conure biting

  1. Jesse blueman

    Random aggression towards family members? please help

    Hi i have a green cheek conure he(we dont know the gender i just assume a bit lol) is about 10-11 months and he is a very social guy he likes new people (and he loves to bite them a lil bit) and he loves to interact with everyone around the house at least one time a day but suddenly about 3-4...
  2. E

    My new conure keeps biting my face and ear (new bird owner)

    I just got my 2 year old male GCC, Biscuit, a few days ago. He likes to sit on my shoulder and lets me pet him and steps up without biting me, however when on my shoulder while he preens my face he sometimes bites my cheek or lip hard or my ear. I tell him NO firmly then put him back on his...
  3. cosmothebirb

    Painful biting

    Hello! Eddie is wonderful, he is very affectionate with us and is doing quite well. One problem we have is that he started to bite REALLY hard! I approached this problem a bit badly because I would put him in his cage whenever he was being bad, he really dislikes my brother and bites him...
  4. AvianAdrian

    Confusing behaviour around biting

    Hey guys! May be a long post but please read the full post before responding. So the problem: My conure, since coming home, has had problems with my roommates. It's almost always hands but he occasionally bites faces. This is a behaviour he rarely displays towards me, but I've explicitly...
  5. cosmothebirb

    Edgar is quite bitey!

    Hello once again! So as I said in my previous post we got a new baby bird (he is approximately 2 months old), and as it was with our beloved Cosmo, so it is with Edgar - quite a challenge. I dont remember if Cosmo was this bitey but Edgar sure is. As I learned all birds bite a little as...
  6. DaeDae

    My Conure bites me but always wants to be near me

    Hello! Im new here but didn't know where else to go ;w; I have a male Green Cheek Conure Kiwi, who is roughly 8-9 months old now. Kiwi has the biggest personality and is such a funny and playful birdie, but ever since ive adopted him hes always been a biter ToT. Ive done research and I...
  7. bethellerby

    Friendly Conure Loves Biting Hands

    I am a zookeeper that works with quite a few birds including ex-pets. My particular question is in regards to an ex-pet green-cheeked Conure called Eric. For more context he lives alone with a group of Amazons. Eric is my best little buddy at work and he truly loves me. He flies the length of...
  8. P

    Conure Behavioral Issues

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to get some insight if anyone could possibly help on the below issue - Recently my 2 year old Conure (Zazu :)) has been acting a little strange & aggressive towards my parents. She actually grew up with both my parents & I from February 2020 all the way up to April...
  9. D

    Biting conure, help

    Two weeks ago I found a green cheek conure perching on my tree in my yard. We took it in because there were no lost n found posters around my neighborhood and there are some owls around too. We have no clue about its owner, age, name, how it's trained etc. So we assumed it lived quite far away...
  10. B

    Conure randomly gets hyper on shoulder

    So I have a GCC who is coming up on 10 months old. When he is on my shoulder randomly , and I can tell when it’s gonna happen everytime, he starts to talk and go a little crazy shifting side to side and after he does that specifically in order he will lightly nip my neck/ear. If I were to let...
  11. B

    How long did it take for your conure to be fully trained?

    So I've had my green cheek conure since end of January of this year. He was born in November and is 9 months old. My first conure , he's a good boy, loves to cuddle and is a little clumsy which i love him for. He knows quite a few tricks , still has his moments where he nips but not hard...
  12. G

    VERY aggressive sun conure !URGENT!

    I have a 4 year old male sun conure that used to share a cage with a female cockatiel (suspected 5-6 years old). The conure was very sweet (except to my dad, brother and any male visitors) until about 2 months ago when my cockatiel escaped. We got her back after 3 hours when we tried coaxing her...
  13. P

    Constant Biting

    Greetings, I own a pineapple conure it's 9 months old and it's my first owing a parrot, I got it 5 months ago. My conure spends most of its time outside the cage and is constantly biting something or me not aggressively as if everything is a toy; it bites my nails, jewelry, clothes, etc. My...
  14. R

    Conure bites a little to much

    My 7 month old conure that I've had for a month like to bite alot. Nipping and some hard biting. He's very cuddly when I put my hand out. He likes to push against my hand and nips very lightly while chirping. But then he'll get on my finger and start to bite. I try not to react as I read and...
  15. B

    Need help with a GCC

    Three or four weeks ago my mother purchased a 3 month old pineapple green cheek for my 16th and she/he has warmed up really quick and is super comfortable. My mother has had plenty of parrots in her childhood, but most of them hated her guts (not her fault). My parrot was the first parrot to...
  16. G


