conure baby

  1. Fauna

    Great Progress!

    Last August I brought home my baby girl Pipoca and she wasnt the biggest fan of me.. But she has warmed up to me immensely! She lets me hold her, pet her, and really all the bonding stuff! She gets super excited when i come home and will chase me down when i leave my room for a bit šŸ„² I did get...
  2. N

    Newly hatched babies keep dying

    Hello, I could really use some help here. I have two conures pineapple (female), green cheek (male). They had a batch of eggs about 11 most didnā€™t make it or was still yellow. After the first two eggs I noticed my Rosie wouldnā€™t sit on the eggs and the male would move them. I bought an...
  3. T

    New Baby Nanday Conure (4 weeks old)

    Hi I just got my Nanday Conure. He has not been weaned yet. I was told by the bird shop to feed him formula 3 times a day 9am, 2pm and 7pm. Just want to make sure this is right because I had a scare today he got really puffy was bopping his head and his wings were all droopy. But once I fed him...
  4. Fauna

    Bird and i keep scaring each other šŸ˜…

    Ive been doing my best to teach her the biting pressure stuffs, but its kinda going in circles cause when she seems interested in exploring my fingers i either flinch over nothin, or flinch cause of biting, which in turn scares her and makes her even more cautious. Its hard to do the shunning...
  5. Fauna

    How to begin the bonding process with baby bird?

    Brought this sweet baby home a few days ago. Shes super lively, adventurous and curious about everything. She will immediately go and explore any new thing that is put in, and around her cage. I want to start getting her used to my hands but i dont know what the best way to do it would be. Its...
  6. S

    HELP!!! is my new jenday conure sick or just stressed???!

    HELP is my new jenday conure sick or just stressed!!?šŸ˜– hello everyone šŸ™ŒšŸ» itā€™s been two days with me hand feeding my baby jenday he never even seems hungry I just type of force him on eating (his crop gets full every time) but what scares me is how quiet he is & rarely makes lowtone clicking...
  7. V

    I need help in figuring out which bird should i get.

    Hi guys, I am new on this forum And I am thinking of getting either a sun conure or cockatiel. And I am not very sure if I should get hand feeding chicks or hand tamed ones. As the places I have been to are recommending different things. Like one guy is saying you should not get hand feeding...
  8. cosmothebirb

    Edgar is quite bitey!

    Hello once again! So as I said in my previous post we got a new baby bird (he is approximately 2 months old), and as it was with our beloved Cosmo, so it is with Edgar - quite a challenge. I dont remember if Cosmo was this bitey but Edgar sure is. As I learned all birds bite a little as...
  9. B

    Hello! Conure baby bonding

    How are you all doing. I recently got a baby conure from my neighbour whose parrot was not properly feeding the chick and had tl be handfed...its close to 15 days but its just a rough estimate and yes i have experience in hand rearing birds such as finches and budgies and cockatiels(im 15). The...
  10. B

    Sun conure vocal problem

    Hi, I've noticed that my 3 plus month old sun conure's vocal is much different than other sun conure's. The sound is like lower pitch. but other 2month old sun conure baby's sound is like the adult conure. mine is 3 month plus and don't know is it normal or not. I've attached a video of my sun...
  11. cosmothebirb

    Conure dislikes my mom's phone?

    Hello!! I am kinda new to this forum and to owning a conure. In all honesty I will probably post a lot here given that my knowledge of their behaviour is very weak. We got Cosmo a few weeks ago and he's so wonderful! The whole family loves him. But I went on a 3 day trip a few days ago and my...
  12. E

    Conure baby doesn't like to eat much

    Please bear with my long story. I have a month and 2 weeks (approx.) old Green Cheek Conure baby. Before getting her, I didn't know that the breeder used to directly crop-feed her which technically left her no experience of handfeeding and actually tasting the food. Moreover, I didn't know the...
  13. J

    My sun conure keeps flicking her one wing

    Just got a sun conure. 12 weeks old. She flicks her left wing and chirps almost every time. I dont know if it's attention seeking or discomfort. The lady I bought her off clipped her wings and left the outer 2 feathers untouched. It's the same flick as my other conure does when he's getting...
  14. Emmy21

