bird death

  1. H

    My fault she’s gone

    She had just gotten hand tame, I could just finally pet her head and cheeks, and convince her to come to me. I accidentally left the heat off after turning it off to open the windows and air out the kitchen. She was in the warmest room in the house, but after I got the tiny bit of smoke (burnt...
  2. burdlova

    Question about liquid coming out of budgies mouth after death

    So my budgie passed away today and right before he passed this clear liquid came out of his beak, and even after he passed it was dripping out. It also came out of his nose and it just bothered me seeing that. I'm not sure if it was a digestive fluid or something but if you do know please let me...
  3. Dylan Longman

    My bird just died after only 1.5 years.

    My lovebird just died and he was only a year and a half old. I don’t know what to do, because he helped me during my darkest times and it’s not like if I get a new bird it’ll be exactly like him. He died from lead poisoning and I’m stupid for not realizing it earlier. I loved him so much, and...
  4. Comoriri

    How to keep your little one out of danger

    Now I'm not the most experienced bird owner, but I've owned multiple budgies in the past, and I think most can agree that parakeets are one of the most fragile birds. I'm not saying all birds aren't fragile- because they are. Birds are wonderful, smart, and clever little things who'll end up in...
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