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    Don't forget to read the instructions when putting together your IKEA Bird
  2. R

    New Cockatiel owner

    Hi! Around 2 days ago I got a new girl cockatiel. She had a previous owner but I'm not sure for how long. She also had a bird buddy but was separated at purchase. She doesn't seem to have any separation problems. But she is making flocking noises and climbing her cage, going back and forth on...
  3. M

    Beginner cockatiel owner - some questions!

    Hey! I've recently gotten my son Kinako, a lutino cockatiel when he was around 8-10 weeks old? I forgot honestly, and I've had him for around two months! Everything is all good overall, he loves coming out of his cage (he whistles loudly and paces until I let him out every morning), he knows...
  4. Libbi24

    Sore cockatiel feet

    Hello, I was just wondering whether there is sort of ointment or cream that is safe to use on my cockatiels feet? She has deformed feet due to previous neglect and while I was filing her nails today I noticed that they seem to be very sore. I use natural wooden branches but mainly Cotten...
  5. Sergior

    Doubts about getting a galah

    Hello to everyone! My name is Sergio, I'm 30 and I'm from Spain. First of all I need to say that I'm not a very good English speaker (but I can understand it without a problem) so hope you can understand me! A few months ago my 5 years old female cockatiel, Whisky, passed away. I'm still...
  6. I

    Lots of Sniffling

    My boy keeps (what sounds like) sniffling. He has no nasal discharge, isn't excessively sneezing, and is acting normally. I'm more than likely just paranoid because my girl passed away a week ago, but I thought it would be best to ask if this is normal (I would've called my vet for an opinion...
  7. A

    Two of my family's cockatiels keep fighting when outside the cage

    My family has 5 young cockatiels going through their first molt and two keep fighting when taken out together with just the two of them, but seem perfectly fine when inside the cage even grooming each other or when all 5 are out together. They aren't sexed but we believe one is male and the...
  8. Rico_Tiel

    Divorce and parrots?

    So, my parents are almost definitely getting divorced. Shocker, right? Yeah, I’m not surprised in the slightest. Anyway, my mom and I discussed plans and I’m not sure how this will work for my birds… So, what’s going on? My mom is going to stay with her friend for a while, and my dad keeps...
  9. Rico_Tiel


    So, I have a budgie (cricket) and I got her in May. I think she’s a she, but now I’m starting to think she might be a he? Anyway… I believe she is mimicking my cockatiel, Rico. And this just started today. She makes a quiet, version of Rico’s fear/angry-at-the-human screech. At least, it sounds...
  10. Rico_Tiel

    I want to get a budgie, is this a good idea?

    Hello, I am looking into getting a budgie and know the ins and outs of budgies and their care. Rico is a friendly bird and I’m sure would take to a budgie very well and we have the space but would this be a good idea? My mom is a hard NO on green cheeks but I’m not sure about budgies since we...
  11. krystof.chabr

    Is anyone using these pellets?

    Just what the title says really, I wanna know what would be best for my future birds to eat, and wanna know if these are suitable.
  12. Rico_Tiel

    got any chop recipes for a picky gremlin?

    Rico is super picky and sensory sensitive but is willing to try new things if it fits his picky wants. can't be too soft, can't be too wet, can't be too red but there should be some because he will be less interested if there isn't any, can't have pomegranate because I am mildly allergic, and...
  13. Rico_Tiel

    Rate The Playstand!

    night mode was on for my phone camera, so that's why my room looks super bright.
  14. Rico_Tiel

    How's Rico's Setup?

    I'm happy with it and the plastic food bowl is so this little gremlin will not hump it
  15. K

    Male cockatiel strange behaviour

    Hi this is my first time on here. Im new to the entier cockatiel thing. At home i have 1 femake whos name is kiwi and 1 male whos name is guava. I got kiwi about 4 months ago and its been going great. Guava on thr other hand is quite new to the home. Lets say at max 1 month. At first everything...
  16. Tenleigh


    I have a 4 month old cockatiel! I have a question because I always see this. My cockatiel loves to snuggle, he loves his head scratch and he loves kisses. But that’s only he wants. I see birds playing and whistling a lot, my bird doesn’t do that as much. Is it just because he is just a baby...
  17. J

    3 Month old cockteil help

    Hello, I bought a hand raised 3 month old cockatiel. This Is my first time owning a cockatiel. It's friendly at times, it steps on my fingers but a few minutes later always flies away. I try to feed it fruits but gets aggressive and starts biting. It doesn't eat any fruits only seeds and I'm...
  18. koyajo

    My new baby and a question 🦜

    Hello!! I recently go a baby bird.. yesterday actually. He is 7 weeks old and he is a pied cockatiel. He sure is a beautiful little one! I got him a whole bunch of toys and he has a pretty nice set up. His name is speckles and he has a little playground as well. He loves to sit on my shoulder...
  19. C

