Last August I brought home my baby girl Pipoca and she wasnt the biggest fan of me.. But she has warmed up to me immensely! She lets me hold her, pet her, and really all the bonding stuff! She gets super excited when i come home and will chase me down when i leave my room for a bit 🥲 Im...
Hello everyone, well this is my first post here on Parrot-Forums and I have a question(s) about pairing and/or separating already bonded lovebird pairs. In my case I was recently given the opportunity to care for two lovebirds of different species (a black-mask and a peach-face) after their...
I have a 28 yr. male and 24 yr. female, CAG's who were never friends but now I can't keep them apart. I don't want my CAG's to breed. We don't think they have bred yet but just caught them about to engage. (even out in public) We have not given them a private place or any privacy and all 7...
So yesterday I was given a pair of bonded caique brothers. They've been together since hatching, and are very close. They're 8 years old, and had to be rehomed because their original owner is moving into a much smaller house. Their previous living arrangement was in a room dedicated as an...
Hi everyone,
I recently purchased two Turquoise GCC named Pheobus and Thalia. Now, I have some experience with bird training and have tamed a few conures in my day but never have I had to train two bonded ones. These guys are almost a year old and they are siblings so they are completely bonded...
In April of 2011, I adopted a 7 yr female Timneh, who the previous owner creatively named, "Timi." Timi was purchased through a pet store as a youngster and placed into a cage with a wild caught Timneh named "Duke" for more than 5 years before the owner gave them to the shelter. Timi and Duke...
Thank you for taking a look. I am a 23 year old, 20 years ago my Father inherited a male hyacinth from his best friend who passed away. His name is Sam. During my childhood Sam was always affectionate towards most humans. With my sister and I who saw him weekly (divorced parents) we were able to...