
  1. TheSillyBirbHouse!1!1

    Tips on how to get cockatiel to eat veggies?

    to cut to the chase, my pet cockatiel is horrified of veggies, or at least will never eat them, just needs few tips on how to get my silly to eat more healthy, temporarily I’m feeding him these dried veggies that come in his seed mix, he eats them fairly well just want to give him a more fresh diet.
  2. Sakuradoll

    Green Cheek Conure or Indian Ringneck.

    Hello everyone, newbie to the Forum☺️🦜 I am currently thinking of extending my little flock. I have had birds for many year's. Mainly Budgie's, Cockateil's and Kakariki's. Currently I have a female Cockateil and male Kakariki. Both get on very well. They are not massively bonded to each other...
  3. Rosalindagg

    Cockatiel skin

    Hi this is Sushi who will be 1 in October and I’ve noticed her skin under her wings is white/fluffy. Is this normal? Is how her skin should look? I don’t have the best photos because it’s under her wing.
  4. S

    Help! Baby cockateil is not begging for food!

    I had a cockateil for 6 months which I bought when it was a month old. It got scared and flew away for the sound of the calling bell recently. I'm grieving over it's loss and I wanted her back so badly. So my dad bought me a new baby cockateil. It's around 3 weeks old. It's been 24 hrs and it...
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