
  1. Jacob1302

    Cage Advice

    Hello, I have a Pearly Conure, and since the day I got him he has had a very large cage, I purchased it from a local bird rescue. When I purchased it the owner of the place told me that its big enough that I could comfortably house 2 or 3 conures in it, the space that the birds have access to...
  2. lia

    Hello everyone!!

    Hello! My name is Lia. I have yet to get a parrot, actually to be exact I'm getting one next week. Its a parrotlet and its handfed and still a baby. I know a bit about parrots since in the past I've had both budgies and a cockatiel. Still i need some help in picking a cage! I have for now an old...
  3. Rico_Tiel

    Remember to Lock your Cages!

    I know, this sounds like common sense, but this is so INCREDIBLY important and can be a dangerous or even fatal mistake!!! I made this mistake myself today, and I’m so glad it did not end badly. I left Rico’s cage unlocked, because I forgot to close the latch. I have a bad habit of not...
  4. Dylan Longman

    Love bird went out of cage while outside

    Today I came home from school and checked up on my parrot outside and saw that the door was open he and was not in his cage. I looked straight and saw him sitting on a rose plant, and I'm really thankful that he hadn't flown any further. He is safe now, but I only realized 2 minutes later to how...
  5. Rico_Tiel

    Sun time and what I’ve noticed from it

    So, i have been taking Rico outside into the sun for a couple weeks now, letting him hang out there in a travel cage for an hour. Well, with the arrival of cricket, she’s been coming out in her cage to sit next to him. With Rico, I have been noticing that his feathers are shinier, he seems...
  6. Rico_Tiel

    Old and goofy bird cage thread!

    This is a thread where you can share old bird cages or some really goofy looking cages. This is just to look at the past and appreciate how far we have come in the husbandry of our avian friends! Or just to laugh at silly looking cages! Both are very much welcomed here. Here’s what I have found:
  7. LunaG13

    Help! AGS Rust Paint for chipped cage?

    Has anyone used this paint for their cages? I just bought this new Borneo cage from Exotic Nutrition. It shipped in panels in 3 large boxes. I'm mostly happy with it, but some of the panels have very small areas of chipping powder coating or corners where it seems the powder coating did not...
  8. Rico_Tiel

    Cage review

    A&E Cage Company Black 600A Economy Dome Top Cage So to start off, I got this cage for under half the retail price from a 3rd party seller on Amazon. This cage price is originally 230$ and I got mine at 99$ USD. So I will not mention pricing. Lets begin! Size The size is alright. It is the...
  9. Rico_Tiel

    Spring Cage Setup!

    This is Rico’s spring/summer cage! This cage is sadly not fit for outdoor use (the top can be picked off by a raven or a magpie even and it could topple over if a dog or cat leaned against it so it will not be used outside) so I will be using his flight cage for his sunning time! It is like...
  10. dancing_conure

    Cinnamon Conure doesn't want to go back into her cage!

    Hey guys :) Papaya, my cinnamon green cheek conure doesn't like going back into her cage after she is let out. I have tried so many different methods such as coaxing her onto a stick, turning off the light and shining a torch inside the cage, and putting her favourite treats inside but she just...
  11. B

    Cheap but safe cages / safe materials to make cages

    Does anybody know how to get affordable but still safe cages and if not does anyone know a good place to get safe Lumber and stainless steel wire?
  12. A

    Is there any safe paints for touching up a rusted/ chipped bird cage?

    I have a large cage that has started to chip and rust, I’ve sanded those spots down, I’m just wondering if there’s any safe spray paints available to cover it up. No birds would be in the cage until the paint is done curing, and of course the cage would be painted outside.
  13. Raz

    Are these good?

