conure advice

  1. S

    GCC Cage Query

    Hi, all! Iā€™m new to conures, I have had cockatiels in the past, but Iā€™m uncertain of the size of cage I should get for my conure. Heā€™s almost a year old but I have only had him for a couple weeks. I got a ā€œbudgie and small birdā€ cage, but it was pretty small for him. So I upgraded to a larger...
  2. Fauna

    Stressed in shower?

    My conure likes to fly onto her shower perch but then starts doing this when the shower is on. She wont let me pick her up and im worried that she might be stressed out.
  3. M

    Breeding Green Cheek Conure Mutations ā€“ Need Advice!

    Hey everyone! I have a Turquoise, Suncheek, Opaline, Lutino, Pineapple, and Dilute Green Cheek Conure. Iā€™m looking to mix different mutations together and can be flexible with the genders of each. If I breed them, could I get any new mutations? Or is there a way to work toward a specific one by...
  4. M

    Is this perch safe?

    I'm hoping to give this perch to my conures but I noticed a green patch after I left the pet store.
  5. S

    If your Sun Conure is LOUD...

    Although I like to have our sun conure, Kiwi, out of the cage to enjoy its branches and sunlight during the day, the little guy can get loud and start sqwalking. One thing I've noticed about Kiwi over the years is that it never gets loud just to be annoying. Here are some of the reasons and...
  6. N

    Newly hatched babies keep dying

    Hello, I could really use some help here. I have two conures pineapple (female), green cheek (male). They had a batch of eggs about 11 most didnā€™t make it or was still yellow. After the first two eggs I noticed my Rosie wouldnā€™t sit on the eggs and the male would move them. I bought an...
  7. Desj0

    Conure Sick - Any Advice

    Hello all! I am a new member here so Iā€™m hoping this is in the correct forum! I have a female pineapple conure, she is 5 years old as of Dec 15 and I have had her since 2021. Sheā€™s always had a very sassy, picky and stubborn attitude to her, but is a very happy bird. Last Wednesday(Dec 12) I...
  8. Lime

    Conure Training?

    Not sure what to title this, but im sure if you read this you'll get the jist. Ive wanted a conure since i was super young and at the start of the year I went and got one. What I didnt know at the time was that the one we bought wasnt hand reared. Anyways, i called him cooper and hes been super...
  9. Jesse blueman

    Random aggression towards family members? please help

    Hi i have a green cheek conure he(we dont know the gender i just assume a bit lol) is about 10-11 months and he is a very social guy he likes new people (and he loves to bite them a lil bit) and he loves to interact with everyone around the house at least one time a day but suddenly about 3-4...
  10. E

    My new conure keeps biting my face and ear (new bird owner)

    I just got my 2 year old male GCC, Biscuit, a few days ago. He likes to sit on my shoulder and lets me pet him and steps up without biting me, however when on my shoulder while he preens my face he sometimes bites my cheek or lip hard or my ear. I tell him NO firmly then put him back on his...
  11. T

    New Baby Nanday Conure (4 weeks old)

    Hi I just got my Nanday Conure. He has not been weaned yet. I was told by the bird shop to feed him formula 3 times a day 9am, 2pm and 7pm. Just want to make sure this is right because I had a scare today he got really puffy was bopping his head and his wings were all droopy. But once I fed him...
  12. Z

    Bathing question?

    Hello guys, I hope this thread finds you well! I have a question about Zazu(gcc). How do i get him to bathe,so he dosent get unclean,or is it not necessary for conures to bathe? Everyday he has a bowl of room temperature water in the bottom of the cage but he dosent even go near it,idk how to...
  13. C

    Need advice!!!

