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    Frog leg trade, salamanders used as fishing bait

    Frog leg trade, salamanders used as fishing bait - terrible news; helping to spread Chytrid & Ranavirus Salamanders Used as Fishing Bait Linked to Amphibian Disease Epidemics - Part 1 Salamanders Used as Fishing Bait Linked to Amphibian Disease Epidemics - Part 2 Frog Leg Trade Kills Billions...
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    2014 Named the "Year of the Salamander" by Conservation Groups

    Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over 20 years with the Bronx Zoo. Salamanders and newts, often overlooked by pet keepers, zoos and environmentalists alike, are...
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    African Gray Conservation Update

    Good News for African Gray Parrots - A Conservation Milestone Zoologist Frank Indiviglio shares recent conservation news regarding progress in the fight against smuggling
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    Conservation Outrage: 54,000 Wild-Caught Parrots & other Birds Sold as “Captive Bred”

    Conservation Outrage: 54,000 Wild-Caught Parrots & other Birds Sold as “Captive Bred” Hi All, Although revised airport security procedures have cut down on animal smuggling, wildlife criminals continue to circumvent the law in other ways. Much as is done with “dirty money”, wild-caught...
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    Ten Best Ways to Prepare for a Career in Herpetology

    Hi All, It is said that people who make careers of their passions never work a day in their lives…those of us who have turned our hobbies into livelihoods are indeed fortunate. The following ideas have helped me along the way – I hope they are of some use to you. Read Read, read, read...
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    New Article: Cape Parrot Threatened by Disease

    Hi All, Please check out: World’s Rarest Parrot Threatened by Disease The problems afflicting the African Gray Parrot have been very much in the news recently (please see video below), and some important conservation efforts have been initiated. Less well-known, however, is the...
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    New Article: Moluccan (Salmon-Crested) Cockatoo

    Hi All, Please check out: Moluccan Cockatoo Care and Conservation It’s not easy to stand-out among such spectacular birds as the cockatoos, but the Moluccan Cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) does so admirably. In size, color, trainability, and many other ways, it is in a class by...
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