
  1. S

    Where to buy an Eclectus breeder, WA?

    Hi, Does anyone know a reliable Eclectus breeder in Greater Seattle area, WA? I’m thinking of getting a male Eclectus.
  2. Chris_1

    Contemplating a companion

    Hi all. This is my first post on this forum. I had a budgie for almost 7 years before an acute illness took him back in June. Overcoming the mourning process, I have found a longing for another companion. My interest turns to an Ekkie or a Pionus. My background is that I work full-time, but...
  3. O

    3 yr ecky behaviour need help please

    I have had my male ecky for 4 years got him as a baby and trained him to the smart (not nice) boy he is but for the past 6-7 months he has become a demon and I mean it he will be all lovey 1 second out of no where will bite and not gentle (blood/ripped skin) then will look at you like "oh hey...
  4. M

    My Ekkie just won't eat enough pallets

    Hi, so here's the situation: I got my Ekkie, Magnus, when she was 3 months old. It appeared that the breeder was giving her a mix of seeds and pellets. My Ekkie is now 5 months old and just so stubborn. She eats pellets, but only a little bit, almost like a snack. Sometimes she rushes to the...
  5. A

    Help me PLEASE

    Hi! I am not new to owning ekkies, but am new to breeding them, I have two pairs, one pair is too young to breed so I am just focusing on bonding them together and getting them happy with eachother, The second pair, I got from my father, they are 15(m) and 12(f) they are proven breeders and...
  6. Nolgi

    Activities for an Obsessive Parrot

    We’ve had our parrot for a year now and he is obsessed with us to the point where he is not happy unless he’s physically with us. It’s sad to see, and it’s become a strain on our ability to function well and enjoy our time with him. It doesn’t matter if he’s out for 8 hours a day, the moment...
  7. C

    How can i remove nest box from my female eclectus?

    Hi i bring up couple of eclectus(not for breeding), and its first time laying eggs. i think my parrot failed to hatching, because more than a month has passed. i'm trying to remove nest box, but female eclectus dosen't show up her whole body outside(just her head!) so i can't pick her out. How...
  8. O

    New Eclectus parrot

    Hey guys! So I recently bought my first eclectus parrot!! (when I say new, I mean REAL NEW, about two week ago) I'm having a variety of problems with him: - he wont eat the chop I made him (leafy greens, carrots, corn, bell pepper, chills, quinoa, oats, cucumbers, corn, a little bit of egg...
  9. ifnlovebirds

    back from vacation behavior

    So i went on a trip for about a month and a half and my mom had been taking care of him. (Male eclectus 1yr) As soon as i got back i got him out of his cage and he was letting me hold him and kiss him and cuddle him. Not even two minutes after he flew away from me back to his cage. (my fault for...
  10. T

    I'm a new Eclectus owner (to be) and need ADVICE!

    Hi everyone - I have a male Eclectus that I just agreed to accept for rehome. He's in another state, coming home in a month and I feel like I could use all the advice possible :) He attempted to be used for breeding but didn't produce viable clutches, so the owner decided to let them go. I'm...
  11. K

    Eclectus wanted

    Hello, If this isn’t allowed here, please delete. I am searching for an Eclectus parrot baby or young adult. Will have an excellent home with all of his or her needs and requirements met and lots of love and attention. I have an avian veterinarian also. Thank you! Cathy
  12. S

    New Eclectus owner with some questions

    Hello! This is definitely not my first time having a bird in my home but it is my first time with an Eclectus, and I would love to bend the ear of those who are happily owned by one. Last week, I adopted a 6y/o Ekkie who has so far acclimated very well to his new home and gotten very...
  13. T

    Special needs 10yrs old Female Eclectus, in need of loving home. Serious inquires only, must be committed.

    Please post here if you are interested. We are located near Knoxville, TN USA Jay & Tinamarie
  14. Sora6886

    Mites on aviary floor. How to prevent it in the future?

