
  1. Ouchthatsswordgrass

    Australian themed Aviary species list?

    Hi guys! I have been keeping a few smaller parrot breeds, and have finally began to build a large steel aviary 4m X 2m x 2m! I am thinking to keep an Australian native theme planted aviary (do neophema chew plants?) With finches, King quail, and neophema/bourkes as I have heard these parrots...
  2. GryphonHound

    Finding a Bourke Breeder

    I'm thinking of getting a Bourke soon but I can't find any breeders. All the ones that I have found online either stopped breeding 10 years ago or are a scam. Does anyone know any reliable breeders who ship and or are in the Midwest?
  3. B

    housing bourkes together

    Long story so I'll jump right in. I recently adopted a rosy bourke from petsmart through CNYSNAP, she is terrified of me. Ive had her almost two months and she still makes a hissing noise at me when I cover/ uncover her cage and when I change her food/water. She seemed pretty lonely so I started...
  4. K

    I am new here.. getting a Bourke's Parakeet soon

    Hi... I have put a deposit down on a Rosey Bourke's parakeet. It should be ready in about 2-3 weeks. I already have two cockatiels, a green cheek conure, black capped conure and quaker. Yet I feel like I know NOTHING about the Bourke's. Any one here own one that can give me any pointers? I read...
  5. ann

    Keeping aviary birds?

    hi! so i was looking into keeping aviary birds. i would like to keep bourkes parakeets in my back yard in a walk in aviary. i live in new york USA, and we have some harsh winters so should i bring them in in the winter? also i would like to keep them tame, so should i keep two females, or two...
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