conure bite angry

  1. Jesse blueman

    Random aggression towards family members? please help

    Hi i have a green cheek conure he(we dont know the gender i just assume a bit lol) is about 10-11 months and he is a very social guy he likes new people (and he loves to bite them a lil bit) and he loves to interact with everyone around the house at least one time a day but suddenly about 3-4...
  2. Raz

    Why does he attack my mom!!?

    This is a recap: My male jenday attacks my mom for no reason. He’s flown from one room to another to attack her, dived from walls and tried to attack her eyes and hands. Additionally, he’s tried to bite my dads eyes. I thought it was because of me, so I experimented without me there, but kept a...
  3. M

    Concerned about youngest bird

    Hey! I only plan to use this account for this one question, I'm seriously having a hard time right now :/ So in 2021, I got a new bird! His name is Ocarina. I've wanted another bird for a bit because my current bird, Majora, was alone throughout the day. Might not be necessary info, but my...
  4. D

    Confused abt conure's behavior

    Hi unfortunately I still haven't find the owner of the conure I took in, I guess it was abandoned by its owner. There's no leg tags or something. I'm quite confused about some of the things it does like knocking its beak on surfaces, e.g the cage, the table or my hand. Secondly, it always...
  5. P

    Need advice on a Sun Conure

    Hi all, I've had a Sun Conure for the past two years and have recently noticed some changes in his behavior. He has become seemingly possessive over me now..? He is fine to go to my fiance when he's on me but more possessive like while he's on me doing as he pleases like he owns me- biting me...
  6. B

    My conure is starting to become really aggressive. Help!

    I've had my conure for about 5 months and he use to bite in the beginning but not too hard. I could handle the pain and I would never flinch. I made the biggest mistake today with him because I was having a bad day. I feel he's getting too cocky from being out so much and when he is out he needs...
  7. F

    Need help understanding my gcc behavior

    Hi everyone, I have a two year old conure who has always been friendly with me for the most part. In the last 6 months he has become aggressive towards me. At first i thought it was wearing a hat but i eliminated that by taking my hat off before i entered the room. However, now when i do enter...
  8. S

    My Sun conure is scared of me

    Hello Everyone, I was hoping someone can give me some words of encouragement. I recently bought a Sun Conure from a breeder who claimed he hand fed and tamed the birds. I should have realized he was lying the birds kept biting him. -___- but on the bright side, I was able to save my bird from...
  9. F

    Help with my Green cheek conure, please

    So, I'm new to taking care of birds, and the forums. I had gotten a new Green cheek conure about 2 weeks ago. He is getting enough sleep, water, and food, he has a big enough cage. But ever since a few days ago he has been so aggrevated with me. everytime I try to pick him up or scratch his...
  10. S

    My Well Loved Birds

    Hi my name is DD and I have three birds, my first bird a green cheek conure, his name is Buzz, I got him when I was going through some hard times from loss of my job. He became my best buddy, but now favours my husband since I clipped his wings he bites me. Then I rescued a bird from a terrible...
  11. saka_sandora

    Cut on side Nasal

    I just got a new GCC and he and my old one got into a fight resulting in a deep cut on his nose down to the beak. I literally just got back from the vet with him the day before. He's eating fine and bouncing around like its nothing, and it stopped bleeding after I washed it in cold water. He's...
  12. Lucyj

    Help needed my pearly conure has started attacking my boyfriend!

    Our lovely pearly conure who has recently turned 1 has took a very bad liking to my boyfriend. We've had him for nearly a year and up untill about 2 months ago pearly seemed to favour him over me but for the past two months there relationship has took a serious decline! He never bites me! At...
  13. M

    sudden aggression towards my hands only!

    Hi Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have a female Green Cheek that is just about to turn 2 years old. She was hand raised in by a family (that are breeders). She has been great up until about 6 weeks ago, she has suddenly decided she HATES my hands. I will try not to get long winded...
  14. Vivica

    15 Year old Conure--Territorial problems

    Hi, my name is Vivica and I have been a parrot owner for 15 years. I am currently 23. I've been having some sort of issues with my bird as of late. I am wondering why he attacks flashlights and soda cans, and bites the hand that feeds him, basically. He tolerates me and Sean (my fiancee) but he...
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