    My parrot's voice is like a dinosaur

  20. L

    Young Male Clear Pied Cockatiel Wanted

    Hello! I have been searching for a newly weaned clear pied male cockatiel for months now and have yet to find any. Every breeder I have contacted has either not replied or has told me they do not have any tiels at all available. I have never seen a clear pied for sale but I really love them and...
  21. M

    Cockatiel health help

    Hello everyone! Hope all is well. I am truly looking for help since no vet has been able to help me properly so far and it's making me panic soooo much. A few months ago, my cockateil had something itching him to the extent of bleeding himself. I sprayed a medicine on him and gave him a good...
  22. W

    3.5 months old Cockatiels not eating

    Hi, I bought 2 three month old cockatiels from a pet expo and relasised that they look a bit underweight. The guy selling them told me that they were just weaned from hand feeding and eat on thier own. However I have noticed that they don't eat much. I even tried spray millet they nibbled like...
  23. K

    Hi ! Some parrots questions for everyone :)

    Hi ! I’m new to the parrot community ! I don’t have any birds at the moment but I have been doing my research on a few breeds and that has taken me about three months so far ! ( I want to be very educated the bird I pick ) I’m stuck between a green cheek conure , pionus, Meyer or maybe a...
  24. Burbgirl

    New to the site and REALLY need help on this one

    Hey everyone. So tonight my 22 year old cockateil Squeak took a tumble while my bf was watching him. The old man still thinks he can fly but he really can't. Anyway, he tried to fly back to his cage and missed his mark causing him to hit a set of draws beak first and land on his foot. When I...
  25. reeb

    My new cockatiel, Berry, is a bit reluctant to eat

    Hi everyone, I fetched my new baby yesterday:grey:. She is 4 months old and absolutely adorable! However, I think the shock of being in a different environment has made her quite scared. She hasn't been eating and drinking as much as I would like. I took her to the vet this morning for a...
  26. reeb

    Experienced budgie owner looking into getting a cockatiel - advice?

    Hi there! I am an experienced budgie owner (I have an outdoor aviary of 20 budgies as well as two hand-reared indoor show budgies who are strongly bonded to me), and have recently started to consider bringing a tame cockatiel into my bird family - however, I am wary of keeping different bird...
  27. I

    RE: Cockatiels and African Grey as beginner birds?

    RE: Cockatiels and African Grey as beginner birds? Hey guys! So today I want to know, about cockatiels as pets. I leave home at 6-30 and come back at around 2, 3 , 4 depending on the day. On Tue I come home at 7 but still have a maid everyday. We have a newborn as well and I have researched a...
  28. P

    Can a cockatiel and a GCC get along?

    I have a cockatiel and I'm interested in getting a Green Cheek Conure and having them share a cage together, possibly for companionship. The cage is a ferret cage with all the ramps taken out and large enough for him to fly around in.
  29. L

    New bird owner! advice?

    Hello everyone, I always wanted a bird. So my husband surprised me with a budgie, but unfortunately he had scaley face mites from the pet store he was purchased. We took him to the vet and had him treated but unfortunately it was too late. It's been about a month and I adopted a baby cockatiel...
  30. C

    Finding a breeder in Washington

    I can't seem to find a breeder close to where I live in Washington state. I was thinking of buying at Petco, since the Petsmart near me doesn't have Cockateils, but everywhere says to buy from breeders. Problem is I live in Arlington and there aren't any that raise Cockateils that aren't 50+...
  31. Tohru1529


    Hi my name is Amy I am new I have 3 birds. Now I think my parakeet is a girl,because she has a light blue,white,and light purple. Her name is Olivia This is her when she is young. I thought a boy. She is loud,love to fly,love to chew,and gets mad at everything. This is her now. This is Meka...
  32. D

    got my baby green cheek on tues!

    hi everyone! i finally got to bring home my baby yellow sided green cheek on tuesday. she's doing great :) she is on one hand feeding a day but has a ferocious appetite! tearing apart millet, pellets, seeds, & i even got her to eat grapes. im not sure of sex but i think personality wise she is a...
  33. S

    2 new Cockatiels

    Hello Everyone I got 2 new Cockatiels :yellow1: :grey: that were abandoned at my work place in a shoe box. They are about a year old and TERRIFIED of everything. I have been working with them to gain their trust but they don't seem like they want anything to do with me. So far I can get one to...
  34. I

    My Cockatiel had a seizure, please help!

    Hello I'm brand new to the forums, I wouldn't have joined if I hadn't been for yesterday's event. Let me start by quickly debriefing you all on little Turlough o'carolan. He is my mom's bird, and we got him a little over a year ago when he was almost a year, so he's a year and a half, or two...
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