    Confused about first visit to the vet

    Hi everyone! I'm new here, but I've been reading all your posts for a long time and am so impressed with the wealth of knowledge and care you possess. Firstly, I don't believe my darling bird is ill -- he just had a routine physical and consultation yesterday. My main question is whether I...
  15. J

    Baby yellow sided green cheek is not eating

    So I recently got a yellow sided green cheek conure.It's age is about 40-45 days. I handfed it for like - 4-5 days. In those 4-5 days, when it saw the food it came screaming for food. But now it doesn't want to eat. Rather I have to make it eat. Furthermore, there is winter ongoing in my...
  16. Kamarro

    Hi all! New bird mom (1st timer here)

    Hi! Iā€™m Kelsey, I already made a original post about bonding with my new baby conure. But I should have introduced myself first. I am a wi8+ year Vet tech, full time job and mom to both human and birds. (Disclaimer:I know the amount of time I need to spend with my birds and I interact with...
  17. S

    Baby conure & baby cockatiel in one cage

    Iā€™ve recently got a cockatiel (8 weeks old now) and she lives in a cage since she started flying and today I went home with a green cheek conure (7 weeks old) & she flies but not yet too high. my question is, is it possible for them to put in one cage since they are still young?

    Something wrong with poop + Attention seeking

    Hey everyone, I noticed something a little different about Kiwi's poop today, SLIGHTLY URGENT PART: it was a normal color but their were no urates (the water around the poop learned that from google lol). My first thought was maybe he's dehydrated but that doesn't really make sense since he's...
  19. artenemis

    Heavy Baby Conure??

    Hi, so 5 days ago i got this baby Green Cheek Conure hatched on the 23rd of December and we have been constantly feeding her and keeping track of her weight and amount of food she eats so as to be able to note significant changes in her diet and whatnot.. but we also noticed that she averages a...

    Half nibble half lick followed by crazy head bopping

    Hi everyone, something a little different happened yesterday morning:D. As usual I got up and was excited to start the new day and let Kiwi out of his cage, he wanted to get out and start the day too and greeted me in his usual happy, excited way, flying onto me, then I kind of put my finger...


    Hey everyone, My 3m. GCC sneezes. I've been reading and it says that they occasionally sneeze to clear their nostrils. But frequent sneezing and the discharge of mucus is a cause for concern. Thankfully they're is no mucus and I really don't know how frequent is too frequent. What I have noticed...

    Question about bathing

    Hi everyone, I gave my 3 month gcc his first bath a few days ago, he didn't seem to hate it which I'm really glad about. I'm wondering how often I should bathe him per week. I read something about how you should bathe your bird more often in the summer than in the winter, (which is logical) but...

    2m. GCC toy situation

    Hey everyone, I adopted my 2 month old GCC Kiwi, a couple weeks ago, and he's doing pretty good. The first few days having him all he wanted was cuddles and food, he would slowly warm up to us (he was always friendly to us, I'm just noticing that he trusts us more and more and gets excited when...

    Conure loves biting my lips

    My almost 3 month GCC loves biting my lips I try not to let him do it too much (it doesn't hurt, I'm just worried about the germs I'm giving to him and vise versa). He does it when we cuddle, he's all happy and tries to nibble my lips is this normal? Is this a sign he's bonding with me? We got...
  25. A

    Conures won't breed a second time

    My conures bred over a year, but they don't breed a second time. I keep thinking they are gona breed cause they eat lots of calcium and feed each other then randomly stop. I've tried increasing lighting, giving supplement, things to shred. But they are not breeding. Any advice? Btw I have bred...

    2 month gcc hates head strokes

    Hey everyone! I have a 2.5 month gcc, and I love him so much, we got him half a week ago, and he seems to be adjusting pretty well. He's healthy and eats well and poops and everything. What I have noticed though is he doesn't seem to like strokes on the head he squawks whenever we pet him there...
  27. Y

    Baby Black Capped Conure sleeping too much?

