
  1. J

    Sun Conure Obsessed with Me - the New Boyfriend – How to Rebalance Her Bond?

    Hi everyone, I’ve been with my girlfriend for a year, and her 7-year-old sun conure Lola has become extremely attached to me. I really like Lola and want her to be happy, but she seems obsessed, restless and upset when she’s not allowed near me. Interestingly, when I’m not home, she can sit...
  2. quackerz

    Conure overly clingy and biting issue

    Hello, I guess this thread is a follow up to my last post. My GCC is usually just nippy which doesn't scratch skin or draw blood. But recently he would be mad at me and bite my VERY hard after I leave him in the cage for even just a couple hours. This aggressiveness can last up to 3 days during...
  3. B

    Conure clingy but scared of me

    Hi guys This is my first post. I am a bit concerned about my new pineapple green cheek conure. Since I got him, he is very clingy once I have him in my hands, usually the morning and evening. He will sleep there for hours, but once he flies away, he is terrified of me! I am training him to come...
  4. zoeygirl81

    help with introducing a new scarlet male to my blue and gold macaw

    Hello everyone, need some help. long read my apologies I have had a blue and gold named Zoey for over 10 years. in all honest terms she is my kid. Very recently i moved in with my fiance and Zoey has been having a very hard time. Not only did I move in with someone but i changed my job and am...
  5. M

    Clingy amazon parrot

    Hi, I have a red-lored amazon. He's approximately 21 years old, and I've had him since 2001. However, lately (maybe a year back), he's become more clingy. He can e.g. be sitting in his sunlamp or on his cage, completely satisfied. When I leave the room, he runs down on the floor and sprints to...
  6. Cthebird

    Here he is again (new flight ability)

    A while back, I wrote on this forum about how my pet Hahn's macaw just about had all of his new flight feathers. When we adopted him as a youngin' they had clipped them. It seemed to take a long time for new ones to grow in. He was pretty much over 1 year old when they started to be replaced. I...
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