bird bite

  1. S

    Bird Suddenly Attacking

    Hi All, I own a Black Capped Lory (Male). I have had him since he was 4 months old, purchased from a hand-reared breeder. He used to be very friendly with everyone but as he got older, he began to show aggression towards people he wasnt familiar with, where only I could handle him. When he was...
  2. Arjiope

    Should I go to the doctors for a bite?

    I am new to threads and forums, so pardon me! Im not sure if this post is in the right thread.. My cockatiel Niko bit me today because I was trying to put him (or her, gender in unknown) in his cage but he did not want to. :( He's a good bird, but when it is time for him to go in his cage he...
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