cage aggression

  1. Portland

    Cage Aggression

    I have had my Red Headed Conure for 23yrs. He has been a good and gentile companion until about a year ago. His beloved bonded Cockatiel died and I replace the Cockatiel with a Pidgeon (don't ask). They immediately bonded. When the Pidgeon started laying eggs, the Conure became very cage...
  2. I

    Cockatiel cage aggression, normal?

    Hello all! Just recently adopted a cockatiel (about 3-4 months old). He's had his wings clipped before we got him but they're slowly starting to grow back so he can fly pretty far and likes to test his skills by flying to random areas whenever he wants to (but he sometimes fails to grasp onto...
  3. acainhurst

    Ceaseless bar biting

    Hello. My GCC, Roach, is going to be 2 in the summer and over the past month or so he's picked up an absolutely awful habit of biting at the bars of his cage for hours at a time. I can hear it through earplugs, through headphones, throughout my entire house and it's driving me crazy! I've tried...
  4. L

    Cage Aggressive Cockatiel

    This is my first post here and wanting to retrain an old cockatiel. Got her from my grandmother. From my knowledge she is about 26 years old and used to be hand trained but while she is on her cage door or inside she will try to warn and bite if you get too close. But the times ive gotten her...
  5. Genieb03

    Cage Aggression Advice?

    I have two conures, a black capped named George (5M) and a green cheeked named Nova (2F). Genders are presumed. The Problem: -Nova is very aggressive. They live in a 7’ tall x 4’ wide x 2’ deep homemade cage. All materials are bird safe and have had zero issues with safety (aside from a light...
  6. TeekoGreenCheek

    Green Cheek Hates Big Cage Help?

    I recently adopted a green cheek from pet smart, we fell in love with him from the start, and he is very loving we named him Teeko. Pet smart didnt have his age on the paperwork but id say he is somewhere around 5 to 7 months old. We bought him a smaller cage to ride comfortably in the car on...
  7. fury

    Jenday suddenly bites, shows aggression. How to stop this?

    I made a post here a while ago explaining that my (supposedly female, I haven't sexed her but I'm just guessing) Jenday was being aggressive towards some of my family members, and that it was likely hormonal behavior ... I thought it would end, but has almost gotten worse ... My Jenday conure...
  8. C

    Wants to get out of cage

    My 8 month old sun conure named Habibi always wants to come out of its cage but that's only Wen it knows I'm in the house or Wen I come in front of it.. this is what I noticed .pls help me and tell me way to keep it silent when it's in the cage coz Wen it's jumping around in the cage it's...
  9. SamBeben

    Sun Conure cage

    Hey all!!! We got our sun conure a new cage and with the old one he came out all the time. Now he won't come out, we leave his door open all day and are not near him and he still wont come out. I want to start training him but he's aggressive in the cage so how do I get him out?
  10. B

    Conure’s Sudden Aggression Towards ’Teil

    Hello everyone! At home I have been revamping an old cage that belonged to another bird for my cockatiel so that she can have a bigger home. My Green Cheek Conure, Sage, my Lovebird, Peaches, and my Cockatiel, Florence have all been on the playpen on top before peacefully. All of a sudden Sage...
  11. C

    i need help with my cagebound budgie

    hello all! this is a very new account (and a very new layout, not used to forum boards) but i need some help for my ~4 year old budgie. hes a big chatterbox and very attached to his safe space cage. he was doing fine the first months i got him, until a good friend of mine (not so much anymore)...
  12. M

    Cage/perch/shoulder aggression

    Hello all, I have a ~1 year old sun conure. I just got him two weeks ago so we are still figuring each other out. He is having lots of issues with aggression while in his cage, perches (on top of his cage, 1 in the living room, 1 in the kitchen). Every morning I open his cage, he comes right out...
  13. la_la_rebecca

    Alexandrine cage aggression

    Hi all! I'm new to this forum after being a lurker for quite some time. I acquired my 3 year old female Alexandrine named Rio a little over 3 months now after her owner couldn't cope with her. Unfortunately I know very little about her past (other than being passed around due to "she doesn't...
  14. attycakes

    Aggression when near cage and cagemate?

    Hi everyone! We have two senegal parrots, Atty and Joey, who are about 10 years old. We got them both back in December 2007 when I was 16. When we first got them, they defiinitely played the notorious "picking of favorites" when it came to members of our family but I was always in good graces...
  15. jaciesaur

    General tips on handtaming, conditioning, etc.

    A year ago, I brought in an Alexandrine parakeet. I went to the place where the "breeders" were keeping her, and my heart just BROKE. She was a year old already, and they were still housing her in the same cage as her mom and dad, and the mom was nesting. The poor thing kept trying to go into...
  16. U

    My Green Cheek Conure doesn't like her cage.

    I got my green cheek conure five days ago, I got her from a breeder and shes 11 weeks old. She seems to trust me as she follows me around and doesn't like to be left alone. I played with her toys outside the cage so she knows how to play with them, she has a chewing toy, a noisy toy, a colorful...
  17. M

    Angel out of cage, little devil when inside?!

    Hello all! Back in April '16 I adopted a 1 year old lovebird who I named Eleanor. She is very social and curious and loves to shred paper and decorate herself. I rescued her from an unfortunate situation where she had been bred twice back to back at her very young age. Her old owner would...
  18. Roanoke

    Biting through cage bars

    Hey everybody, I was just messing with my boy through the side of the cage (It's next to my computer desk) and noticed him snapping at me a couple times. He bows his head to be stroked, so I oblige, and after about 3 second he whips his head around to try and catch me. Fortunately he's not...
  19. M

    green cheek hates cage :(

    hi, im new to this site, i just made a profile today so im sorry if im setting up this convo wrong but i just need help badly! I have a 2 month old male yellow sided green cheek conure who is pretty quiet, until i leave the room, he starts screaming out for me. if he cant see where i am he...
  20. Z

    Advice for Quinn

    For people who don't know Quinn is a four year old green cheek who has had a pretty rough start in life. She was basically kept in a cage all her life and was only on seed. After some moving she is with me. Now she eats some fruits and veggies her favorites being corn, apple and oranges and im...
  21. S

    Sun conure aggression

    Hello there, I'm a new user and looking for help! I recently got a sun conure from a owner that had recently gotten it from someone else. The conure was bought from the first owner as baby but never taken out not got any attention.. The owner i recently bought him from never took him out...
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