
  1. R

    Cockatoo throwing up

    Hi my cockatoo has recently thrown up he threw up twice last tuesday while i wasnt in the room and its been a week yet hes thrown up again around the same time a week later just wondering if i should take him to a vet (closest one is only in on fridays so 3 days) or wait it out he has pretty...
  2. P

    My Ducorp Monty

    It has been quite a while since I have been on the forums, I believe it was before we had Monty at home. Well since Monty has been home we added a U2 (Ollie 32yrs. rescue) that he would LOVE to play with, he is such a little clown! So let me back up a little, we have a rescue B&G, Max (7yrs) &...
  3. P

    New in South West Florida

    Hello Everyone and thank you for allowing me to join! I am new getting back into birds but not new to having birds. My Mother raised Canaries when I was a child, later I had a Cockatiel and when my oldest children were young we had rescued an abused Red Headed Amazon (That I later gave to an...
  4. Y

    Introducing Bath time?

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone knew the best way to introduce bathing to my Ducorps Cockatoo? I have tried spray bottles but it scares the daylights out of him! and When I try to show him the sink and bath tub he refuses to leave my shoulder, any ideas?
  5. Catherine

    Another New Member :)

    Hi, My name is Catherine. I stumbled on this forum while doing some research and really liked it. I own a Ducorps Cockatoo who is still very young. I work from home so he/she (not sure and not really bothered which...but if I could guess I would say boy ;)) is a very lucky little boy because he...
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