
  1. S

    Brown head or Senegal?

    I am having a hard time deciding which to get (if I even find them). Background about my lifestyle, I'm a sahm, have a house, have a 2 and 4 year old (the parrot is for me but I need it to bond with the kids as well mainly the 4 year old as he is super gentle incase the parrot outlive me lol )...
  2. M

    Brown spot on male (?) budgie cere

    So I've had my male budgie for a while now. He's 2 and his cere changes from light blue/purplish to dark blue. A few weeks ago I took him to the vet for a runny nose and a dark spot that appeared on his cere. The vet treated for the runny nose and the cere was blue again. However, as I put him...
  3. M

    Budgie random brown spot on cere

    Hi! I have a boy budgie named kirby who is 2 years old. He woke up this morning with a runny nose, which has gone away with the help of a humidifier. However, I noticed that he has developed a tiny brown area on his otherwise blue cere. His droppings this morning were almost all white, then...
  4. Hotrod

    My sun conure has light brown poop

    Urgent! My bird has light brown poop I have had my sun conure almost two months. The food I give him is a mixture of seeds, pellets, fruits, nuts, and some dried flakey vegtables that I sprinkle on top of his food. I have read online that pellets make poop brown, but pellets aren't what he...
  5. M

    Potential illness?

    Hello! This is my first time posting here, so if I do this wrong I apologize. I need some advice concerning my green cheek/black cap hybrid, Cookie. As of a few days ago, the urine in her droppings changed color. The fecal matter is still green (sometimes brownish), and the urates are still...
  6. M

    Help: Senegal has Brown spots on beak

    Hey everyone, This is the first time I'm posting here. First time poster and first time parrot owner. My Senegal has peeling brown spots on its beak along with a brown spot on the front-middle of its beak. What could the problem be? I'm not sure if I should bring him (or her?) to the vet...
  7. M

    Help: Senegal has Brown spots on beak

    Hey everyone, This is the first time I'm posting here. First time poster and first time parrot owner. My Senegal has peeling brown spots on its beak along with a brown spot on the front-middle of its beak. What could the problem be? I'm not sure if I should bring him (or her?) to the vet...
  8. Shae

    Any Brown headed Parrots out there? Frank is lonely!

    It seems like they are the most ignored member or the Poicephalus family...I want to see pics of everyones BHPs! Poor Frank feels like the last of his species!:green2:
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