budgie help

  1. SandmanHDdddddd

    Budgie Loss Support

    Hey guys, Hope everyone is doing well. I apologize for being a bummer but I wanted some advice. I was a proud owner of two pairs of parakeets who grew up together (8 Years old). Unfortunately, last night we noticed one of the males wasn't doing too well and we took him to an exotic bird vet...
  2. L

    Isolating new baby Budgie?

    Hey, Im getting my new baby budgie later today but was wondering how isolation works? I know that the new budgie should have its own airspace as to not infect Dee (My current budgie) but am I able to put him in my closet? I have a hallway closet with a door to separate, Dee is currently in my...
  3. L

    I am worried about my Budgie

    Hi, I am writing this thread because I have increasingly became worried about my Budgie, Blair. On the Wednesday last week my three budgies were happily chirping, playing and just being budgies in their cage. They have a fairly big cage that has a few different doors to open. On the night I...
  4. D

    Constant flock calling

    My Budgie who is around 3/4 months old will not stop flock calling. It used to only happen while I was outside/leaving the room but for the past 2-3 days he had been doing it while im in the room too, even when he's on my shoulder. I'm not sure what do do, I've talked to him, played with him...
  5. L

    Is my Budgie sick or stressed?

    Hi! Me again! My Budgie Dee had been a bit off today, he's been really moody today and im not 100% sure why. For starters he is flapping his wings on the spot, he is squawking, he is trying to feed me? Oh he is also biting me, being overly affectionate, his poop is GREEN!? (Slightly but still)...
  6. L

    Budgie's wing looks different/hurt

    I find I post here way more than I should but, Dee is of course the biggest troublemaker I know of. So I went out for 3 hours and forgot to put the blanket over Dee's cage, when I was omw home I got a call from my Mum freaking out about Dee's wing/head being stuck between the bars. (He tries to...
  7. L

    Budgie always wants out of cage

    Hi! My Budgie (Dee) always wants out of his cage, whenever he's in it he wants out. While I do appreciate him wanting to spend time with me I cant watch him 24/7 (I let him around my room for 2-6 hours a day due to online) and I need a break sometimes, one that doesn't include him trying to...
  8. L

    Budgie squawking and biting

    My Budgie Dee is about 9-10 weeks old and today and yesterday he's been really moody, Rubbing his nose on perches, squawking and pouncing/biting my hands. Up until recently I thought we had really bonded but he's just been doing this and hanging around his cage more. Although he still comes to...
  9. L

    How to introduce bird to the rest of my house

    Hello! I've had my Budgie for almost 3 weeks now and although he's fully comfortable with me and my room I'm wondering how I can introduce him to the rest of my house. My main concern is that he will get spooked (I have 2 dogs which he's comfortable with unless the bell rings) and frantically...
  10. L

    Budgie is forcing himself through cage bars

    My budgie has started to force himself through the bars of his cage when im in the room (and his cage isn't open) I'm fine with having the cage open whenever im in the room, the problem is imp worried he will get out when im not home/hurt himself or get stuck etc. Is there anyway to train him...
  11. L

    After cleaning cage my bird looks anxious

    I cleaned my bird's (Dee) cage today and I set him up with some seeds to keep him busy while I cleaned. When I finally put Dee back in his cage he went to the corner and looks scared like he was when I got him last week. I'm really scared I broke his trust and don't know what to do, Over the...
  12. L

    Budgie keeps chewing foot tag

    Hey guys! I have a 9 week old baby budgie (first bird) and I've noticed he tries to chew off his little foot tag. I don't think he'll get any bigger (already fairly big for a budgie imo) and was wondering if it would be better to just take it off? The reason im asking is because I've read it...
  13. L

    Budgie Flew into wall (not very hard) but has a scratch on top of his nostril

    Hey guys this is my second post here regarding my Budgie, Since my last post he's become a much better flier and hasn't flown into a wall since today, I heard a thud and he continued to fly around the rooms for about 20 more minutes. When I got him to go back to his cage I noticed he had a...
  14. L

