eclectus parrot

  1. J

    Adoption / Rehoming lovely little Monty

    Hi, We have beautiful Eclectus called Monty, he is 4 years old and he flies all round the house. He is amazing character, has spa baths, talks loads and loves being blow dried! We got Monty because we could not have children and had time to care for Monty. Last year after many years of failed...
  2. K

    Eclectus wanted

    Hello, If this isn’t allowed here, please delete. I am searching for an Eclectus parrot baby or young adult. Will have an excellent home with all of his or her needs and requirements met and lots of love and attention. I have an avian veterinarian also. Thank you! Cathy
  3. C

    Help with male eclectus - 18 weeks old

    Hey Guys, New member here, first post. I need help with my male eckie please. He is 18 weeks old and isn't fully weaned, as the breeder believes that its okay to continue feeding them formula on top of fresh fruit and vegetables, for as long as they want it. The issue is, the past 2 days he...
  4. cytherian

    Encouraging an Eclectus to talk

    Judging from all I've witnessed thus far with the 3 Eclectus birds owned by my roommate, it seems that they've got a "window" for vocal conditioning. While the male & female have on occasion said "hello," it's quite rare. It's mostly just chirps & squawks from them. Despite all the talking my...
  5. cytherian

    Female vocalizations... different from males or by personality?

    I recently moved in with a friend who has 3 Eclectus birds. Two are a matched pair of adult male (7 yrs) & female (8 yrs), while the third is a baby male (just a little over 2 years) that was hatched from them. Each of them have very different personalities. The adult male is very well behaved...
  6. M

    My Eclectus are driving me crazy, please help!

    Hi everybody I'm new here and joined in a very desperate state. I live in a house with 2 cats and 1 African Grey and a pair of Eclectus. My pair of Eclectus is now 1.8 years old. And I've had them for almost 1 year and 4 months. Having raised a baby African Grey, I was very patient in my...
  7. S

    I'm new! Hoping for some helpful advice :-)

    Hi All- So glad I found this site! My name is Starla and I live in Georgia. I have an Eclectus parrot named Romeo, of which has lived in this home for 20 years this year. He is actually my fathers, but my father is truthfully incarcerated. He has lived here since a baby, and my father has been...
  8. Mokey

    How come my bird does that with his foot?

    Okay, so my eclectus parrot named Mokey (hence my profile name) does this weird thing with his foot at night, and I'm not sure if it's normal, or if it's something I should be concerned with. Here's an image: Edit: Sorry, the computer processed the image horizontally.
  9. T

    First time eckkie owner

    Hi guys im a first time ekkie owner and joined due to serching for some answers. Im hopping you guys will be able to help me out !! My beautiful girl got a scare and took a fall from the top of her cage ..... i poped her back up the top but once she had settled she climbed right back down to...
  10. C

    Before Getting an Eclectus?

    I have a couple questions regarding Eclectus parrots. I know that no bird is silent, but are these birds extremely extremely loud? Can these birds bond with more than one person? Are they extremely messy? Like scrub down the entire cage and vacuum the area once every ___ days? Are these birds...
  11. D

    what sub species do i have?

    I picked up KoKo last night he is so sexy. I was hope someone can help with identify his sub species. He has a 1 inch yellow strip at the bottom of his tail and yellow under wings. Also the red collar I have not seen before. Thanks in advance. :green1:
  12. C

    Introducing Marley - and a few questions!

    Hello everyone! I wanted to give you an update on Marley. He is home! We got to bring him home Saturday night. My husband and I are beyond ecstatic and have fallen in love with the little guy! So a few things, just a heads up, this post may be long 😆. Marley came home with Goldenfeast...
  13. D

    The smell of a baby Ekkie?

    My Jasper smells bit musty is that normal? bit like wet sawdust I have showered him for first time doesnt seem to smell as bad now.
  14. A

    Ekkie's not playful

    My eclectus Angel and I have been together now for about a year and a half and she's settled into our routine well. She underwent some testing and we found out she had a vitamin A deficiency. After about 6 to 8 months she's good as can be, howe very she'said not very playful. Every now and...
  15. B

    Frustrated Birdy Mum

    So things are not going well with Baby. Like with every animal I get, I always take them into the vet as soon as I can so I can catch any possibly diseases they could have and nip it in the butt so to speak. Since I am still in contact with Baby's previous owners, I asked for vet records...
  16. J

    need help with vicious parrot

    Hello everyone:) Last September i got a female eclectus parrot to keep my lovely male happy. As i don't get my birds straight from breeders (i see so many owners trying to get rid of their birds as they don't think they can give there birds a good life or can't deal with them any more and i...
  17. A

    Baby Eclectus and Older (9 years old) Dog

    So I have another question! My baby eclectus came home on Saturday and she is doing great! dog is not. She is a little yorkie (only four pounds) and has been babied all her life. She defintely thinks she is the dominant one and that we are her human pets lol She is having a really hard...
  18. A

    6 Week Baby Eclectus--need help/advice!

    Hi, So I just came home with a six week old female eclectus. I had been looking for a Grey, but ended up with an eclectus and didn't know anything about them. I am so surprised that I was sent home to raise this little baby with no prior knowledge of raising a parrot--I thought they had to wait...
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