
  1. M


    Hello everyone! So my son went off to college and left me with 4 Conures. Over the past month (only through researching) I've noticed them having nesting behavior. They have a nesting box, which for a little over a week, all 4 have spent the majority of their time inside. 2 days ago I found an...
  2. lupomortale

    Kiwi layed... again. Time for a diet change.

    Hi guys, I'm back cause my little green chicken decided to ring in the nice weather with a little surprise again this year! 😭 Since last year, I listened to the advice most of you guys gave me, so preemptively, I kept an eye on nesting behaviors, switched around everything in her cage...
  3. A

    caique eggs do not hatch

    I am the proud owner of a pair of black-headed caiques. 4 years ago, at the age of 9, the couple began laying eggs. But, unfortunately, laying fertilized eggs once a year, they freeze 2 days before hatching. Tell me, what could it be.?
  4. S

    My sun conures started laying eggs!

    My sun conures have laid two eggs so far! I’m very excited. I want to hand feed them but am unsure at what age to take them from their parents. I have heard different recommendations. Anywhere from when they first hatch to four weeks. Any advice is welcome.
  5. B

    Question(s) on stopping budgies from breeding

    Hello! I need some advice on what to do with a family member and her budgies. She recently moved into our home with 3 budgies that she got from a neighbor (2 males, 1 female, about 5 y/o now). Their cage is on the smaller end (2' L x 3' H x 2' W), but they were never socialized when they were...
  6. MyFeatheredFlock

    Where Can I Buy Macaw Eggs Without Getting Scammed?

    I’m trying to find somewhere that sells Macaw eggs, I recently got an incubator and wanted to hatch my own Macaw. Has anyone here ever bought parrots eggs? And if you have, where? I can’t find anywhere that seems legit online.
  7. Same-Sex Couple Incubating Their New Eggs

    Same-Sex Couple Incubating Their New Eggs

    Rosie and Jaybird incubating their new eggs. I knew Rosie was expecting an egg since she had egg bum, but Jaybird’s bum looked normal.
  8. Unfertilized Eggs Sharing a Nest

    Unfertilized Eggs Sharing a Nest

    Rosie and Jaybird, newlyweds, both laid an egg today. Obviously not fertilized since Rosie was the one who was doing the humping.
  9. E

    Cockatiel eggs pipping questions please any advice

    I currenting have 5 eggs incubating in a homemade incubator everything that is needed for the eggs have been met as all 5 have life. Now the first egg has started pipping 28 hours ago . It still only has a small hole. I have tried to read and do research on the matter but not much is found. I...
  10. W

    Lovebird laid 2 eggs! When can I take them out?

    Hi guys, long story short: Whiskey laid 2 eggs which is adorable. They are clearly duds (we checked) but we left them for her of course so she can take care of them and follow her nature. I read that they usually abandon them after 3 weeks but it´s been 4 weeks now and she´s still all over...
  11. M

    8 eggs, only male sits on them

    Hi, We have a pair of love birds and they are more than 1 year old. We got them last year. A few days ago we noticed the male is not coming out of the nest. After we checked, there were 5 eggs. We were seeing that it's the male that usually sits on them. Now we checked and there are 8 eggs...
  12. ConureCrazy

    (help!) how long does egg laying take?

    Hi all, Whoa, I made this account when I was TWELVE and now I'm well into college. I wonder if any of you from 2012/2013 are still on here? I'm back to ask a pretty urgent question. Two years ago, I saved a house sparrow who fell out of her nest and because of a bunch of complicated reasons...
  13. S

    Female Ringneck is laying eggs at the moment. Needing Advice Please

    Hello everyone. I am brand new to this forum, and hoping to find some fellow animal lovers to help me out. My husband surprised me with a pair of juvenile Indian Ring Necks just over 2 years ago. He was told that they "had not been socialized in awhile" and brought them home knowing I can tame...
  14. A

    Lovebird egg laying

    I have two beautiful lovebirds which will be 2yrs old in June. Before now I assumed they were both male because they hadn't laid any eggs. However in the past couple weeks they appeared to be copulating and this week egg laying started. The first egg was laid in their food dish. So I quickly...
  15. L

    Searching for Cockatoo eggs from legitimate breeder

    Hello everyone, I am currently searching for cockatoo eggs. I have been doing research on breeders but most are international and likely scams from what I’ve read online. I have an incubator and I’ve raised birds and poultry before. Does anyone know of a legitimate breeder in the US (Preferably...
  16. Trebor1

    African Grey clutch of three, do I remove the male?

