
  1. B

    Are my IRN's feathers in a bad condition?

    Hi there, about a week ago I ended up with a rescue IRN and he is the cutest little thing. He loves cuddling up to my partner and I, and he is quite chirpy, giving us a squawk now and then too🤣🦜 I am just a bit concerned, because I don't think his wings are looking as healthy as they should be...
  2. lia

    Plucking feathers and being aggressive?

    Hello! I’ve had Rico for a while and we’ve been doing so good! He’s been coming out of the cage excited everyday!! Sadly I had to move out of town for a month or so for exams and I left him with my parents (my mother adores him) and my little brother. I couldn’t take him with me since I have a...
  3. Joeypac

    Molting or plucking

    Hello 👋🏻 I have a 5 year old Sun Conure. She has only been with me for 2 months now. She is preening a decent amount lately and Im looking for some reassurance. She has lost a wing feather, multiple down feathers and also feathers on her chest. She doesn't have any bald spots and is taking baths...
  4. threat2society

    weird (barbered?) feathers

    I've written about this problem a few months ago, but it was just a couple feathers. Now they're all over my almost 1 y.o. CAG's body. I don't think she could've done that herself, because only new feathers look like that. i noticed that when a new feather is almost ready, it's already like...
  5. T

    Ringneck feathers

    Hi everyone, Please can someone have a look at my babies feathers and tell me if this is normal. He is a pied ringneck and just turned two in September. He had a healthly diet. Sprouts, veg, fruit, pellets seeds however I noticed his feathers are getting blackish.
  6. BellaLikesBirds

    Biggest Parrot Species Feather

    Hi there! I really dont know where to post this but I'm wondering what parrot species have the largest feathers. Any types of feathers - primary, secondary, breast, etc. - just not underflooflies haha. Just a curious thought. I'm assuming it'd probably be some sort of macaw or cockatoo, but...
  7. Quetki

    Pin Feathers...??

    Can someone tell me if these are pin feathers? (sorry for the bad pictures he was moving lots. He likes to chew on my phone instead of letting me take a picture of him.)
  8. C

    Help! My lovebirds have these weird bright spots on their heads

    f These three siblings were born in January, so they're about 5 months old now. We had to remove them from their mother because they were getting plucked by her. You can see it in the green bird that his head is all funky, he was half bald for many months. I don't know if it's their colours...
  9. SleepyLuca

    What should i do about a Broken tail feather?

    My almost two year old conure has a broken tail feather and it won’t fall out. I can tell it’s bothering him because he won’t leave it alone, but I don’t know how to help him. Is there a way I could maybe trim it off or pluck it? I really don’t wanna hurt him and I don’t want him to have this...
  10. M

    Concerned my CAG has started plucking :(

    Concerned my CAG has started plucking :( Advice please. My CAG Zelda is just over 2 years old. Always very happy and active. I make sure she has lots of out-of-cage time and plenty of interaction, and when she is in her cage she has a variety of toys for chewing and foraging. I also give...
  11. K

    how can i tell which pin feathers are ok?

    so my grey is a single parrot, and he depends on me to hold very still while i scratch his head and check for pin feathers. the problem is that he also very twitchy and its hard for me to get a good look at his head. even then becuase he is a gray bird its hard for me to pinpoint which...
  12. R

    Looking for feather photos

    Hi there folks, I'm making a card game about Aesop's vain crow/jackdaw - gathering all types of feathers and dressing himself up. I have found heaps of pictures of peacock feathers, pheasant feathers... now am trying to do other suits of cards, particularly macaw and Eclectus parrot. Next I will...
  13. B

    GCC plucking, overpreening, or off-season molting?

