
  1. R

    Kakariki leaning side to side

    Hi all, I was hoping I could maybe find an answer here on why my kakariki leans from one leg on the other sometimes, like a mini dance. She does this at night too, she's done it since a few months old (is now 1 year). Diet is quality seeds, veggies, greens, fruit (i noticed when she gets more...
  2. TeekoGreenCheek

    Teeko Loves The Legend Of Zelda.

    so, funny story. i decided to clean the room and decided to listen to some Zelda music. and i started the playlist about in 10 mins i turn around to look at Teeko on his cage and he is just bobbing his head back and forth and up and down, with the music. he has never danced before this so its a...
  3. L

    Lucky sways from side to side when I do too. Why is this?

    Hey everyone! Quick update (I'm not very active here, more of a lurker): Lucky and I have been together now for maybe 4-5 months and it has been incredible. He's happy as always and is beginning to fly to my hand when he asks for it. The bond is something I could have never imagined prior to...
  4. bostralian

    What does this body language mean?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3XYWFGD0Ig Sometimes I see my amazon "dancing". I've been told different things such as it means that he's 'excited' or 'wants attention', but can anyone confirm this? I notice he does this quite randomly. Thanks!:green::green:
  5. You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

    You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

  6. You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

    You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

  7. You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

    You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

  8. You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

    You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

  9. You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

    You Should Be Dancing, Yeah

  10. happycat

    Green Cheek Conure dancing?

    I went to Petco last night and I saw an adorable Green cheek conure and a adorable crimson bellied conure. The GCC started bobbing his head then did this weird dance (not really a dance but he was putting his wings around his head and bobbing his head and going back and forth sorta. Im bad at...
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