
  1. Libbi24

    Biting eclectus ??

    Hi all, I posted recently about a cage size for an Ecelectus parrot I was adopting. But now I have another problem lol! For some context: pickles is (around )a five year old Ecelectus parrot. He was found outside of a hospital in London. He was malnourished, and he had lost nearly all of his...
  2. A

    How to deal with my parrots odd behavior

    Hi, so I recently posted a thread talking about my birds weird actions and the scare it was causing me. Luckily a nice person had explained to me that it could be hormones and my bird seeing me as a mate. As of recently my mom and brother left to travel and that might be one of the reasons for...
  3. Fauna

    How do you “shun” a bird for biting that can fly?

    *I’m posting this for a friend who currently doesn’t have access to this site. :)* I have a GCC named papaya and sometimes he bites. So I’ve been trying to do the shunning technique where you place them down in a safe spot but Every time I do he just flys to my shoulder. Second part to this is...
  4. G

    Sweet conure turned aggressive, help !

    I’ve had my green cheek conure for a couple years now and he is very bonded to me and sweet and cuddly, but recently he will randomly attack my face with extreme force, biting me hard and making me bleed. I am considering rehoming him if this can’t be fixed, because I leave him in his cage...
  5. Yeetsa

    New Bird Owner Looking For Advice

    Hello! My name is Aspen, and 4 days ago I purchased my very first bird, a cinnamon GCC named Cypress, whom I love very much already. However, due to my inexperience, I feel as though my bird has developed behavioral issues that need to be corrected. So, in this post, I will outline everything I...
  6. G

    My baby conure bites! Help!

    Hello! I just got a hand fed conure whose only a few months old. He is very cuddly and playful, was a bit skittish at first but now loves to cuddle into my hands and hop around my keyboard while I’m trying to work. That being said, he bites! Very hard too. I never flinch away since I don’t want...
  7. G

    Help!! Conure seeking out hand to bite

    Hi everyone! My male yellow sided green cheek has been so aggressive lately. He at random decides my hand is evil and will seek it out to attack! I've tried to read the signs as to what might upset him and why he might want to attack my hand at a certain time but it just seems to be random!! He...
  8. Ozzys

    very nippy 1 month old baby cockatiel

    Hi! so i recently started hand feeding a 1 month old white face cockatiel. everything is going great so far. but, the biggest issue i’m facing is biting. she/he bites me so hard it leaves me stunt for a few seconds. i don’t understand why because she already sees me as her “mom” she screams when...
  9. B

    Sudden Female Conure Aggression

    I rehomed my 10 year old rescue Conure Jake, about a year and a bit ago. When I first got her she was a little bit nippy with hands but would step up and loved a cuddle. Over the last 2-3 months she has suddenly become aggressive with not just me but everyone, going so far as to not take even...
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