    I am "boarding" GCC Kona for a few months while her owner is abroad. She has been losing feathers since (and before) she arrived with me, even though it's not time for her usual molt according to her owner. She was with someone else for ~3 weeks before coming to me, and that person really...
  14. A

    African grey feather problem :(

    My African grey has been over preening and I find a lot of down like feathers on the floor (not big ones). Her feathers look droopy and she’s constantly itching herself and looks uncomfortable when itching. I think she may have mites as the vet said that she’s completely healthy. I doubt it’s a...
  15. A

    African grey feathers (need help)

    My African grey after laying a couple eggs in a four month period started having bald patches under her wings and her wings look a lot more tattered. I also noticed she doesn’t pick her feathers but rather preens and tatters them. She has pin feathers coming under her wings in slight bald...
  16. C

    Plucking or losing feathers?

    I have a cag that is 35 yrs old. In the last year h started to get some tiny red feathers on different places on his body. Now, in the last month or so he is getting bald spots. I haven't seen him plucking so not sure why this is happening. Would love any i sight to why this is hppening...
  17. E

    Bald under wings

    I have a 9 year old rosella that has pretty big bald patches under both his wings, he's been to the vet for multiple tests including beak and feather disease, mites and liver disease but all came back clear. My vet doesn't seem to think it's caused by plucking because there's no irritation, and...
  18. dhraiden

    UnRuffledRx Feathered Up - how to entice to be eaten on dry foods?

    Earlier tonight my GCC Mochi got more than the usual errant white underfluff feather lunging (she's nesty/hormonal/the dominant one) at Mango my Gold Capped while they were roaming around the couch as we all sat watching TV; she plucked out about eight feathers or so, all from around his left...
  19. A

    Black shades seen on the head of my baby Alex

    Hi All, I have a 3 month old baby Alexandrine - Coco. I recently noticed the feather on his head seems to have some black shades and its prominent. I have attached an image too. We are under extremely strict lockdown due to Corona. Any one who could put some light here would be really healful...
  20. M

    15 week old loosing feathers

    Hi Everyone, I am new to this site and have owned birds in the past including IRN. I have never had a bird from a baby. My little bird is called Jelly and she is currently 15 weeks old (from hatching) My worry is she (or he) scratches alot and is starting the get little white fluffy patches...
  21. W


    I have two green cheek conures with the same set up but only one has healthy looking feathers. Is it over preening, dry skin, or diet?
  22. S

    Question re. white feathers

    I have a black headed caique, around 7 months now. All is great, eats healthy, plays all day and has bonded very well with me and the family :) I have a question however as regards the white feathers on his chest as his are still quite yellow/ grey. Is it normal for this age? He eats a pellet...
  23. Mooka

    Feather 'barbering'? On another bird?

    Hi everyone! I'm new here (sorry if this post seem repetitive, I haven't really seen a post talking about it happening to another bird?) But I have two green cheeks, Kiwi and Chai In November last year I found out the Chai had been ripping Kiwi's back feathers, not pulling them out, just...
  24. J

    URGENT: Free Black Capped Conure

    Hey All, I am a new member on this forum and specifically made this account to offer someone a free black capped conure. I own two green cheeked conures and have been recently visiting my neighborhood Petco in Scarsdale , NY (near Yonkers,NY). There I have seen a black capped conure on sale for...
  25. G

    Help needed! parrot feather bronzing or wear and tear ?

    Hello All! This is Lily, she's 5 and I had her since she was 10 weeks old. Her diet consists of Harrisons lifetime Fine pellets ( tried coarse, she doesn't like it) fresh Carrots, Peppers, Broccoli, and cauliflower every day she gets 3 Harrisons power threat per day as indicated on the...
  26. S

    Feather transplant

    Hi all, Posted a couple of times on the forum since picking my boy Fergus up a month or so ago. Breeder gave him a brutal single wing clip and its been fun and games since. Travelled to a specialist avian vet today to try and sort things and he gave Fergus a feather transplant! The vet was...
  27. S

    Conure biting out of curiosity?

    I just got my little Nico (Green Cheek Conure) yesterday and he's quite the rascal! I've just got a couple of questions. Nico is super active some of the time (flipping upside down, bobbing his head up and down, walking around) but spends a substantial amount of time with his feathers...
  28. L

    Pearly conure?

