black capped conure

  1. F

    Trying to identify PBT and KXA WI leg bands

    Hi all, I have been searching off-and-on for my rescued conure's (black capped and crimson bellied) breeders ever since I adopted them 7 years ago. I've scoured the internet, made phone calls, sent e-mails...nothin'. I would love to know more about their history if anyone has any tips on these...
  2. Genieb03

    Cage Aggression Advice?

    I have two conures, a black capped named George (5M) and a green cheeked named Nova (2F). Genders are presumed. The Problem: -Nova is very aggressive. They live in a 7’ tall x 4’ wide x 2’ deep homemade cage. All materials are bird safe and have had zero issues with safety (aside from a light...
  3. Tapew0rrm

    I forgot to do an intro!!!! O:

    Whoah!!! I posted without even introducing myself here, haha, how rude!! Well!!! Lets get started ay? My name is Camille!!! I'm FtM, 24, kind of wayyy too friendly. I LOVE drawing, video games, and fish are one of my main autism “special interests”. You need to know a random fact about fish...
  4. M

    Black Capped Conure Bronzing or Stress Bars

    Hello! I am new to Parrot Forums. Happy to be a part of the community! I currently have a sweet little Black Capped Conure named Honeydew who is around 6 months old. For a little context she has seemed to start her first molt and is very itchy so she's constantly scratching herself, she is...
  5. WillowAndGingko

    black capped conure's strange coloring?

    I recently (about 4 days ago) got my new black capped conure Ginkgo who is about 5-6 months old and only after doing some more research I realized that my bird has an unusual amount of black feathers compared to every other photo of black caps I've seen on the internet. I've read that feather...
  6. Olive


    Black Capped Conure
  7. Olive


    Black Capped Conure, age 7
  8. Conureflock

    Can meds make parrots go bald?!

    Hi all, I have a black capped conure, really young (just turned 3 months old) had her about a month and last week my Hahns macaw bit her foot. After limping for 24 hours I took her to the vet and he said she’s broken her foot. He prescribed her antibiotics and anti inflammatory/pain meds...
  9. J

    URGENT: Free Black Capped Conure

    Hey All, I am a new member on this forum and specifically made this account to offer someone a free black capped conure. I own two green cheeked conures and have been recently visiting my neighborhood Petco in Scarsdale , NY (near Yonkers,NY). There I have seen a black capped conure on sale for...
  10. Conureflock

    Shy Conure - Need help taming

    Whilst I’m a new member, this isn’t the first time I’ve used this site for help! I have 2 conures, a pineapple whom I’ve had a few months now called Alby, she’s very tame and completely comfortable with me. I decided to get her (not sexed just decided she was a she!) a companion, not a cage...
  11. A

    Gender Test Results Came Back

    Alright guys. I recently had a vet visit about two weeks ago for all the fids. I decided to get a gender test for Warbeak since the pet store didn’t actually know if he was really a boy. Well, I finally got the call today. Turns out Warbeak can’t be saying “good boy” any more. He is actually a...
  12. A

    Updates on Warbeak

    Been a while since I’ve mentioned how Warbeak, the big green monster, is doing. Like stated above, he’s turned into a big green monster (but in an adorable way of course). He still freaks out any time I leave his sight when he’s not in his cage. I do my best to take him everywhere with me, but...
  13. H

    My Conure Now Hates Me... Advice?

    Hi There, Context of our bird situation - We have three birds, two conures, Tito and Susie, and an Indian Ring-neck, Ollie. They are all buddies, except Tito and Susie are housed together and have been for years, they are buds. Ollie has his own cage. Tito is about 3 1/2 yo, Susie 1 1/2yo and...
  14. A

    Toys for a conure...suggestions?

    Hello! We recently adopted a 13-year old black capped conure. She is really wonderful and almost potty trained, so thank you to her previous family for that! She's very active and inquisitive but so far is unimpressed by bird toys. We've got three in her cage right now and she avoids them. She...
  15. xTRIGx

    everyone say hello to Trip!

    this is my new baby.. my black capped conure, Trip.. we just picked him up today and he's already settled in so well, so cuddly and perfect :) sleeping on my chest under my tshirt :) even Zeph is ok with him, a little jealous, but i'm sure they'll get used to eachother
  16. xTRIGx

    yay, I'm getting a black capped conure!! now i have to think of a name :S

    my christmas present this year is a Black Capped Conure! i haven't got him yet, as he's not fully weaned with his breeder.. i can't wait.. but now comes the difficult task of picking a name :confused: i like the name Louie.. but my mum doesnt.. now i'm going through star trek character names...
  17. Dallas Eating

    Dallas Eating

    This is my Black Capped Conure Dallas enjoying some of his food after an afternoon nap.
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