
  1. G

    Help! Budgie feet problem

    Recently my 2 years old male budgie Levi has gotten these orange sticky sore-looking things on his feet. I noticed it around 5 days ago, I thought he stepped in honey while walking around the kitchen. Yesterday I noticed that it looks like an infection. It is also swollen. This is how his feet...
  2. Rico and his Peets!

    Rico and his Peets!

    P E E T S
  3. Frog & Chickpea

    Too short-looking toes on GCC - odd nail growth

    Hello bird people! Ever since we got our GCC home, we've been noticing her being a bit clumsy on her feet. Upon a closer look, we've noticed that her primary digits, the shortest toe of her back toes on each of her feet, seem a bit off. They look a little too short, and the nails on these...
  4. B

    Dry feet??

    My barred parakeet, Tyrone, feet look dry to me. He sometimes bites them lightly like he’s cleaning them. I was reading I need to mist him, he hasn’t taken a liking to getting wet so I don’t force it? Maybe I need to? He’s also maulting right now. He’s very active and playful. Eating and...
  5. J

    Budgie scaly feet?

    Hi all, I've recently gotten a blue male budgie a few days ago (already had a yellow female one for a couple of months already). We noticed that the blue budgie feet looks dry, rough and scaly compared to my yellow budgie. Does anyone knows if this is normal? I've attached the image below.
  6. K

    Green Cheek Foot

    Hello, I am writing because my green cheek seems to have injured her foot. She is only 2/12 months old, and currently weighs 63g. My wife says the bird was on the top of the cage as she was opening it ( it's a top open cage, that has a perch that braces the doors open.) and as she bent down...
  7. M

    Othewise Friendly Macaw Charges and Bites Our Feet

    We got a harlequin macaw a few weeks ago. After being a bit timid for a few days, he has become very friendly almost all the time - we can feed him out of open hand, he makes cooing and chuckling noises, does a lot of dancing and head bobbing and replies to a few of our attempts to teach him...
  8. D

    Conure Bites when Going Back to Cage

    hi All! New conure owner here.. we have only had her 2 days. I did a ton of research, 2 years worth, before i brought home a bird. I have a 2 year old female yellow sided green cheek. I expected her to be nervous and shy for a long time when brining her home, but she isnt shy at all. the first...
  9. K

    My lovebird keeps biting her feet?

    It's like she's cleaning them, but she won't stop, even if i'm offering food. There doesn't seem to be any injury or redness, she just won't stop itching. I was looking online and found some stuff, but I'm unsure if this would be 100% safe: It says that you can use the gel straight from an aloe...
  10. L

    is this known body langue ?

    i have "adopted" a blue front amazon the lady had him for only 5 years he is around 25 she said he came in a parakeet cage :(, he doesn't really like me currently since i gave him a new cage. he does this thing that he will just keep his foot up and he will step away and put it raise it more...
  11. L

    Can anyone help please?

    Hi Sorry that his will be a little long and involved but I hope you will stick with me while I explain. Archie is a Jardines Parrot and has been with me for over a year now, he is about 5 years old. He lives is a huge cage and as I am at home all day he gets almost constant attention and we...
  12. Seaweed

    Why should I feed my parrot Coconut Oil ? The BENEFITS are Amazing!!!

    I use VCO for ALL members of my family feathered,4 legged & human too ^_^ . I just found a really great article on it & I had to share it with u guys! I so far have just started giving him oral VCO today but have been appliying it on his beak (which looks faboluos :) .Seaweed just got a foot oil...
  13. L

    Happy Feet

    Archie sometimes has a bit of trouble with his right foot. His outer toe, the one that faces backwards, sometimes refuses to point the right way. The toe seems to curl up and he doesn't seem able to raise his foot high enough to allow it to straighten it out and face backwards. Instead the...
  14. K

    twisted leg, athritis? anything i can do?

    Hello all, My lovely little jenday conure kazoo has developed a problem with one of his legs, he cannot use his foot, it appears to be paralysed and he stands on his elbow, the toes on this foot are twisted and his claws grow crooked on this foot. His other foot seems fine. Obviously this...
  15. M

    Thank Goodness I found this site!!!!

    Hello Everyone! I am sooooo thankful to have found this website!!!! Whew! I am a total newby to the world of parrots. :grey: Let me tell you how this came about. My neighbor across the street from me was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She is in the early stages of treatment. When she...
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