    Ok so I suddenly have a bunch on mites on/in the floor of one of my Aviaries. None on the pair of birds in that aviary yet and I have also used avian insect liquidator to prevent it from happening. I don't clean the floors super regularly but it's still done regularly enough. Now in the...
  15. I

    How much of the day does your bird spend being crazy!!!

    Hey guys I’m curious to see how often and for how long your birds are just bouncing around and hyper!! I’d also like to know what species you guys think is the most chill, play time every day of course but not all day haha The birds I’m really interested in right now are derbyan parakeets...
  16. crmnh

    Eclectus keeps damaging lower beak

    Hi all, I have an 18 year old female Eclectus who's been with me since she was 3. Over the past year or so she has been damaging her lower beak, sometimes it is a small crack in the center, sometimes it breaks off a small piece. I have her beak trimmed every 2-4 weeks which usually keeps it...
  17. I

    They are pet rocks

    I’ve seen some people refer to eclectus as boring, “display” birds that never move except to eat and poop! Is this true? Do they just sit there? I feel like this is rooted in a lack of appropriate care and attention but I want to hear some other opinions because I really love these birds (I’m...
  18. ifnlovebirds

    pls help!! baby Eclectus extremely fearful of hands!!

    hello, I adopted my 12 week-old baby male Eclectus two weeks ago. Before his arrival, the breeder contacted me 2 days prior to his adoption date with concerns about his behavior. She said that ever since his brother got adopted, his behavior has become aggressive. I believed this story because I...
  19. I

    Still researching, want some opinions!

    Hi everyone, I’m sure some of you have seen posts I’ve made about many parrot species as im researching all my options! I’ve come to the forums today to get some opinions about my compatibility with a couple species These are: African greys (timneh mostly) Eclectus Amazons Hahns macaws Meyers...
  20. W

    Eclectus' constant screaming

    Hi, to start off, I'm rather desperate on trying to find a way to help discourage my eclectus from screaming. I live in Singapore, in one of the many skyscrapers here. I'm totally unsure of how my eclectus' condition is like as I found it while it was lost (it probably flew away from its...
  21. I

    adopting an amazon in the future?

    this all came up as i was searching for adoptable birds on a site like craigslist and came across many birds who i would, given the opportunity drop everything to go and get them out of their current situation. now bear with me lol hypothetically (im a big hypotheticals person lol) if the...
  22. Milkteeth

    Considering an ekkie

    Hi all! So, after recently getting my first bird (a lovely little conure, she’s a delight), I’ve found that this has rekindled something of an obsession with ekkies! I met one for the first time when I was a child, she was a beautiful girl who was kept at a feed store I used to go to. I was...
  23. T

    Which Behavior to Encourage as Babies

    Hello, I've recently entered the process of getting a baby male Eclectus. The situation is that the store where I'm getting him from hatches the babies and takes care of them for several months before they can be taken home. I'm in that phase now, my Eclectus turned 2 months old last week. I...
  24. Dois

    How do you acclimate an Eclectus to certain sounds (mine screams when she hears beeping)

    Hello, I have very young Eclectus (~4 months old) and she always lets out a few loud screams when she hears any beeping (turning on the aircon, microwave, etc.) Now, it isn't much screaming and I don't mind it much, but it's very loud and I presume it's because she's afraid. Is there a...
  25. I

    so... vetafarm...

    listen, i know we really dislike vetafarm here ESPECIALLY for ekkies, BUT how do we feel about occasionally giving an ekkie some of this: Vetafarm Forest Fusion Lorikeet "Formulated by veterinarians and made with fresh Australian ingredients, Vetafarm’s Forest Fusion Lorikeet diet has been...
  26. G

    Eclectus parrot not eating

    I have a four month old female eclectus parrot named Emu and today she hasn't been eating as much as she usually does. We have had her for just over a week and she had been eating fruits, seeds and veggies. Today she started eating as usual and then stopped. Since this morning she has been very...
  27. A

    Help with feathers!