    Based on my research ,these are good perches, but id Like some advice
  14. P

    moving my cockatiel

    My cockatiels live outside. they’re right outside the backyard door and I’d love to harness train one of them (she’s the only one that can fly). However, until i do that, i bring her inside every so often so she can spread her wings and fly around the house. The issue is my method. I just reach...
  15. K

    Am i doing things right

    Hi, new member here. I got worried when a friend's parot sudenly died. I have an alexanderine parrot that i named Alex because why not. I feed him vegetables like carots and cucumbers (pic atached bellow) .I change the bowl every day. I also change the water once a day, the water temperature is...
  16. Bobbystick

    New green cheek conure owner (soon to be) - need advices

    Hello everyone, I am currently waiting on a Green cheek conure. He/she is now 1 month old and I'm seeking advice on my initial set-up, or anything else that I need to know. I'll welcome it home in about 2 months. There were green cheeks conures at a pet shop near my place, they didn't offer...
  17. Ferns cage

    Ferns cage

    I've been working on her cage for ages. I have given her Custom pearchs of different textures and widths made with maple wood and cleaned before being placed inside the cage. I need to get her some more smaller toys currently there is only 2-3 the rest will be ordered soon. I'm very proud of it!
  18. N

    Banging cheeks against the bars

    Hi. First time posting from a first time parrot owner. We recently got a baby Blue & Gold Macaw (roughly 5 months old). She is eating solid food and was hand-fed by a very experienced exotic bird store. She is very friendly and loves people. We have her out of her cage for about 1-2 hours a...
  19. ohthatdemoness6

    A bunch of used stuff (FREE!!!!)

    EDIT!!! I'm so embarrassed I forgot to put my location for easy pickup!!! I live in South Jersey within Camden County. Hi everyone! So I have a bunch of stuff that are in pretty good if not in almost new condition to just give as I don't think selling them would be ethical bc of the sizes of...
  20. ohthatdemoness6

    Helping my baby enjoy being in her cage?

    Hi, I'm coming from reddit and the people there seem to be quick to judge so I'm gonna come here and add more detail because I ended up missing work from being so anxious, upset, and crying from feeling like the worst pet owner ever and I'm so exhausted trying my best and getting chastised...
  21. L

    Need Help Finding Cage

    Hello! I have two parrotlets, and I’m looking to find a cage that has a divider to help with space. I bought one, but I need to return it, because it has no bars to hang toys, and the top isn’t flat (I thought it had a flat top with a pointed top as just design/aesthetic). So it isn’t going to...
  22. O

    A very timid and untrusting Mealy Amazon

    Hi! My Mealy Amazon is 1 year old and we got him/her from a breeder about 10 days ago. He is warming up very slowly to his new cage and environment. It took him 3-4 days to try and nibble the toys and he is always reluctant to step on new perches unless it is placed in his cage for 4-5 days. We...
  23. H

    Where on earth do I buy a cage?

    I have a Moluccan, and I’m looking to get him a second cage. There are no pet supply companies nearby that sell cages, and I wouldn’t want to support the parrot-breeding stores that sell them even if I were willing to make a long trip. It’s really hard to find a sufficiently large one online for...
  24. L

    5/8'' Bar Spacing for Lovebird?

    Hello, There doesn't seem to be any consensus on what spacing is appropriate for a lovebird. Would 5/8'' be okay? Has anyone had any experience with this spacing for their lovies cage? Thank you!
  25. B

    Perches and toys, help?

    Hello everybody, I was looking at some new perches and toys for Cookie's cage, but I think I am becoming paranoid... So, most of the current cage accessories are inherited from my dearly missed cockatiel Pachito, but he definitely wasn't as active (destructive) as this little GCC hurricane...
  26. J

    To get bird in and out of the cage

    Hi everyone, Our Susan is a 4-month old Senegal that we brought home a little over a month ago. Issue: I let her out to her playpen every morning but when it's time to sleep, she hates going back in the cage, to the point i have had to corner her to go back in/ swoop her up (she's not used to...
  27. B

    GCC doesn't like the cage

    Hi everybody, I wrote a thread a while ago regarding my 2 months old baby GCC Cookie. Long story short he was sold to me not completely weaned and I was even lied to on the stage his weaning was at. By the time I realised we were all happily stuck at home - gotta love quarantine. Stepped up the...
  28. lollipoppy

    New Budgie Questions - Cage, Food Brand, Cookware, etc.

