted as well. She is also not on her own cage. She likes to sit ontop of them and does not want to move. Introduction So Miss Millie came...
  2. pearlthegoffin

    Possible Yeast Infection

    Hello, Guys! I have an appointment with my avian vet tomorrow but I was wondering if any parrot parents have experienced this with their bird? My baby Pearl has been acting weird since last night (weird being she seems uncomfortable to sit/relax and climb her cage) so i’ve taken extra...
  3. M

    goffin cockatoo

    So im new ( since august) still trying to figure out the sight. i have posted before about rock ty y'all for your help. So today i have another question. please don't judge lol but has anyone ever exsperinced what seams their bird is trying to hump you? Rocky keeps placing its beak on my hand...
  4. K

    goffin wants nothing to do with me or my family

    hello, friends :) i’m very new to owning cockatiels and birds in general, but i have family in my household that helps me with them. we have 2: a smaller cockatiel and a bigger goffin cockatiel. the smaller buddy behaves well with us and we have no problem with him. the goffin, however, changed...
  5. K

    So we were in the market for a bird...

    Hubby and I are both previous bird owners (amazon and conure) so when the kids started asking for a pet bird, we though why not! THEN our SPCA started advertising this beautiful 11 year old Goffin Cockatoo. Took the kids to see her, fell in love. Took the husband to see her and brought her...
  6. J

    Separate a pair of goffins

    I am the third home for a male and female Goffin. I have had them 8 years and They are about 20 years old. They were used as breeders in a very bare small cage when I bought them on Craigs List. They now live in a large cage I built for them. They seem to like each other. The male...
  7. T

    Chicago area - need to rehome 2 parrots

    1) I have a Goffins that we think is female and about 25-30 yrs old. She was my mother's bird and when my mother passed away several years ago my dad had her. He passed a way last July and we are not able to give her the attentions she needs. She wants to be held all the time and is very...
  8. G

    Help from Cockatoo Owners?

    Hi everyone. I am an undergraduate student doing work on cockatoo play behaviour. I will be working with 12 hand-reared individuals in a lab but will have very limited time so I don't think I will be able to do pilot testing. So I would like to know if parrot owners (specifically Goffin...
  9. T

    hello from IL

    I would like to first introduce myself, although, new to this forum, I am the proud owner of two female Goffins. My first bird, E-E, i adopted from a previous owner who told me she lost all her feathers at once..(I was an il-informed newby). Fortunately, I learned very quickly that she has major...
  10. T

    Trouble with a Split Personality Goffin Cockatoo ... Coconut

    I've sorted through the posts here and found similar situations, but nothing QUITE like our predicament with Coconut. Please note that I am a total Newb. I never owned a bird or lived with birds up until 7 months ago. I was strictly a cat lady ... and then I found the love of my life and his...
  11. Gandolf The Goffin Cockatoo

    Gandolf The Goffin Cockatoo

    Gandy such a pretty boy.
  12. Gandolf The Goffin Cockatoo

    Gandolf The Goffin Cockatoo

    Gandy needs a toothpick.
  13. Gandolf The Goffin Cockatoo

    Gandolf The Goffin Cockatoo

    Gandy my buddy playing with his ball.
  14. A

    My Goffin is terrified =( please help!

    I have had my Goffin cockatoo for five years now. She is my only non-rescue bird, since I had wanted the experience of having a baby that would recognize me as her mother (instead of my mom). I wanted to raise her in a healthy, ideal environment so she would not have fear, behavior issues, or...
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