
  1. Rico_Tiel

    Rico’s major life events.

    Things may be slightly off as I do not have the greatest memory so please bear with me here. Coming home. It was a gloomy, cold day in Alaska. I was stil depressed about losing my budgie, Ice. I was laying in bed, playing some Roblox as a rare occasion. I heard the walls creak and my heart...
  2. petit.perroquet

    Artificial Christmas trees safe?

    Hi all, I’m wondering about any potential dangers to the birds from artificial Christmas trees, particularly a flocked one with the fake snow. I’ve read online to keep birds away from cords and to not let them perch on the tree or chew on it, so I’m keeping them away from it, but I can’t find...
  3. L

    Fake Christmas trees safe?

    Hi, so, I’ve had a fake Christmas tree for a few years now but about 3 months ago I’ve gotten myself a cockatiel. She can be quite explorative and go around the house which sometimes makes things a bit difficult. Right now, she’s really fixated on the tree and will bite the fake “branches”...
  4. B

    Happy Holidays!

  5. Terry57

    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

    We are so thankful for every single member here. Every single day, a difference is made in parrots' lives for the better because of the love and caring shown by this amazing group of people.We are not only a community of bird lovers, but a group of friends.It amazes me how that people who we may...
  6. fowlstack

    Christmas Toy

    Hi all. I have this foraging toy that Rio just ignores. With Santa coming soon I will gladly send this to anyone interested. It is for a med to large bird, but a macaw would probably have trouble getting his beak in the opening. The blocks are 2X2" with the overall length of the acrylic toy is...
  7. R

    Update and Happy Holidays

    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been on in about a week! Obviously the holidays were demanding and so was graduate school! I had to pull an all nighter for my psychology and law exam because it was only one exam for the entire class it was insane. I was awake for 40 hours straight because I was...
  8. gnatnlucy

    merry christmas from lucy and me!

    Merry Christmas everyone! This morning after breakfast Lucy and I made some toys and here are the fruits of my labor! She is very happily foraging and enjoying some shredables! :white1: Hope all of you have a wonderful day!
  9. Roanoke


    Teeko's doing great in my household! I love him so much. He's silly, cuddly and such a wild child! Anyhow, today's the first day I can't smell any smoke residue on him! Hopefully his health will continue to climb from here, considering how much better I treat him than his last owner. Back to the...
  10. J

    Preparation for the holidays

    Hey guys.. I haven't been in the forum in forever it seems.. But the holidays are fast approaching and I'm an artsy type of person so I love decorating for Christmas. I just want to know do you guys include your bird cages in your holiday decorating? Like do you put in holiday themed toys or do...
  11. C

    Live Christmas trees?

    It's a fir, I believe. And I don't know if it's sprayed, but my dad swears it's not (though he's not really a Christmas tree expert...). I'm very protective of my conure, so I want to know if it's safe... She's a flighted bird and she won't be in the same room, but does enjoy flying into other...
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