    Hi all! I'm looking into adopting this eclectus. It is obvious that he needs a beak trim. Besides that, I'm looking for help as far as his feathers. Right now he is on seeds and pellets, but will be switched to fresh veggies and some fruit when I get him. Is there any hope of getting his...
  28. L

    I am looking for advice about my young Eclectus parrot.

    Hello! I have a male Eclectus parrot who is 11 months old, Oliver. :) Recently, I have had to take him to the vet due to an issue with his poop being lime green and runny. The vet looked at a sample of it under the microscope, and said there was nothing wrong with him, there was no detection...
  29. E

    My Female Eclectus Died Suddenly and Looking for Answers

    Hello everyone! I am new to the forum but am confused and grieving. I was hoping someone might have information. My Female Eclectus that was 23.5 that I have had since she was basically 6 months old just passed away. She was acting lethargic and not interested in food on Sunday, so I took her...
  30. cytherian

    Female vocalizations... different from males or by personality?

    I recently moved in with a friend who has 3 Eclectus birds. Two are a matched pair of adult male (7 yrs) & female (8 yrs), while the third is a baby male (just a little over 2 years) that was hatched from them. Each of them have very different personalities. The adult male is very well behaved...
  31. cytherian

    Hello! New to parrots, as a roomate

    I've known a few exotic birds over the years, but this is the first time I'm actually living with them. So, I'm not the owner--my roommate has them. She started with two Eclectus parrots, then after a couple years, decided to try her luck with a baby. And she got her wish! So now there are three...
  32. M

    my Ekkies laid 3 eggs is that a good sign ?

    Hey guys if use seen my 1st post here on being a new owner to a breeding pair, within 2 weeks of my ekkys being in their new environment the hen has laid 3 eggs which I am extremely happy about. Today is the 28th day since I have noticed the 1st egg and than following 2 days later the 2nd and...
  33. E

    Ekkie Issues

    Here's my story, seeking any information you guys can provide. Beginning last July our eclectus, Charlie (hatch date 12/26/15), has been having behavioral issues (mainly feather destruction and screaming). Within the span of a few days he had gone from a beautiful green belly to tattered...
  34. P

    Raging Hormones!!

    I don't know if it's because Spring is in the air or Zim is just settling in to our new home and dynamic but his hormonal behaviours have been steadily increasing in intensity. He has chosen my partner as his mate, with all the joys of following him everywhere, regurgitating food on him and...
  35. M

    New To breeding ! Purchased my first breeding pair

    Hey guys nice to meet use ive been doing my research for a week now getting tips to keep my pair healthy and stay breeding.. here is my set up i also have questions to ask... (Wild pair ) +7 years of age. Can I have more than 1 pair in my avairy without a visual barrier? Just 2 nest box one on...
  36. J

    Common Issues to Look for in Older Ekkie?

    So my local bird store has a female eclectus that is 21 years old that someone needed to rehome. Physically, her feathers look really good but they showed me the diet she has been fed for at least the past 4 years (the person who surrendered her was the second owner so they were unsure of what...
  37. L

    Is it possible to take care of a parrot in a wheelchair?

    Hello I'm new to this forum and I really enjoyed reading people's experience with their parrots. In 4 weeks, a male eclectus parrot should (or shouldn't?) Come home with me. Sadly, a sudden medical condition might send me in a wheelchair for some time, or if the worst becomes reality, forever...
  38. L

    Lucky sways from side to side when I do too. Why is this?

    Hey everyone! Quick update (I'm not very active here, more of a lurker): Lucky and I have been together now for maybe 4-5 months and it has been incredible. He's happy as always and is beginning to fly to my hand when he asks for it. The bond is something I could have never imagined prior to...
  39. Radha And Krishna

    Radha And Krishna

    Every year we do a photoshoot, and this was from this year, spring 2020
  40. CubicBoron

    Balding and feather concerns

    Howdy! I have some concerns about Zephyr, my SI. Unfortunately, he's started balding on the top of his head. At first, we thought it was a Mojo Moult, as he's prone to them, but the skin appears dry and the feathers aren't growing back. We're trying to increase vitamin A in his diet in case...
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