
  1. G

    I hated to do it but it was for his own good.

    As far as I know I don't move in my sleep. Better safe than sorry though. As soon as I turned out the lights to go to bed Baby flew over and landed on my head. Then he climbed down onto my shoulder. He snuggled up to my neck and promptly fell asleep. I sat there for a few minutes then I slid...
  2. B

    Trying to pet my male Eclectus

    Hi everyone I have a question about petting my male eclectus. He is 5 months and counting and seems to really like me. He always steps up and wants to just hang out no problem. But when I’m holding him and I go to pet him with my other hand he squawks and either jumps off or tries to bite. I...
  3. S

    No matter how cuddly they are, you do not want to ever go through this tragedy!!

    It has taken me over a year now to post the truth to you all. My beautiful beloved Frankie flew to heaven.. the horrible thing is... IT WAS 100% PREVENTABLE!! Now, Frankie was my little GCC. She was my absolute everything. Unfortunately, I literally smothered my girl to death! I was always...
  4. O

    New but already cuddling? Or maybe not?

    I just got a Jenday Conure who I named Suki. She's threeish and was already tamed and trained to step up/stand on shoulders. But I only got her a few days ago, and she's already cuddling or something. I wasn't going to hold her so soon, but she gets so excited when I go by her cage. She chirps...
  5. J

    Mickey is starting to like me!!

    So I've finally seemed to have gained a little bit of Mickey's trust. He has gotten better with stepping up. He won't usually step up if he is inside of his cage but I respect that because that is his personal space and I want him to at least feel comfortable and secure in there if no place...
  6. Itsohkai

    Sniffing really fast while cuddling

    Ever since I purchased Blaze, she's been an extreme snuggler. She loves laying right on my chest where my hair falls, or she'll climb up onto my shoulder and lean against my neck. It's just the cutest, little thing. However, she does this rapid sniffing (I guess you could call it an avian...
  7. christine

    Lovebird just preened my face

    It's 9pm & my little lovebird just decided to preen my face for me for the last 20 minutes. No need to go to the facialist anymore, every bit of my face has been careful cared for by my little girl. I was propped up on some pillows in bed planning out a vacation and decided she had the perfect...
  8. L

    What's normal for cuddling a conure?

    I've had Hiccup for almost three weeks now and she loves her cuddle time, and has recently started tipping her head so I'll scrach under her beak and then all over her face, along with down the back of her neck to where her wings start. I asked Helitorian about it, and she said her birds didn't...
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