body language

  1. C

    Entertaining a rescue eclectus

    Hello everyone! I Work as a volunteer in an animal shelter and I want to help a lonely eclectus female who has been living there for a year now. I dont have much bird experience, so it is very hard for me to read her Body language. I usually visit weekly or every other week and Talk to her...
  2. snubun

    What does a rapid clicking noise mean from a linnie parakeet?

    Hi guys! We adopted a linnie 3 days ago and she has been adjusting well, but i noticed she sometimes makes a rapid clicking noise and I can't tell whether its positive or negative. So far she has done it when my bf leaned over her cage, or while she was playing with her toy, and when she was...
  3. Midnightstarian

    Budgie body language question/itching?

    Hello i had ventured to the pet store to get my first bird a budgie I was told he is 8 weeks old and they had just got them in as a shipment. So my little budgie has been home for about Two days already he started chirping on occasion around the second day of him being home. When i go in to...
  4. E

    A quick question about Peanut, my Cockatoo

    I recently created a detailed thread on my experience with my first time ever cockatoo. In the thread I discussed that I was probably moving too fast letting him out his cage to explore the room he was in and having him go on my bed. This is a cockatoo that was very rarely out of cage due to...
  5. bostralian

    What does this body language mean? Sometimes I see my amazon "dancing". I've been told different things such as it means that he's 'excited' or 'wants attention', but can anyone confirm this? I notice he does this quite randomly. Thanks!:green::green:
  6. D

    Training with the visually impaired?

    My wife and I adopted two conures from a rescue, they're probably about 2 years old now. I've been having good luck clicker training them (they now step up onto my finger instead of biting it). My wife, on the other hand, is visually impaired and cannot read their body language - so she can't...
  7. S

    I know nothing... what's this mean, please?

    I am on a steep learning curve with my adopted birds. I search online and read info, but sometimes it doesn't seem to directly answer my question(s) so could somebody experienced please fill me in as to what this means/might mean? Firstly, my galah bites me, but it isn't like in the videos...
  8. R

    Body language

    I recently started a full-time babysitting job and the family has a pet macaw. I've never really been around birds before and I'm interested in a lot of her body language, and what it all means. The bird is named Lucy. She seems very protective of the family, she threatens to bite anyone that's...
  9. R

    Does my lovebird like it when I do this?

    I have an 8 month old peach-faced lovebird that I got yesterday. It got given around and went back to the pet shop, and was hand-fed, so it's already used to being handled. It doesn't like it when I reach for it, but when the door is left open, it jumps out and onto my shoulder. Sometimes I pet...
  10. Seppun

    Strange Body Language & Mixed Signals with Green Cheek Conure

    So, we've had Idris for a month now, and if anyone remembers my previous thread, we took her from a pretty abusive and neglectful home. I think we've made good speed in our progress with her, all things considered. She is around 6 months old, so I know we have a couple years to go in hormonal...
  11. suebee

    classic warning signals this morning i was up early and videoed nut, mostly to test the phone in the video, the language is so subtle, and there are times it can be missed, because of the mirror you can see the facial feathers, some times she will look at me with the...
  12. suebee

    angry nut

    well you know when you think everything is just goin spiffingly along???;) well i thought that was the case with nut, no more attacks just the random subborn nip:11: well this mornin she is for lack of a better words, very angry! she'd attacked me every chance she got, :eek: it ended with her...
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