egg laying

  1. ConureMummy

    Is it possible for Green-Cheeked Conures to lay fertilized eggs several months after mating?

    Roughly 11 weeks ago, my Male Conure passed away. Not long before his departure, I recall him mating with my female conure. Today, she has laid an egg. While I know laying unfertilized eggs isn't uncommon, is there a chance that these might be fertilized? I'm curious about the possibilities...
  2. T

    first time laying eggs? help?

    Hello! I have a cockatiel named Tea that is showing signs of laying eggs. She turns 7 in about a month and she’s showing some behaviors that i’m worried about. First thing that concerns me is her poop, they’re a normal/slightly brighter green color but the actual poop is very small but...
  3. K

    Will my irn lay any more eggs?

    So i have a pair of irn. This is their first time laying, the female laid the second egg on thursday and hasnt layied since today is sunday. I am told that they lay eggs every 36 to 48 hours and its been well over 48 hours. Below i atached a screenshot of my hen she seems that she has an egg...
  4. jess13

    budgie pooping brown !!

    hi everyone, I have two budgies I've had them for a year and a half and the female one laid an egg either the night before yesterday or yesterday morning and she hasn't laid another egg since and now I come back home to find brown poop in their cage. I don't know if it's the female or the male...
  5. Z

    help! abnormal poop!

    my cockatiel has laid too eggs in the past few days and this is what one of her poops looks like? this is my first cockatiel and this is the first time she’s laid eggs since we’ve had her (she is four years old but we got her in march). she’s been around no males since/before we got her. i just...
  6. Z

    Separating Ringneck couple

    Hey I bought a young couple of ringnecks last year, i think they're are 2 years old, Frank and Betty, the male hasn't developped his ring yet(which means he hasn't reached maturity) I wanted to have some babies this year, but it doesn't look like they will, at least till next year. I also bought...
  7. B

    Question(s) on stopping budgies from breeding

    Hello! I need some advice on what to do with a family member and her budgies. She recently moved into our home with 3 budgies that she got from a neighbor (2 males, 1 female, about 5 y/o now). Their cage is on the smaller end (2' L x 3' H x 2' W), but they were never socialized when they were...
  8. W

    Lovebird laid 2 eggs! When can I take them out?

    Hi guys, long story short: Whiskey laid 2 eggs which is adorable. They are clearly duds (we checked) but we left them for her of course so she can take care of them and follow her nature. I read that they usually abandon them after 3 weeks but it´s been 4 weeks now and she´s still all over...
  9. ConureCrazy

    (help!) how long does egg laying take?

    Hi all, Whoa, I made this account when I was TWELVE and now I'm well into college. I wonder if any of you from 2012/2013 are still on here? I'm back to ask a pretty urgent question. Two years ago, I saved a house sparrow who fell out of her nest and because of a bunch of complicated reasons...
  10. D

    Egg laying

    Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. I have a question, my bird laid her first egg ever on Saturday (May 23) another on Tuesday (May 26) and the last one on Thursday (May 28). The problem is she has been laying her eggs in different places. She is not a caged bird. The first one was laid on my...
  11. P

    HELP! My budgie is laying eggs, how do I take care of her?

    My female budgie, Paris, laid an egg two days ago. She’s four years old and has never laid eggs before, how do I take care of her properly (to prevent egg binding or any health issues). She’s also losing some of her down feathers? She started laying eggs after (roughly) 2-4 weeks of masturbating...
  12. L

    Help! Cockatiels chronic egg laying syndrome

    Dear experts, My friend's beloved cockatiel Piku has been living with her for 8 months. She has many toys to play in her cage and does not have a mate. Approximately 28 days ago she laid an egg and kept laying 5 eggs each day. She carefully sat over them as my friend arranged a box for her. We...
  13. Altalex

    Egg laying and mating behavior with diferent species

    I own a male rosella and a female cockatiel who i keep on the same cage as they were raised together since babys. And recently, i noticed that my cockatiel cinnamon has been displaying what seems to be mating behavior... She gets really close to rosi and lowers her body while lifting the tail...
  14. J

    Congo african grey - no ring, rescue, laid three eggs - how many is too many?

    Hi all, My parents rescued a parrot that bonded to me. I moved out for a couple of years and recently moved her in with me - so it's just me and her now, and she is happy. However, she laid an egg. A couple of days later, another egg emerged - and this morning, a third. She is eating...
  15. A

    Lovebird egg laying

    I have two beautiful lovebirds which will be 2yrs old in June. Before now I assumed they were both male because they hadn't laid any eggs. However in the past couple weeks they appeared to be copulating and this week egg laying started. The first egg was laid in their food dish. So I quickly...
  16. W

    [HELP!] Prolific Egg Layer

    I have 2 budgies Percy (female) and Beckett (male). After living together for over 1.5 years, Percy suddenly started laying eggs. Even after moving them into separate cages she laid 12 eggs over about 2 months and ended up at the emergency vet egg bound. They now live in separate rooms. Percy...
  17. P

    URGENT: Budgie lays egg at the floor of the cage!

    Hello everyone, i own a couple of budgies. Today i noticed the female sitting down on the floor of the cafe and after a while i noticed and egg!! In order to avoid crushing, i put a nest on the door of the cage and placed gently the egg inside. 2 hours have passed and the female just twice...
  18. S

    Sudden death of a young female budgie

    Hi everyone. I am creating this thread to look for explanations behind my budgie's sudden death. I had two baby birds last year in June. I wasn't aware of the nesting conditions back then and hence both of them grew up with splayed legs. I read alot about this condition and so I did whatever I...
  19. C

    African gray laid an egg now biting

    Hi there i have an African gray that will be 20 yrs old this month. She recently laid an egg about 2 wks ago and since she hasn’t been herself. She usually allows me to hold her and cuddle but now she tries to bite me. She’s not talking as much either. She stays in a little corner and will...
  20. Melscamp

    Restricting light

    I adopted 5 budgies, 3 males and 2 females. They are all super horney. I have them in my family room. I get up around 7 and go to sleep around 10. From reading, this is to much light for them. The alternate is moving them in my bedroom which has no natural light. It's so nice to see them waking...
  21. C

    Egg laying bird

    Hi, My alexandrine parrot laid an egg last night (she is the only bird we have). It's the first time she has done this and we've had her for nearly 2 years. I have heard that you should leave the egg in the cage for her, otherwise she might lay more eggs. Is this true? Thanks Cody
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