    Hello, I am doing research to get a new budgie... I have had a parrotlet and a lovebird in the past, so I do remember/know a fair bit about bird husbandry, but want to make sure I have everything exactly right before bringing anyone home. Online, I have found a lot of resources but they seem...
  29. T

    Custom Cages by Design Cage

    We are selling our custom built Cages by Design Parrot Cage. We had to find a new home for our Senegal and Pionus due to some health problems, so that is why we are selling it. I originally purchased it as a surprise for my wife and paid about $8000. I have all the original receipts still...
  30. B

    Conure’s Sudden Aggression Towards ’Teil

    Hello everyone! At home I have been revamping an old cage that belonged to another bird for my cockatiel so that she can have a bigger home. My Green Cheek Conure, Sage, my Lovebird, Peaches, and my Cockatiel, Florence have all been on the playpen on top before peacefully. All of a sudden Sage...
  31. pikachuthecockatiel86

    New cage for my cockatiel

    Hello. As you can tell by my username, I have a cockatiel named Pikachu. When we got him we had to go with a budgie cage because there weren't any bigger or better cages in the place we got him from. So I'm looking to buy a new, bigger and better cage online. I'm sure he's not enjoying his...
  32. ziggybird

    Spray Painted Parrot Cage?

    My husband and I found cool cage for sale on fb marketplace that appears to be in great condition. However some years ago the owner spray painted it with rustoleum white spray paint (she doesn't have details if it was VOC free or anything). Would this be a safe cage for my meyers parrot? (my...
  33. H

    In Search of: Replacement Cage Base & Tray

    Hi all. New member here. I briefly searched the forum under "base" and "cage base" before posting this, so apologies if this has already been addressed. I'm searching for ideas and suggestions. I have a Pacific Parrotlet and was using a cage measuring approx 17-1/4" x 17-3/4" (so, it used...
  34. P

    How many canaries

    Hello, I am new here so I hope I am posting in the correct spot. I will likely be getting canaries soon and am wondering how many I can have living together. I was originally thinking 4 but im pretty sure the cage is large enough for more. Also, should I only have one male? Or is the cage big...
  35. R

    Parakeets Do Not Willingly Come Out of Cage... Advice?

    Hi all! A bit of backstory... I got my first parakeet, Rio, over three years ago. It was just him and me, and I had taught him how to come out of the cage and step up. Fast forward a year and a half and I got another parakeet, Luna. The two immediately bonded, and Rio "forgot" his...
  36. I

    Let's talk cage quality

    I'm looking to upgrade Kermit's (my GCC's) cage. It's about 4 years old, purchased for $100 off amazon, an A&E flight cage, advertised as wrought iron, and originally purchased to contain a budgie. I was never pleased with the construction of the cage. The bars seemed a bit thin to me, one of...
  37. Ezekiell

    Prevue doesn’t want to replace damaged cage under warranty!

    So I’m a little annoyed. When we found that our Preevue travel carrier had minor damage to a panel we contacted Prevue requesting a replacement because it was still under warranty. Prevue have come back today and said they don’t ship international and won’t honour their warranty and replacement...
  38. D

    Stainless cages for sale in San diego

    Have 4 stainless and three iron. Walk in and stand-alone
  39. spotter

    Great Deal on Stainless Steal Cage(<--see what I did there?)

    Hello Community! I just bought my Military a new SS cage a few days ago, and it just shipped out today! I wanted to share the deal because at first, I didn't think it was real. The website My Bird Store has a 48x36 A&E SS Dome Top for ~$3299(plus free freight + 20% off coupon). With the coupon...
  40. R

    New Cage for my Cockatoo

    About two months ago I posted about my 1 year old cockatoo not speaking, and I got a lot of not-so-friendly comments telling me I was cruel and negligent to the bird and some even thought I'm a troll. My post came off as harsh because I only talked about my parrot not talking and people guessed...
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