Hi everyone,
I have cockatiel chicks dying a couple of days after hatching due to the wooden shaving bedding. The material keeps getting stuck in the chick's beaks and nostrils and they don't survive.
What are the best low-dust wooden shaving materials that could be used in the cockatiel...
So i have a pair of lutino ringnecks.
They layed 5 eggs and they started hatching but 2 days ago all the hatched chicks died and i thought that they died due to cold because the previous night was really cold. Yestarday the 4th egg hatched but today it died as well. And i am trying to find the...
Hello, My conures had babies and this was not intended. i have never breed birds before. Please no rude comments, this is not a good moment for me. Advise on how to prevent them to breed again? Advise on what did I do wrong? Or what could of have happened?
I am so devastated. Only three out of...