clipped wings

  1. J

    My sun conure keeps flicking her one wing

    Just got a sun conure. 12 weeks old. She flicks her left wing and chirps almost every time. I dont know if it's attention seeking or discomfort. The lady I bought her off clipped her wings and left the outer 2 feathers untouched. It's the same flick as my other conure does when he's getting...
  2. ImaParrot

    Clipped Budgies

    A couple weeks ago I got a budgie from a pet store to be friends with my other budgie, Elvis. They got along great, but she's clipped and he's flighted. I know people clip their budgie's wings to keep them safe from household dangers, but Olive can't fly very well because of it and the first...
  3. Dois

    Questions on training a clipped fledgling Eclectus.

    Hello, I have recently acquired a ~3-4 month old female Eclectus. The breeder had her clipped and her nails trimmed - which results in her having a hard time balancing and moving around. I want to be able to have her develop well and be fully flighted in the future (I don't plan on clipping...
  4. A

    Clipped Wing Help

    Hi all, Yesterday Aussie had a scare and got pretty injured after flying into a window a couple of times. Took her to the vet and he clipped her wings while she recovers from the injuries. She was clipped when I got her as a baby the last august but since then she's been flying around happily...
  5. Z

    Depressed bird ??

    Hello everyone! I’m looking for advice please because I think my yellow lovebird Sunny is depressed... I know he’s physically healthy because we took him to the vet and they did a blood test and everything and it all came back good. I also think I know the cause of this depression. In the...
  6. StarPilot

    Badly clipped wing

    Hi there, I’m new on here but have been getting such a kick out of reading everyone’s posts and inhaling mass information about Conures! I’ve had mainly cockatiels (I live in Australia) throughout most of my life (started with budgies) so after the loss of my last little boy QueeQueg at 21...
  7. M

    Cage/perch/shoulder aggression

    Hello all, I have a ~1 year old sun conure. I just got him two weeks ago so we are still figuring each other out. He is having lots of issues with aggression while in his cage, perches (on top of his cage, 1 in the living room, 1 in the kitchen). Every morning I open his cage, he comes right out...
  8. A

    Do I clip his wings?

    I apologize if this posts twice, my login timed out on me and the site glitched out on my phone, never showed my new post, so now I’m stuck retyping it all. Alright Warbeak got his flight feathers in a few months ago. I decided to let him be flighted so he could learn how to properly fly, as...
  9. Roanoke

    Imping Wings

    Hey all, I just put a deposit down on a beautiful baby Amazon for my birthday. I have big plans for her socialization and training but my only concern is that she's been clipped already (at 9 weeks old?!). I feel it is very important to her mental and physical health that she fully retain the...
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