
  1. R

    Problem with screeching Senegal parrot

    Hi, everyone! I’m new on here and have a 10-15 year old estimated Senegal parrot. I adopted him about a year and 4 months ago and for the first 9 months he was so great and screeched minimally. When summer hit in May he started screeching a lot more. He screeches when he’s in the cage, when he’s...
  2. L

    Cockatoo Eyes

    Hello, new here. My baby Liv & I are said to be first to Home Quarantine from an HPAI Country (Mexico). Last year, after hurdle upon hurdle, we arrived back in USA. I have had her 14 years. She was supposedly 4 when I received her & her band was also dated 2002. Upon leaving Mexico her...
  3. S

    Cataracts... Help!!

    Hello everyone, I'm really worried about my Cockatoo Sabrina... He is only 18 Years old and is having problems with his eyes.. I rescued him 2 years ago and when i got him, he had a small Cataract in the center of his right eye. Since then, i have become very worried that it is getting worse. I...
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