
  1. Amy-Milo

    Cockatiel with abnormal droppings?

    So I have a male white faced cockatiel. Had him for almost a year now. This problem has been happening for a few months now. But when it first started it wasn’t so bad, he has been having droppings that are a brownish colour? A few months ago it was only like the odd one or two, but now it’s...
  2. pearlthegoffin

    Blood in poop? HELP.

    Hi Guys! I’m new to the forum myself. But I’ve been going on here since I’ve adopted my 23 y/o Goffins Cockatoo Pearl, I’ve had her since December 2021. I’ve noticed today that she hassome abnormal droppings, last week I saw them as well but it went back to her standard green/dark green color…...
  3. cardinalMom

    First time Cleaning Cardinal Cage: health and safety

    Hello everyone, In the next few days we will be clearning our cardinal Amadeus' cage for the first time. He lives outdoors and we would like to know how to clean his aviary in the most hygenic way possible. For instance should we wear something over our mouths to prevent inhaling his...
  4. H

    4 weeks old IRN is sneezing and not acting well please help.

    Hello people! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for this amazing forum, forums like these help us keep an innocent soul healthy! I bought a 2 weeks old Indian ring neck 2 weeks ago, the breeder told me to feed him Nestle's Cerelac and nothing else. I've been feeding him well with a 3ml...
  5. M

    Red rumped parrot, red droppings after food change

    First of all, sorry for my english Hey, i got rosella and red rumped parraket(got him for 4 years, rosella for 8years) recently like mounth ago i gave them together in big cage outside(they were in 2 cages), yesterday i changed food i gave them (food Which they got before, first picture) to...
  6. B

    Alexandrine Baby Difficulties in Feeding and Feather Issues

    Our Alexandrine baby [we named him Piku] :green1: [I guess 3-4 months old. but I'm not sure] is not cooperating while eating [requiring force feeding], having watery droppings and losing feathers [mainly tail and wing feathers]. 1) We got him 1 month. Initially he was under diet of homemade...
  7. R

    Urine Color!? help!

    Hey all! Roxy (6 month old) is doing fine playing,preening, eating and drinking. There is no unhealthy sings! But when I noticed her droppings today just now I got worried! I'm going to travel in few days and I really hope I can squeeze a vet appointment tomorrow! She is eating colored fruit...
  8. C

    Lack of feces in the dropping... help please!!!

    Hi My sun conure :orange: is 5 weeks old. I feed him 20 ml thrice. Its my first ever parrot so I am cautious. I hope its not a big deal but just to be sure I have to ask. Today his Poop only had Urates(white part) and Urine(Clear liquid) but no feces (Brownish/greenish part). I was...
  9. 1

    Parrot Droppings Question

    Hi, I have had my Blue Fronted Amazon for a little under a year now. He has been suspected to have been sick 3 times so far so he has gone to the vet three times. His previous owners were extreme smokers so when we got him he completely smelled of smoke. He finished his medication for the third...
  10. M

    Potential illness?

    Hello! This is my first time posting here, so if I do this wrong I apologize. I need some advice concerning my green cheek/black cap hybrid, Cookie. As of a few days ago, the urine in her droppings changed color. The fecal matter is still green (sometimes brownish), and the urates are still...
  11. Tsukimaru

    Strange Bird Dropping! (picture included)

    Hey Guys!! how have you been? sorry i didn't update you with anything lately ive been cooped up with college!!.. my CAG is doing fine... eats and drinks fine!! Finally Switched him to pellets..he doesnt like them but at least he is eating em!! :D :D ... ok so i noticed his droppings have changed...
  12. M

    Sun conure hates cage

    Ok so mango is 3 months old and she absolutlely hates being in her cage! She freaks out when I wont get her out. She gets in her food dish and kicks everything out and tries to lift it with her head to spill it lol She is also trying to open the door where I put her food dish....Should I ignore...
  13. Tsukimaru

    Bubbles in Droppings! :/

    Hey Guys So i noticed since two days ago that my AG Having Lots of bubbles in his droppings that goes approximately after 15 - 20 seconds! his droppings looks fine and normal except those bubbles ..and he passed the health check up at the vet! he eats and drinks fine he is active and does play...