blue fronted amazon

  1. B

    Looking for a blue-fronted amazon

    Hello People. I am from Bulgaria and i am looking to get a baby amazon parrot, maybe around 3-4 months old. The thing is in my country we don't have that many breeders who have amazon parrots. And i don't have from where to get a blue-fronted. I contacted a person on one facebook group for...
  2. Z

    What’s wrong with my parrot?

    Hello, I’m having an issue with my blue fronted Amazon. She’s under two years old and when I bought nelly(the parrot) she was eating an all seed diet. For the past two days I’ve changed her diet to Tops pellets and vegetables/chop in the evening. She interacting with pellets however I don’t...
  3. S

    PBFD - 8 years later and still kicking

    Hey guys, Haven't been on the forums for a long time as life kind of got in the way, but today I decided it was time for a long overdue status update (and some much needed optimism). I have a blue fronted amazon called Kobus. Born in 2009, we obtained him in 2013 from people who felt they had...
  4. Paco The Amazon

    Paco The Amazon

    Recently adopted Paco about a month ago im new here to the forum n had to share some pics of my precious feather baby
  5. T

    Chicago area - need to rehome 2 parrots

    1) I have a Goffins that we think is female and about 25-30 yrs old. She was my mother's bird and when my mother passed away several years ago my dad had her. He passed a way last July and we are not able to give her the attentions she needs. She wants to be held all the time and is very...
  6. Sweety - Blue Fronted Amazon

    Sweety - Blue Fronted Amazon

    Her and her sister Mattie (Congo Grey) are our children. Gorgeous birds and love to show them off. They have their own website with cams and all. (and yes the site is clean) Ck it out at
  7. Blue Fronted Amazon

    Blue Fronted Amazon

    Her and her sister Mattie (Congo Grey) are our children. Gorgeous birds and love to show them off. They have their own website with cams and all. (and yes the site is clean) Ck it out at
  8. Blue Fronted Amazon

    Blue Fronted Amazon

    Her and her sister Mattie (Congo Grey) are our children. Gorgeous birds and love to show them off. They have their own website with cams and all. (and yes the site is clean) Ck it out at
  9. Blue Fronted Amazon

    Blue Fronted Amazon

    Her and her sister Mattie (Congo Grey) are our children. Gorgeous birds and love to show them off. They have their own website with cams and all. (and yes the site is clean) Ck it out at
  10. kozykitty

    Hello from Maryland/Adopting 30 yr old BFA

    My name is Vicki and I'm gathering info as I'm hoping to adopt a blue fronted Amazon named Gloria. Gloria was with an elderly lady for 30 years and her person had to go into a nursing home. I met Gloria in a shop that raises birds and helps rehome them and something just clicked. I haven't...
  11. I

    do the feathers look ok on this blue-fronted amazon?

    Hi all, my friend knows someone who needs to give up a blue-fronted amazon for adoption. I am interested because the bird is adorable but I'm a bit worried because the tail feathers are split up and look a bit rough. Some pics: Is this normal, or the sign of an unhealthy or an old...
  12. L

    Hello! Newbie Here!

    Hi all! New bird owner here AND new to forums, eek! (I can hear the groans from here haha!). I'm using the term "owner" loosely as the Blue Fronted Amazon that lives with me actually belongs to my 25 yo daughter. She has a roommate situation and erratic work schedule so he stays with me until...
  13. M

    New Member, Mom of 2 Amazons

    I'm new, today, and finding myself around the site. We have a 20 year old and a new 3 year old. Looking forward to reading and sharing posts regarding feather babies. Very grateful to discover these forums for questions and answers! Thank you for having us join in :green: :greenyellow:
  14. A

    New Amazon Owner!

    So I'm new to this forum and big parrot ownership. I have a ten month old Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot -The cage is 32W X 23D X 40 something tall -The hatch date is May 11 2013 -I dont know is he/she is male or female Please share with me your stories, tips, tricks, whatever you have. I have...
  15. shellmel777

    Proud New Owner of Two Amazons

    Hello Everyone! My name is Shelley and as of yesterday my family is the proud new home for two beautiful Amazons. Rodney is a yellow-naped and BeBe (pronounced BeeBee) is a blue-fronted. Both are around 25-years old. I have always wanted birds but the time has never been right. We had a...
  16. K

    About me

    hi my name is Karen. I am the proud owner of a Blue Heded Amazon Parrot. I bought him when I was 13 .. He was just a few months old . I have now had him 48 years.. LOL His name is Charlie.. Lately he has started doing some strange things, that I would like your opinion on. So thank you in...
  17. RitaS

    Help with Aggressive Behaviour

    Hello! I'm new to this forum. I have had my blue fronted amazon (Norman) for almost 28 years. I am not really a bird person, but I love him dearly and I'm committed to him. We recently moved in with my partner and Norman has never dealt well with change. He has always been a somewhat...
  18. becky11192

    my BF amazon soaks himself when we vacuum?!

    Monty acts really strange when we vacuum around his cage. He makes lots of his usual noises like singing but then he starts dunking his head in his water bowl. He does not do this at any other time. He conpletely drenches his head and I don't know why! It doesn't usually seem to do him harm...
  19. A

    New Girl, Needs help with her blue fronted amazon and his anger problems.

    Hi, I'm Ayla. I'v never used a forum before so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. So maybe I should just get to the point. I have a blue fronted amazon named Jade. We have a very very love hate relationship. My dad got him when I was around 8ish. He was being abused by his previous owners...
  20. becky11192

    Hi, newbie seeking advice!

    Hi all, I have joined the forum to try and gather lots of info as me and my family might be taking on a blue fronted amazon. His name is Monty and he is 10 years old, his current owner can't keep him anymore due to his divorce. I'm trying to do lots of reading but just wondered if anyone had...
  21. Louie


    he loves to bathe in the hot weather well when the sun is shining he paddles in his drinking water and dips his head in
  22. Louie


  23. Louie


    ho does not hurt me
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