    I'm worried that the male might harm the eggs, the male enters the nest box and don't know if I should remove him and leave the female alone. Does anyone have any information regarding that. Thanks in advance for your help.
  17. Ned444

    I need help from those with Conure experience

    I need help from those with experience. A bit of background. I have my female Conure “Kiwi” who is almost 5, have had here since she was a baby. We rescued our male “Buddy” at about a year old, we have had him a 1 1/2yrs. Kiwi and buddy hated each for the almost the 1st year than feel in love...
  18. F

    Green-cheeked Conure Hatch Time

    Hello! My beloved pets of a few years (Brazil and Zealand) have decided to pop out some eggs a second year in a row! Last year, all of their chicks died. This year, I am determined to ensure their health. As I was changing out the birds' bedding, they both came out of the nest box. Because of...
  19. O

    nesting problem-URGENT!! (rejecting eggs)

    First off, we are 100% new to parakeet breeding/eggs. Especially seeing as we had not considered it a possibility, we believed that we had two female parakeets. We understand, of course, that these eggs may very well be infertile. But we simply think it best to care for them as if they were...
  20. H

    Just laid an egg and not sitting, is this ok?

    My African Grey girl just laid an egg (which may have been fertilised by the boy, although she did lay 2 blanks a few years ago) and she isn't sitting on it. She laid it on the floor of the lounge when she was out playing. I moved the egg into a nestbox in her aviary, then put her into the...
  21. S

    egg laying Lovebird, broody and tearing up newspaper. alternative?

    Hello, I have a sister/brother bonded pair of Lovebirds. They are about 2 years old and the female just started getting broody a few weeks ago. I didn't recognize the behavior early enough. She just laid her first egg today, but it was a little soft and broke. I clearly need to add some...
  22. malibu

    Do indian ringnecks follow normal breeding seasons when kept indoors?

    Hello we have a bonded pair of ringnecks which we got from a pet shop before last Christmas where they was kept in the back to breed . We got them with a montana cage so we put a nestbox on the side and straight away they was preening each other and preping the nest in the summer just gone they...
  23. S

    My Quaker Parrots

    So I have two quaker parrots. We put them and their cage outside (they were inside the cage). So my dad went to cleanup their cage, and my female quaker escaped and flew away. We found an egg inside the cage with the male quaker. Is it possible that she flew away because of the egg? Getting...
  24. T

    Any day now Zazu's eggs will hatch..

    I need someone to tell me how to care for these baby birds. I've never bred birds before. I know that patience and time is needed, and I know that the lives of these babies are in my hands. Someone please tell me the next step! Thank you so much! :orange:
  25. T

    Green cheek conure clutch size?

    My green cheeked conure Zazu has been laying eggs for a while now. She recently just had her 7th egg. How many more should I expect? Thanks!
  26. I

    Help please? My Blue and Gold is laying eggs

    I have had a blue and gold for several years, WE bought him from a man who told us it was a boy and we had always assumed he was right. Recently the bird, who is VERY attached to me, started acting very hormonal and was constantly trying to share food with me and getting very frustrated to the...
  27. walterbyrd

    Does nest building lead to egg production?

    I have a single female, named Lucky, who seems obsessed with building a nest. About a year ago, she had an egg burst inside her, and it nearly killed her. I don't want her producing eggs, should I stop her from her nest building behavior?
  28. UniqueDaniFS

    Incubator to fit a GCC egg?

    So, after months of talking it through me and my fiance decided to get a mate for my birdie. We are doing extensive research into breeding and i cannot figure out which Incubator would fit the egg correctly.. What are your suggestions as to which incubator? I would like one that i can adjust...
  29. ann

    how could they do this!

    my society finch egg was having trouble hatching, 24 hours later he was still trying. this morning i was going to go help him hatch. I had towels, a heating pad, a mini nest, made the room humid with the shower, everything was ready. i was even going to record it for you guys. when i went to go...
  30. ann

    My babies hatched!!!

    Hi everyone! Today I came home from MA. I had expected my finch eggs to hatch when I got back. I checked the nest and could hear tinny little peeps! I looked and there was one tinny little chick begging and peeping :D! I'm so excited I have been trying to successfully breed my finches for months...
  31. B

    infertile egg question - input and answers much appreciated

    We have a double yellow headed Amazon who is approximatly 6-7 years old and we have owned her for 1 1/2 years. We thought she was a male how ever she laid 2 eggs about 30 days ago which are infertile as she has not been around any other birds. She is still siting on the eggs, how long should we...
  32. ann

    How on EARTH have they not had babies yet???

    i just don't get it! i have 1 proven male and 1 proven female society finch. they are definitely a pair, and they have bred multiple times. both are old enough, and she has laid eggs before, one was normal sized but infertile, and the other was a third of the size it should be, and also...
  33. Mocknbird2

    Soft shelled eggs in my tiel

    Hi all, I have a fourteen year old tiel, Peaches. I've had her since she was two and she thinks she's still a young lady. She was quite a chronic layer when she was young (and before I became aware that I shouldn't help contribute to more cockatiels, when there are already so many who need...
  34. S

    Lovebird Eggs

    So about a week ago one of my female lovebirds laid four eggs. She is bonded with a male, so I believe they are fertile. Though I have bird experience, I have not dealt with newly hatched baby birds. I saw in a few places and was told that I would not necessarily have to hand feed the babies and...
  35. P

    Hormones are Raging

    I have a 15 year old Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Last December she laid 2 eggs, which surprised the heck out of me. She laid her first while sitting on my shoulder!! She had this 'kicking or digging" behavior which I've never seen until this past year. The holistic vet started her on a...
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