    Thanks for allowing me to be a part of the group! I have an 8 month old Black Cap Conure, and I've had him 2 months now. He's a joy and coming along with training. Target training is about mastered, expect for step up while on his cage. If he flies down to the floor, no problem having him step...
  17. M

    Loved so much I'm bit all over :confused:

    Hi all! I'm Mary. New here, just joined because I'm looking for some advice. It's a long story so bear with me: I've had my bird Moe for 3 years (co-owned with my mother who lives with me) since we rescued him. Moe and I are absolute BFF's and we used to spend almost all of my free time...
  18. zeldatheaccordionbirb

    New member - also seeking advice.

    I'm Kirstan. I have 3 lovely Conures. Beau is a male crimson bellied conure. Zelda is a female crimson bellied conure and Thomas is a male turquoise green cheek conure. They are all 5 years or younger and all rehomes. I'm also seeking advice on Beau - he is a sweet bird of about 1 year and 8...
  19. L

    Conure attacks

    I have a pineapple conure. He is very sweet and loving to me and my daughter, he tends to leave my husband and youngest son alone, but attacks my oldest son (who is 9). Today he literally flew onto his arm and bit him. What can i do to fix this?
  20. B

    My conure is starting to become really aggressive. Help!

    I've had my conure for about 5 months and he use to bite in the beginning but not too hard. I could handle the pain and I would never flinch. I made the biggest mistake today with him because I was having a bad day. I feel he's getting too cocky from being out so much and when he is out he needs...
  21. J

    Plea for help

    I have a 6 month old green cheek conure that I got roughly 2 months ago. I am having an issue with constant biting! Iv'e gotten him used to me. I am able to hand feed him inside and outside of his cage without issue. He's not scared of me. When I approach his cage he comes right up to me hoping...
  22. J

    Conure biting PLEASE HELP

    So we have we have had our conure for about 2 months now and he's not doing two bad with training eg step-up and coming over for bath time. Our biggest problem is that he or she is a bit of a bitter, We've been told to do what's known as the earthquake when skittle nips and then when he gets to...
  23. N

    Please help! Stressed to tears!

    I bought my first bird, a one year old maroon Bellied Conure on Boxing Day after close to a year of research on birds. I thought I as well prepared and was really excited, however now I have him, I’m terrified of him, he bites hard and often breaking skin 7/10 times and has managed to almost...
  24. C

    Help! My Conure Won't Stop Biting!

    Hello! Recently purchased a hand reared GCC. He's 6 months old. He's very friendly, lets us stroke him and takes food from us without biting. Today he stepped onto my hand, on his own accord, while I was stroking him! I was very pleased until he started chewing my finger :(. I put him back on...
  25. V

    Hello.... new here :)

    Hi all, I am Vicky and my bird is Bert. He is a 3 month old green cheek conure. We've only been "together" for about 10 days but everything is going great so far! He's a little nippy but I understand I need to work more with him and it will probably go away as he gets older. He seems to trust...
  26. B

    Adopted Conure Biting HELP

    Please help I'm desperate! I adopted two birds about 3 weeks ago (a 4yo quaker and a 3yo conure bonded pair). The quaker is settling in well but the conure won't stop biting me and to a lesser extent my partner. The previous owners advised he prefers males so that explains why he's biting me...
  27. M

    Conure bit by ferret

    So last Thursday my baby was bitten by my daughters ferret on the neck. I was able to get to him before the worst happened thank goodness, but not fast enough to keep him from being bitten. My question is he is the first bird I have had and the sore on his neck seems to be healing well, since...
  28. P


    Hello, My name is Heather, and my green cheek conure's name is Phoenix. I am currently in second year university living in my parents house because money is a tough situation. I came to this site to ask a few questions and hopefully get some help with dealing with Phoenix.:green2: Phoenix is 2...
  29. Xraysrrad

    New Owner and New to site

    Hello All, I am the proud parent of a 5 month old crimson-bellied conure, Bodhi. I have ALWAYS wanted a feathered companion, but have worked in healthcare and typically worked very long hours and shifts. I am currently not working in healthcare and work from home, so I have finally...
  30. S

    Please help!!!

    Help!! PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS!! I am a new owner of a blue crowned conure. I got it Friday and it is now Sunday. It's previous owners did not even know what kind of bird it was or the age and sex of it. When it would scream they would spray it with water. It will take treats out of my hand and...
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