breeding box

  1. L

    Chicks dying with this bedding

    Hi everyone, I have cockatiel chicks dying a couple of days after hatching due to the wooden shaving bedding. The material keeps getting stuck in the chick's beaks and nostrils and they don't survive. What are the best low-dust wooden shaving materials that could be used in the cockatiel...
  2. D

    Egg laying

    Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. I have a question, my bird laid her first egg ever on Saturday (May 23) another on Tuesday (May 26) and the last one on Thursday (May 28). The problem is she has been laying her eggs in different places. She is not a caged bird. The first one was laid on my...
  3. M

    My budgies won't go inside of nesting box

    Hello bird-lovers ! I'm Mark, based in the UK. I was wondering if anyone could give me an advice to this. I've got a pair of budgies. Judging their behaviour they're more than ready to mate. Bobbing their heads, flying around each other, kissing, preening, male feeding the female etc. Two...
  4. T

    Breeding Box

    Hi, Could you kindly suggest a good breeding box for Eclectus please? Because on the net i'm seeing a good variety of boxes and each box is claimed to be the best :-( Regards, Etienne
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