    I recently got a green cheek conure at the end of June. He was born 4/3/24. I also have a cat and 2 dogs. I recently found a flea on my cat. While I treated him, my concern is that some have gotten into the carpet. I was wondering if anyone has any info on the carpet spray from Skouts Honor. The...
  14. M

    Green cheek licking the bottom of her water bowl

    Hi all. New to the forum. My three year old green cheek conure started licking the bottom of her water bowl today. She got bored of it after a few minutes and moved on to her other toys. Sheā€™s not messing with any other metal in her cage and sheā€™s a generally weird bird. Any reason for concern?
  15. Z

    Zazu health concern pt.2

    Hello can you guys, pls tell me if this is normal or should i be concerned?
  16. Z

    Health Concern!

    Zazu just started in front of me,like picking and pulling hard on his own feathers,he hasn't taken any out,i have videos that you can see better what hes doing but doesn't let me upload it here,if anyone can tell me is this natural?is he sick? What should i do im concerned!
  17. Z

    New Parrot Parent Here!

    Help me tame my Green cheek conure named Zazu, he's 2 months old and i got him yesterday, I have put my hand twice inside the cage in a full day both times my hand was inside for 10 mins, he has gotten used to my hand and wont run away unless i make sudden movement or i move fast toward him, he...
  18. Fauna

    Bird and i keep scaring each other šŸ˜…

    Ive been doing my best to teach her the biting pressure stuffs, but its kinda going in circles cause when she seems interested in exploring my fingers i either flinch over nothin, or flinch cause of biting, which in turn scares her and makes her even more cautious. Its hard to do the shunning...
  19. Squawk_SA

    My Pineapple Conure won't stop biting me when I pick him up.

    I got my Pineapple Conure back in March of 2024 and he was never an aggressive bird. In the last month or so my conure has started to develop a habit for biting hands when trying to pick him up whether its out of his cage or off of my shoulder. Any other time he doesn't bite. I received him with...
  20. Fauna

    How to begin the bonding process with baby bird?

    Brought this sweet baby home a few days ago. Shes super lively, adventurous and curious about everything. She will immediately go and explore any new thing that is put in, and around her cage. I want to start getting her used to my hands but i dont know what the best way to do it would be. Its...
  21. Fauna

    Calming music for conures?

    Ive just picked up my new baby and sheā€™s quite stressed with all the new moving. Is there any music i could play that might be able to help her relax?
  22. A

    Flying and attacking

    I have a conure, he is very young, Iā€™ve had him less than a year. I know conures are bitey and nibbly by nature, and his normal bites are pretty hard, but Iā€™m used to them and Iā€™m okay with them. He respects me, and you could say Iā€™m his favourite. The issue is my mom. He bites her really really...
  23. E

    Considering re-homing one of my conures - Looking for advice

    We've currently got three birds. Edgar - Green Cheek Conure Allen - Green Cheek Conure (Pineapple if that matters) Poe - Indian Ringneck We've had Edgar and Poe for a few years. Both are quite friendly and get along well with each other and with me and my wife. Edgar was a rescue and...
  24. Catastrophycat

    Conure biting off his own feathers.

    So, it started about 10 days ago, perfectly healthy looking feathers started looking rough a bit too fast. In a couple days they looked chopped up and I was wondering what was going on when around day 5 I finally caught him preening his shoulders/wings as far as he can reach and actually biting...
  25. EllieTheConure

    Help! Poop confusion.

    Earlier today as I was eating dinner with Ellie I noticed one of her poops had somewhat stringy urates (I'm pretty sure that's what they're called the white stuff in parrot poo). Besides that it was normal. I'm a little new at bird care and I'm not 100% sure what this means. I did introduce...
  26. cosmothebirb

    Some questions

    Helloo, I have some questions First one is about poop xd. I wanted to ask if parrot poops are usually big in the morning. Eddie's first poop is usually the largest one of the day. Idk if this is normal or not. His poops get smaller throuought the day, and wary in liquid depending on when he...
  27. C


    hello everyone i have a conure heā€™s almost a year old and i hand raised him ever since he was 3 weeks old. he was always so sweet to me we were bestfriends and he would only ever bite me if i did something he didnā€™t like . these past 2 days heā€™s just been attacking me. he purposely runs to bite...
  28. cosmothebirb

    Eddie won't eat pellets

    Hi I've tried giving him pellets for 2 days now. This morning he started screaming at 6am and I gave him food, he ignored it and kept screaming. Later my mom told me that he kept going for the fridge door bc that's where his veggies are. So I felt sorry and gave him the veggies and I mixed it...
  29. cosmothebirb

    How do I teach Eddie how to forage?

