
  1. M

    Constant egg laying

    Hello everyone. I have a female parakeet I adopted from someone on craigslist a few months back. She is not housed with any other birds but resides in the same room with my two diamond doves, separate cages of course. I plan on getting her a friend/male parakeet soon, however more so the last...
  2. P

    HELP! My budgie is laying eggs, how do I take care of her?

    My female budgie, Paris, laid an egg two days ago. She’s four years old and has never laid eggs before, how do I take care of her properly (to prevent egg binding or any health issues). She’s also losing some of her down feathers? She started laying eggs after (roughly) 2-4 weeks of masturbating...
  3. Soul

    I think my female is going to lay eggs... help!

    My female cockatiel is about 3 years old now, and once a day she makes these really big poos. I immediately looked it up and found that in female cockatiels, that can mean she's about to lay eggs. She also exhibits other behavior like wiggling her tail in the corner of the cage. This is really...
  4. B

    post-egg-laying behavior –– not returning to tent

    Hi, all. My lovebird laid four eggs (non-fertile; she's alone) over a week period, and during that time she stuffed her little 'tent' with paper strips that she'd placed into her 'hind' feathers and transported to her home. About three weeks later, after she'd seemingly stopped producing eggs...
  5. mochi.the.ysgcc

    My 9 month old female bonded GCC layed her first egg!

    Hey fellow Fid lovers! I have two green cheeks. Mochi my 2 yr old, male yellow sided, and Opal my NINE MONTH old pineapple turquoise. I was told she was a he but knew without DNA I'd be taking a chance still when I got her. They bonded immediately when I got Opal at 8 weeks old, they fell "in...
  6. socktheconure

    [HELP!] School Cockatiels are Incredibly Aggressive

    Hello everyone! I recently joined this forum as I seek what I feel is urgent- I need help figuring something out. My school has a Veterinary Pathway. We have a Vet Lab, which is dedicated to multiple incredibly healthy animals- except, not all of them are healthy. We have a pair of cockatiels...
  7. walterbyrd

    What to do if lovebird is laying eggs?

    The eggs are not fertile. Our bird's name is "Punky" Is it best to remove the eggs, or let bird keep eggs for a while? We are afraid that if the egg is removed, the bird will want to lay more to make up for what was taken. We went through this before. We built Punky a nest. After a...
  8. walterbyrd

    Help! Lovebird is laying eggs

    I have been doing all I can to keep her from getting hormonal, but it has not worked. She has laid two eggs in the last 3 days. The eggs are not fertile. She has a platform near the top of her cage. She lays the eggs there, but the eggs roll off, and smash on the bottom of her cage. I...
  9. S

    Cockatiel About to Lay Eggs?

    I have an 11 year old cockatiel who I adopted two years ago. The adoption place said that my bird's previous owner never mentioned her laying eggs at any point, so they assumed she hadn't. Throughout the two years I've had her, she has never laid eggs. I recently went on vacation and I boarded...
  10. M

    Just laid an egg

    Our Conure, Autumn is 15 years old and we never had her sexed. A couple of years back was told that if she hasn't laid an egg this far she must be a male. The last week or so she was acting very different, the "sexual" behavior was increased dramatically and she was turning her Zupreen pellets...
  11. K

    *Egg Butt!*

    I have a 4 year old lovebird, who within the last 6 months has just started laying eggs. She has had 3 batches, and about 3 eggs each. We've made a few changes to try to help with her hormones. We bought her a much bigger cage with no toys resembling nesting material, and it seemed to do the...
  12. veimar

    I'm confused. Please share your experience!

    Hi there! Haven't been here for a while and was missing this forum. My fids are doing great! :) I got a question about my lovebird girl Coco. She has laid her first two eggs in past couple of months, and obviously has no idea what to do with them! LOL The first one she laid I found broken, with...
  13. K

    Cockatiel egg laying and diarrhea?!

    My cockatiel lays many unfertelized eggs and because of this she has smelly diarrhea. Even when she is not laying much eggs, the poop is not healthy and is big and watery... My mom tells me that I should give her away but there's obviously no one who would want a bird like that. I don't know...
  14. M

    Female rescue laid an egg

    I am an owner of two Eclectus parrots, both around 15 or 16 years old. I got Winston as a baby and I adopted Ruby 1-3/4 years ago. They do live in the same room but do not interact. Ruby has in the past displayed to Winston, but he was a bachelor bird for so long, he's utterly clueless...
  15. P

    Female Eclectus

    Hi everyone.....I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I've had my 18 year old female eclectus parrot for 16 years, prior to her coming to me she had health problems and was alway at the vet and on medication and supplements. She has only been ill once or twice since then, she was bitten by...
  16. C

    My adventures with Roxy's egg laying

    Hello everyone! Haven't been on in awhile, just wanted to update everyone on Roxy. I know many of you are experienced eclectus breeders, but I just thought I would share what I have learned from Roxy over the past year for those who are new to female parrots. Roxy is a Solomon Island eclectus...
  17. R

    Missing Egg

    Sunday, our Yellow-thighed breeding pair ("Mom" and "Pop") had an egg in their nest box. I was thrilled. We've raised four clutches from them, and they've been good parents. Then, yesterday, our Black-head pair ("Bonnie and Clyde") had an egg in their nest. That was more exciting because...
  18. walterbyrd

    Can Lovebirds re-absorb eggs at some point?

    In June of 2012, when I first rescued Lucky, I took her to be groomed by a lady who runs a shop selling bird pet stuff - I think she is knowledgeable about birds. She took a look at Lucky, and told me Lucky was forming an egg. Thinking the egg would be laid, one way or another. I asked if I...
  19. L

    Help!! My kakariki laid an egg?

    Hi guys. My kak (Sunny)laid her first ever egg last night but sadly i found it this morning cracked at the bottom of the cage and it was leaking. She wasnt near it (it was like she new it was broken) so i took it away? did i do the wrong thing?? Ive gave her a nest box and shes been in there for...
  20. bonton036

    Juliet became a new momma yesterday

    Hi- I had recently taken over the care of 2 lovebirds Romeo & Juliet. Yesterday Juliet became a new momma and layed her 1st egg. my question is: shouln't one of them be covering the egg and keeping it warm all day? What could I do if they do not tend to their eggs? :confused: Thanks much
  21. ZephyrTK

    Female Sun Conure

    Hello All! I just got the DNA results for Cecil back and was surprised to find out he is a girl. I'm surprised primarily because he has been strutting around, bobbing his head and flitting his wings. I assumed this was some sort of male display--I was obviously wrong!! Then there is the...
  22. P

    Hormones are Raging

    I have a 15 year old Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Last December she laid 2 eggs, which surprised the heck out of me. She laid her first while sitting on my shoulder!! She had this 'kicking or digging" behavior which I've never seen until this past year. The holistic vet started her on a...