
  1. E

    My lovebird bites all of us and seems very aggressive around us but whenever it sees me approaching its cage it runs up to me so why does he bite

    Sorry for the long title but thats pretty much the sum up😭I have a lovebird(1yr old) and i got it from a friend who has multiple birds in march. For some context it used to be a super sweet and loving bird, always wanting to steal my glasses and run all over my body😂 It’s legs are handicapped...
  2. R

    I don't know what to do.

    I recently got a green cheek conure thinking I can raise a happy bird and finally own one as I have been wanting too for years. I had a plan and did research and suddenly my work shifts changed without warning. So now I can barely be home to be near her and I don't think she would be happy...
  3. K

    If I had feathers i'd have stress bars...

    I'll keep this short.. If I had feathers i'd probably be pulling them out. I have a Conure, took her in from a not so good home. Lulu is 2 years old, possibly 3. I love her, but its been a pain lately because she is scared of EVERYTHING. I sneeze, couch, laugh, sigh, turn on water, type, blow my...
  4. B

    I'd love a little help here...

    G'day fellow bird owners I am at a loss... My gorgeous alexandrine, Belle has become progressively more moody towards me and any other human that even walks to her cage. Before you post suggestions take this into account, please: I have done prior research on why she could be pissed off. 1-I...
  5. UniqueDaniFS

    Incubator to fit a GCC egg?

    So, after months of talking it through me and my fiance decided to get a mate for my birdie. We are doing extensive research into breeding and i cannot figure out which Incubator would fit the egg correctly.. What are your suggestions as to which incubator? I would like one that i can adjust...
  6. J

    LuLu bit my sister... HARD!

    So lulu seems to tolerate everyone in the house although she won't step up for anyone except me, unless she just is desperate to leave where she is (i.e. when she is on the floor or on an awkward angle on a perch). Well about an hour ago my sister (9 yrs old) and I were sitting on the floor...
  7. T

    Need Help with a Rescue Conure?

    Hi! I just recently came into possession of a Green Cheek Conure named Tico. At least that's what he responds to. We call him Tico Banderez. He is a rescue from a home where he was starting to bond with another bird, who was famous for drawing blood from kids younger than five. They didn't want...
  8. UniqueDaniFS

    Conure bites

    My conure is usually just a sweetie, but up until recently he has just been being so mean, i give him attention hes out of his cage at last 3 hours a day but suddenly hes just been biting! He is a year and one month old Examples: In the morning, i remove his cover open his cage and greet...
  9. Z

    Why the lips?

    I have a male eclectus baby who is just a year old. He is SO energetic. he flies everywhere, and loves to talk. I'm not use to this since I have two other eclectus parrots (both male and female) who barely talk at all and are laid back. Now my baby one will not be quiet, and he's starting to...
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