    Hi! I need some foraging tips. I started target training, and some tricks like spin and wave and those are still a work in progress, but he is a really fast learner. He is still very young so I thought I'd teach him some tricks and recall training first, and then move on to foraging. But I...
  30. Dann

    Conure alone at home

    Hello guys, I have 3 beautiful GCC, 1 y.o. Me and my family are planning to have a long-term trip for about a month. The question is how you proceed in such cases that obviously cannot leave the conures for so long time alone. I'm living in Phoenixville, East PA. Dann
  31. Peanutisawesome

    My conure doesn't like it's cage? also pallet diet

    Hi I recently got a conure (3 days ago, the owner said he is more than 2 months old ), he is very sweet and lovely but whenever I try to put him in the cage because I have to go somewhere he can't be, he panics (sometimes bites not too hard but still) and tries to kind of I can say escape? I've...
  32. cosmothebirb

    Constant wing flicking? (help xd) (edit: it's mixed with full on flapping now and streching out wings full length)

    Hellooo. Today I woke up and let Eddie out of his cage, and he seems a bit overstimulated?? IDK if thats the reason but we won't stop flicking his wings (I managed to capture some of it, but he does it pretty frequently. Every slight movement I make is accompanied by wing flicking. He doesn't...
  33. marsvv

    How to improve my conures diet?

    Hi so I have a well I believe 1 year old conure, (we donā€™t know the exact age) and her diet is mostly just a mix of seeds and a bit of pellets. And I want to make sure I could give her a better diet. Using vegetables fruits etc. I really need help and any recommendations are fine!
  34. cosmothebirb

    Edgar is quite bitey!

    Hello once again! So as I said in my previous post we got a new baby bird (he is approximately 2 months old), and as it was with our beloved Cosmo, so it is with Edgar - quite a challenge. I dont remember if Cosmo was this bitey but Edgar sure is. As I learned all birds bite a little as...
  35. cosmothebirb

    New bird arrived!

    Hello, it's been some time since I posted here! We finally got a new baby birb. His name is Eddie (Edgar) and he is so cute. While me and my family are a lot safer now around the new bird and they've encouraged me not to blame myself for Cosmo passing away, I AM STILL SO SCARED. Maybe I am...
  36. B

    Hello! Conure baby bonding

    How are you all doing. I recently got a baby conure from my neighbour whose parrot was not properly feeding the chick and had tl be handfed...its close to 15 days but its just a rough estimate and yes i have experience in hand rearing birds such as finches and budgies and cockatiels(im 15). The...
  37. lupomortale

    Kiwi layed... again. Time for a diet change.

    Hi guys, I'm back cause my little green chicken decided to ring in the nice weather with a little surprise again this year! šŸ˜­ Since last year, I listened to the advice most of you guys gave me, so preemptively, I kept an eye on nesting behaviors, switched around everything in her cage...
  38. DaeDae

    My Conure bites me but always wants to be near me

    Hello! Im new here but didn't know where else to go ;w; I have a male Green Cheek Conure Kiwi, who is roughly 8-9 months old now. Kiwi has the biggest personality and is such a funny and playful birdie, but ever since ive adopted him hes always been a biter ToT. Ive done research and I...
  39. NibbleTheGremlin

    GCC using sleeves as tunnels?

    Hi all! I just got Nibble, my 3.5-month-old green cheek, 2 weeks ago. We have been bonding well apart from the occasional nips here and there. lately, she has been using my sweater sleeves as a tunnel/hidey hole of sorts? I don't know whether this is just an example of her being cute or if she...
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