change in behavior

  1. MissLarissa

    Conure waking up ealier than normal, super hungry

    Some simple background. Rico is a 10y/o assumed male green-cheek. Normally wakes up between 5:30-6am everyday (when I get up for work). We have a routine where we him up, he gets fed, and after his breakfast he spends time with me while I get dressed for work. Weekends he gets up, gets fed, and...
  2. L

    Sleep length changing

    Lumi, a quaker parrot, was asking to got o her sleep cage at 6 pm November (when got her) through January. The last week she has been asking to go to bed earlier and now she is consistently in bed at 5pm. I am still waking her up between 6:45 and 7:15 am. Why would she change her sleeping...
  3. OrrinocosMom

    Sudden Destructive Behavior - Ideas?

    Hi Friends, I have been away from the forum for a while simply because I have been very busy, but have a bit of a quandary I would love your thoughts on. About a week ago, Noco (my going-on 33 year old B&G Macaw) began doing an odd thing - he was spending a ton of time on the bottom of his cage...
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