crimson bellied conure

  1. F

    Trying to identify PBT and KXA WI leg bands

    Hi all, I have been searching off-and-on for my rescued conure's (black capped and crimson bellied) breeders ever since I adopted them 7 years ago. I've scoured the internet, made phone calls, sent e-mails...nothin'. I would love to know more about their history if anyone has any tips on these...
  2. Solanyx

    New cage choice for 2 parrots - flight with divider?

    Hello all! I'd like some advice on dimensions for a split flight cage for my Sun Conure and CBC. Below is the one I'm considering (21" depth 32" length on either side of divider)...
  3. R

    Bird Aggression

    I have a green cheek conure and a crimson bellied conure sharing the same cage. I've had them for about 4 years and they have shared a cage. Now I am used to being bitten here and there by my birds (anything with a mouth can bite). So my green cheek has been showing aggression over time but I...
  4. S

    Tell me about your Crimson bellied conure!

    I'm bringing a weaned Crimson bellied conure home in a few weeks and am beyond thrilled! He will be joining a 6 month old Jenday - separate cages, but hopefully they will enjoy playtime together. I want to hear any and all stories you may have- good, bad, ugly, fun, cute, cuddly !!
  5. J

    green cheek and crimson bellied in same cage?

    Hi I am new to forum, I just brought home a baby green cheek conure, she is three months old, she has adjusted well, very cuddly and loving and has a very large cage. I wanted to know if I could introduce a crimson bellied baby in one month and they be kept together in the same cage. I live in a...
  6. M

    Crimson bellied baby coming home next month - tips?

    Hi, everyone! I'm ecstatic that we should be bringing a new feathered baby home with us in the latter half of next month. He was hatched in December, and is a Crimson Bellied Conure. I've done lots of research into what the best foods, habits, and toys to help him be trained early, but I find...
  7. happycat

    Green Cheek Conure dancing?

    I went to Petco last night and I saw an adorable Green cheek conure and a adorable crimson bellied conure. The GCC started bobbing his head then did this weird dance (not really a dance but he was putting his wings around his head and bobbing his head and going back and forth sorta. Im bad at...
  8. C

    How hard is it to tame conures?

    My green cheek conure was my first bird and I am so in love with birds that I want another conure to add to my flock! :) I'm not home for 10 hours a day because school is 8 hours and it's a while away from where I live so I'm sure my little girl would like a cage neighbor to chirp to. I have...
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