
  1. Birdiechat

    Video chat for parrots

    Hello parrot lovers! Do you think your buddy would be interested to talk with other parrots via internet? Well, British scientists discovered they could! "We saw some really encouraging results from the study. The parrots seemed to grasp that they were truly engaging with other birds onscreen...
  2. ImaParrot

    Has anyone tried getting puzzle toys for smart birds?

    I was considering getting something like this to entertain my budgies. Does anyone have any recommendations...
  3. SamBeben

    Exercising and things to watch

    Hey all! I have a 13 year old Congo and she was clipped a couple years ago before we got her. They did a horrible job and it has taken forever to grow back. Now, it doesn't seem like she has the confidence to fly or the strength. How should we exercise her so she can attempt to start flying...
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