    Budgie hit wall

    Hi, sorry if this is wrong forum area but I got a budgie 3 days ago and today I started to leave door open for a bit. My dog ended up in the room with me for a bit and someone rang the door leading the Budgie to fly around hitting the roof (popcorn) and walls. Im so scared he may have hurt...
  15. C

    i need help with my cagebound budgie

    hello all! this is a very new account (and a very new layout, not used to forum boards) but i need some help for my ~4 year old budgie. hes a big chatterbox and very attached to his safe space cage. he was doing fine the first months i got him, until a good friend of mine (not so much anymore)...
  16. Astrixs

    Budgie ruining tail and wing feathers...?

    Hi there. I got a new budgie roughly 3 weeks ago now and unfortunately in the time we've had him the poor little guy has started snapping and pulling at his wing and tail feathers. Ezio is a young aviary bird that we bought from a local pet shop who showed no signs of plucking or anything like...
  17. B

    Worried for my budgies health!

    Hi, My budgie Gooses (previously named Turkey) health is concerning me, especially because birds hide their sicknesses so well. I've found her a few times at the bottom of her cage, lying down when I got back from work. She shot right up and got on her perch when I turned on my music though...
  18. B

    Blood looking bulb on base of budgie tail?

    My budgie of 8 years has a small, strange looking bulb filled with blood on the base of his tail, maybe on or very near his preen gland. Connected to this blood filled bulb is a dry, shrivelled, hard as a rock feather which is grey and black in colour. What could this possibly be?
  19. A

    I need a little advise here

    in a past post I told my story regarding a parakeet flew in my window. I live in a loft very big with lots of natural perches all over the place it took a while but she got used to me and sometimes allow me to get my hand verycloce.OnceI got her to perch on my hand.One problem ( as I see it) is...
  20. pickygrackle

    Hey birdies

    Howdy folks of the forum. I just registered and i have a question about my budgie. She is a rescue, i've had her for 8 years, her estimated age is 12. I keep taking her to the vet. She's thrown up twice this month. And no, not regurgitation. I'm talking white sticky liquid. I'm afraid its...
  21. D

    Sick Budgie

    Hello everyone, as you can see I have a semi sick budgie on my hands. She is one of my adoption birds and I do adore her but I haven’t been seeing a positive change in her. So when I took her in, I noticed that her feathers were pretty bad. They were growing in odd ways and she seemed a little...
  22. H

    Male Budgie Agression Towards Mate

    Hi all! New to this forum and I'm hoping I can get some insight. We have 3 budgies at home and 2 of them, Igor (m) and Shiva, mated. Shiva laid a clutch and we got 1 baby budgie out of it. For the last couple weeks Igor has been showing a lot of aggression towards Shiva. This was totally...
  23. P

    2 budgies dead. Possibly a third... HELP!

    Hello, Last August I got 2 budgies (Bob and River) as a gift, they were very happy and the three of us had a good bond. 1 month and a half later Bob died due to an unknown cause, we noticed he slept a lot but we thought that was just his personality. A couple of weeks later we decided to get...
  24. Midnightstarian

    Training/Clicker? Budgie

    Hello i have a budgie i'm wanting my budgie to learn how to step up he will eat from my hand and allow me to "Sometimes" touch his belly. But he doesn't like belly touching and i'm scared to push it or brake his trust we've already come ineradicable far given it's his first week home. So i'm...
  25. Conures_r_cute

    My budgies mated... Help?

    So i have 2 budgies a male and female and they've been together for about 3 years. They've had a little enclosed hammock that I've seen the female use a lot but not the male and recently she's been picking at it and being really picky with any fluff in it. Last night my family witnessed them...
  26. C

    New budgie help? Watery poo

    Hello, I just got my new budgie Corvo a few days ago. He had a previous owner who never gave him any fruits or veggies. I've been trying to give him more, and he's started eating them finally. It looks like there's alot of water in there with his poo, and I was wondering if that was normal since...
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