egg binding

  1. T

    Post-egg removal recovery.

    Hello! My cockatiel Tea just got home from the vet. She was egg bound and had the egg removed. I’m worried about her because her follow up papers say to look out for any straining, and she has been straining every 3-5 minutes since she’s been home, and occasionally making small chirps or squeaks...
  2. T

    first time laying eggs? help?

    Hello! I have a cockatiel named Tea that is showing signs of laying eggs. She turns 7 in about a month and she’s showing some behaviors that i’m worried about. First thing that concerns me is her poop, they’re a normal/slightly brighter green color but the actual poop is very small but...
  3. S

    Please help

    Hi! Urgent question I hope you can answer, my budgie was eggbound with swelling in her vent. We took her to a doctor who expelled the eggs but did not clean or disinfect the area. He told us to do it at home. We tried to catch her but it was very hard and she was looking very tried so we put the...
  4. kyladoodle

    Help! She laid an egg….

    Hey everybody. Miss Gizmo suprised me a couple of days ago with a small egg at the bottom of her cage. She appears to have a bit of egg butt going on - but still her usual self, being noisy, happy, eating and drinking which is great. I’m a little stressed though as I know female lories are prone...
  5. S

    My father's macaw passed away tonight due to egg binding. Did the vets give poor advice?

    Hello all. As the title states, my father's Blue and Gold Macaw, Mango, passed away today at the age of around 29 years old due to egg binding. I am writing this thread to ask for opinions on whether or not the veterinarians provided the right advice on how to handle Mango's health. I want to...
  6. jpresto

    How problematic is egg binding in females?

    Hello. I have a year old male tiel named Ollie. I got him when he was four months old. He's a sweetie, sings, says peak-a-boo, and is doing well, but we decided to get him a friend. I've been in touch with a breeder in my area, and she's got several babies who should be ready in about a month...
  7. W

    [HELP!] Prolific Egg Layer

    I have 2 budgies Percy (female) and Beckett (male). After living together for over 1.5 years, Percy suddenly started laying eggs. Even after moving them into separate cages she laid 12 eggs over about 2 months and ended up at the emergency vet egg bound. They now live in separate rooms. Percy...
  8. L

    Parrotlet Passed Away - I don’t know what happened.

    Last night my bird was egg bound again. She was almost two and had become a chronic egg layer. The last time she was laying eggs, they had to put her under to remove it because the egg was too big. This time the same but they tried to give her a pain medication instead first but my girl wasn’t...
  9. B


  10. L

    Sun Conure laying eggs/Egg binding? Help!

    Please bear with me - this is going to be a long one, but I need advice/help desperately. Thank you in advance for your patience and for reading! My father passed away suddenly about a month ago, and I have inherited his 16 year old Sun Conure, Lupe (pronounced Lu-pay). While I'm familiar with...
  11. ZephyrTK

    Female Sun Conure

    Hello All! I just got the DNA results for Cecil back and was surprised to find out he is a girl. I'm surprised primarily because he has been strutting around, bobbing his head and flitting his wings. I assumed this was some sort of male display--I was obviously wrong!! Then there is the...
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