    Hello all! I just recently adopted a 3 week old (non-weaned) black capped conure. I've noticed that hes been sleeping a lot and i was wondering if this is normal. I've read that they need about 10 hours of sleep but he naps aloooot (hes been asleep since 10:30 am to 2:30 pm). He is only...
  28. S

    5 week old GCC refusing formula

    I recently got a green cheek conure. I brought him home at 4 weeks and hes a little over 5 weeks old. I have been feeding him veta farm neocare formula and he's been eating it properly (5 feeds per day of 2 tablespoons-full making sure the crop isnt too full and streching out as per instructions...
  29. D

    Two conure babies dead

    Hello, My conures had babies and this was not intended. i have never breed birds before. Please no rude comments, this is not a good moment for me. Advise on how to prevent them to breed again? Advise on what did I do wrong? Or what could of have happened? I am so devastated. Only three out of...
  30. T

    Baby Green cheek I got today fluffs his feathers and sleeps all the time

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here, and I just got a weaned baby green cheek conure today. Maybe Iā€™m just being paranoid, and maybe itā€™s normal for babies, but he fluffs his feathers all the time and sleeps all the time. Is he Iā€™ll or something, or is it normal for babies? (Also, can...
  31. T

    My new conure - Tim

    Hi all, so Iā€™m new to the parrot owning club! Very excited as I got my first conure on Monday! Heā€™s 2 months old (I say ā€˜heā€™... I have assigned him this gender)! Heā€™s been settling in over the last few days, becoming more and more calm around me and much less flighty when I change food and water...
  32. Ava.rg

    Harness training + which harness???

    Hello everyone! I want to start harness training my 2 month old pineapple conure and I was wondering which harness I should get. Iā€™ve heard the best is aviator but Iā€™ve been told avianweb as well. Also any tips on how to do it or go about it? Right now when he goes places with me he rides in a...
  33. S

    Is my bird scared of me? :/

    I have a 4 month old GCC. I got him about a month and and a half ago, so I know he might still be sussing me out. His name is Leo and I love him so much already (if he is in fact a he, heck if I know šŸ˜‚). I got him fully tamed and weaned. Heā€™s very sweet and playful. And loves scritches and...
  34. Ava.rg

    Normal size conure?

    Do pineapple gcc not get as big as normal gcc? My baby is only 8 weeks. Will he get bigger or is he just small? Heā€™s about the size of a lovebird. I just saw the green cheeks in petco and they look much bigger. I mean I know he wonā€™t grow a crazy amount but will he grow at all anymore? I wont...
  35. Ava.rg

    HELP!!! New handtamed baby conure biting

    Help!! I recently bought a new baby pineapple gcc three days ago. Its 8 weeks old. It was handtamed and letā€™s me pet it and doesnā€™t act scared at all. It lets me grab it. The breeder did not teach it to step up he would grab them. However, I want to teach it to step up. I try to get him to step...
  36. B

    What's in a Name?

    :33: Oh my gosh, I'm going crazy! I can't decide on a name for my baby - I've had him/her a week already and have changed it three times! At first I waited to see what would fit. I decided on Snuggles. That lasted for one day because the next day Snuggles wasn't snuggly, he was chatty, so...
  37. D

    Heartly welcome to My new Chick

    Hi All, I'm entirely new to this portal. I have a few queries related to my Sun conure chick. can someone please help me to clarify those. 1. How old is my Sun Conure Chick? 2. How many days need to hand-feed to self eat fruits.? 3. can anyone share the growth curve of Sun conure chick for...
  38. C

    8 week sun conure not eating - is this behaviour normal?

    Hey guys!! About two days ago I purchased a 7-8 week old sun conure. Very cute but heā€™s not really playful yet...heā€™s mostly sleeping all of the time or sitting on my shoulder doing nothing. My bird is always sleeping is this normal? The bird also never really eats himself, he tries to but...
  39. B

    Conure Baby Tips Required

    Hi All.. I recently brought home a Jenday conure.:orange: It was 45 days old baby then.. Now it is almost 60 days old. I am hand feeding it with a Pet's life handfeeding formula (weaning food). I have fed only apple other than the weaning food. He/she was kept in a box with wood shavings when I...
  40. O

    Head bobbing and squawking

    Hello! Iā€™ve been searching parrot questions non-stop for almost a month now and always end up here! So I figured it was time to join you lovely folk! Im thankful for the community. I have had one budgie since the beginning of the year, recently started housing a Moluccan cockatoo (who I am...
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