
  1. S

    Full crop

    Hi, it’s me again 🙈 I am hand feeding three cockatiels and one of them has always full crop. So I thought that it is sour crop or crop infection. So I started giving antibiotics. I am giving them 2 times a day. Now it’s almost a week and his crop is still full. I think hes digesting. But why...
  2. E


    I just recently posted a thing my birds stinky “breath” to which a few people showed concern so I made a vet appointment- he went this morning and she cleared his crop of old food and set him on an antibacterial med well since then it seems like he’s completely changed - he’s quieter; very...
  3. S

    Sun conure crop impact ion/hard crop(may be urgent)

    Hello! I have a 12 year old sun conure named Sunny(original i know), yesterday I noticed he looked like he wanted to get something out of his mouth, which lead to me checking out his crop, it feels very hard, so I believe it may be impacted, it might also be that he’s swallowed some fibre from...
  4. B

    Eckie not eating F&V

    I have an 11 week old Female Eclectus. She's been with us for 7 days now. I'm worried that she is not eating enough fruit and veggies, as well as water. I put fresh water and veggies out after every feeding (6 hourly). Morning feedings are a bit more difficult and time consuming,(I've had to...
  5. WannaBeAParrot

    How long to empty full crop in adult conure?

    Just wondering what your experiences are with this. I googled and googled and could not find anything for adult birds cropy emptying rate (lots of babies though). I know it will vary widely, but curious what range you think (such as 4 - 8 hours, etc.) and the size of the conure (such as...
  6. L

    Crop Infection

    Hey I'm still new to this site and still a fairly new owner of a Dusky Conure named Java. :green2: Java is 4 years old. I just took Java to the vet yesterday morning he was acting lethargic, slightly vomiting and not breathing very well.:( They did an x-ray, contrast study, blood work and they...
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