    My conure Link is over 2 years old now but it looks like his chest feathers are now turning red. Is that normal for a pearly conure? I hope the attachments work, if not here’s a imgur link! https://imgur.com/a/aeK27 Thanks guys! :green2:
  29. A

    New African Grey

    Hello everyone. This is my first post here, so please excuse me if I ask stupid questions, I got my African Grey 3 days ago and I am overly excited :). There are some things that got me worried already. So some introduction. I am a software engineer from Bulgaria and I was dreaming of having an...
  30. M

    Feather picking

    Hello everyone I have a eight month old black headed caique and Ive been with him for three months. I recently noticed that he has a small patch of picked feathers, im really afraid and this is my first parrot so any help would really make me happy. Also all of a sudden he wont let me touche him...
  31. Vilatus

    Breaking tail feathers?

    My cockatiel keeps breaking her tail feathers. She's attempting to groom them, or she'll have a night fright and bash them on the cage bars. Is it normal for them to be this brittle? I can understand them breaking when she bashes them against the cage bars, but it seems weird to me that...
  32. Roanoke

    Imping Wings

    Hey all, I just put a deposit down on a beautiful baby Amazon for my birthday. I have big plans for her socialization and training but my only concern is that she's been clipped already (at 9 weeks old?!). I feel it is very important to her mental and physical health that she fully retain the...
  33. H

    GCC Dropping small, fluffy feathers

    So i'm a tad worried because my lil fella has been dropping small feathers with a lot of fluff at the base of them. I think they're feathers meant for warmth and the summer season is causing them to drop, but i'm not sure if my hunch is correct or not. I have him on a good diet of seeds, greens...
  34. V

    Please help! Burned Tail!

    Last night my new IRN got somewhere he shouldn't and burned his tail feathers. All of them, about halfway up. Now he has a "stumpy" tail. I don't think he was at all hurt, and thankfully his tail was the only part of him which touched the lamp, but I am so worried I have been up all night crying...
  35. gavagai

    Double feathers

    So my quaker is moulting her body feathers, and I've noticed that they seem to have a double stem coming from the same root. One stem is entirely down, while one is downy on the bottom but becomes a normal feather on top. I've also noticed that this seems to bother her. She'll preen out the...
  36. K

    Why is she snipping feathers?

    I usually come here for help and you always do, so thank you very much for the help so far <3!! So my Lilly sits and snips the end off of some of her feathers, in only 2 patches. On her right wing, and a little on her left neck feathers.... at the moment her down feathers are showing in those...
  37. Z

    Zazu won't preen

    Hello, This might be stupid, I'm not sure, but I am slightly concerned. My new sun conure Zazu won't preen himself. He won't bathe either. And now his feathers are all disheveled and look terrible. Is this normal? Could it be because he is still settling in? Otherwise, he eats and drinks and...
  38. Uglow

    Head feathers, first sign of molt?

    Hi guys, So, Uglow is now just over six months old. This is his first spring. Three weeks ago I noticed his first colored feather on my arm. tiny. probably a head or upper neck feather. it wasn't chewed up or anything. Fast forward to two days ago, I found another one. Yesterday he lost...
  39. B

    Alexandrine Baby Difficulties in Feeding and Feather Issues

    Our Alexandrine baby [we named him Piku] :green1: [I guess 3-4 months old. but I'm not sure] is not cooperating while eating [requiring force feeding], having watery droppings and losing feathers [mainly tail and wing feathers]. 1) We got him 1 month. Initially he was under diet of homemade...
  40. B

    Conure is lethargic

    Hello, I have a 3 year old green cheek that seems lethargic tonight. He has his feathers ruffled almost constantly. He is still eating and drinking. Wants to be held close and isn't talking as much as normal. All the vets and avian vets around me are closed right now. Is there anything I can do...
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