formula feedings

  1. T

    New Baby Nanday Conure (4 weeks old)

    Hi I just got my Nanday Conure. He has not been weaned yet. I was told by the bird shop to feed him formula 3 times a day 9am, 2pm and 7pm. Just want to make sure this is right because I had a scare today he got really puffy was bopping his head and his wings were all droopy. But once I fed him...
  2. I

    Baby budgie is refusing to eat formula

    hi, i am a new budgie owner and my baby budgie which I was told he is about 3 weeks old and he is not eager to eat and refuses to eat during feeding time. I am handfeeding him with baby bird formula 3 times a day (as instructed by bird owner) and I make sure the temperature is not too hot or...
  3. S

    Help for Eclectus baby & Vitamin A

    Hello I am new to this forum. Thanks to all those who contribute, its been a wonderful resource. I am hand-raising a baby eclectus. We pulled her from the nest at 3 weeks, and she's 4 weeks now. I have been feeding her AviPlus hand-rearing Phase 2 for parots. My question is on Vitamin A...
  4. Mr_Strange

    What can I Hand-Feed my Cockatiels?

    What can I Hand-Feed my Baby Cockatiels? Hello guys, :rainbow1: Please I need to know what can I Hand-Feed my Baby Cockatiels, Can I prepare a formula at home (a natural one) using grains, beans ...etc instead of the hand-feeding Commercial Formulas like Nutribird A18-A19-A21, Exact, Kiki...
  5. O

    Spoon feeding formula question Eclectus

    Hello I have a quick question for this forum: My four and a half month old femals SI Eclectus is still eating formula at night. I couldn't really tell you a spoonful amount but I check her crop and decide when shes done on that. She almost seems to take a few bites and then gets almost...
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