conure mating

  1. ConureMummy

    Is it possible for Green-Cheeked Conures to lay fertilized eggs several months after mating?

    Roughly 11 weeks ago, my Male Conure passed away. Not long before his departure, I recall him mating with my female conure. Today, she has laid an egg. While I know laying unfertilized eggs isn't uncommon, is there a chance that these might be fertilized? I'm curious about the possibilities...
  2. Z

    Two Conures Suddenly Start Mating??

    So I have two conures, I’ve had them for 3 years now and they love each other but have never shown any mating behaviors before until recently. I thought they were both males since nothing had happened over 3 years, but for over a week now, they’ve started mating EVERY SINGLE DAY!! sometimes...
  3. M

    Green cheek rubbing his bum on my hand

    Pickle is a male green cheek. He hatched in the last week of September 2014. So is he trying to mate with me? He presses his bum up against my hand when I'm on the computer and started rubbing it on me lol. So I just ignore this behaviour right? I thought it would be a bit early for him to be...
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