clean up

  1. Jferrand526

    I’m embarrassed and sorry about this

    So to begin, I am an owner of 6 birds. 2 sun conures named Tango and Talia, 1 pineapple sided conure named Comet, 1 yellow sided conure named Echo, an ARN named Martini, and a cockatiel named Arrow. All of these babies are tame except for Martini who was not handled as well as he should have...
  2. Cthebird

    What a mess!

    I say. I'm new to macaw ownership. I have a Hahn's macaw. We let him climb all over the top of his cage, and on the play gym, which is right next to it. The play gym also has food and water cups and toys. Well, food and toy remnants get tossed halfway across our bedroom, where he resides...
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